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Comments from Snoochies

Date Story title Comment
2010-06-04 08:50:37 that's why it says CHAPTER ONE at the top. it's a work in progress. it will be completed. this is the first installment of 8 finished and a 9th in progress.
2010-06-04 09:03:00 chapter 2 just submitted for validation should be up in about 3 days
2010-06-20 07:34:16 chapter 3 is submitted for validation. Sorry. but for those of you who don't know it takes about three days between "posting" a story and it actually showing up on the site.
2010-06-24 12:34:42 no worries. chapter four should be posted by tomorrow, hopefully. just takes a while to get through the validation period.
2011-03-26 10:33:40 Chapter 5 is pending... I'm so very sorry for the wait, everyone. It's been a very rough year for me. I hope you like it. Chapter Six is already in the works and I hope to get that up soon as well.