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My first story. Join me on my first day on the beautiful island of Gili Trawangan where a barbecue at the hostel escalates quickly. I had some help with the editing on this from a very kind fellow forum user who is the only reason I could get this posted so quickly, so thank you, you know who you are.
Firstly, let me introduce myself. My name is Chloe, although most of my friends call me Clo. I’m five foot, six inches tall with blonde hair that sits past my shoulders, and an expressive, yet cute face. My tits are proportionate, a perky c-cup, and my arse is full and toned with just a little bit of jiggle. You can check my photos on the forums for confirmation! People have often described me as having the innocent girl next door look, despite my innocence being extremely questionable at times. You join me two months after my twenty-second birthday, and a month into my travels.


The smell of the under-tuned diesel engines continued to irritate my lungs as we sped northwest across the Bali Sea. I checked my watch, roughly fifteen minutes still to go if the first officer's estimated arrival time was to be believed. Salty spray coated my face as I looked out over the side of the boat, our destination island now visible on the horizon. I smiled to myself, The Gili islands had quickly become one of my dream destinations, and here I was, approaching the main island on my second week in Asia - after starting my travels in Australia and neighbouring New Zealand.

The anticipation thrummed within me, mixing with the gentle hum of excitement that bubbled beneath my skin. As the boat cut lazily through the azure waters, I couldn't help but marvel at the vibrant hues of the ocean, each shade merging seamlessly into the next like strokes of a master painter's brush. The beauty simply took my breath away.

With the island growing closer, and its details coming into focus, a flicker of nostalgia washed over me. With my eyes feasting on the scenery I recalled the countless hours spent poring over travel blogs and Instagram feeds, each image of the Gili islands further igniting my desire to explore the magic firsthand. Now, with the boat entering the shallower waters as it drew nearer to the shoreline, I felt a surge of gratitude wash over me, grateful for the opportunity to explore this slice of paradise that had beckoned to me from across the globe.

The boat slowed to a gentle sway and the passengers stirred from their slumbers, ready to disembark. I gathered my belongings, my backpack’s weight a familiar comfort against my shoulders. Stepping onto the weathered wooden dock, I inhaled deeply, the salty tang of the sea mingling with the earthy scent of the island's foliage.

The makeshift-looking port was alive with activity. Fishermen prepared their boats for the night's fishing, hawkers showed their wares and locals offered the service of mules to help with heavy luggage and transport for the island's new arrivals. With my bag clipped at the front, easing the load, I double-checked my heading and set off.

Navigating through the throng of fellow travellers, I made my way along the sandy path that circumnavigated the island. Colourful hostels, vibrant bars and simple restaurants lined the path, each adding its individual personality to the island's relaxed feel. I walked with a beaming smile, despite only seeing a small part, and experiencing none of it fully, Gili Trawangan was already a highlight of my travels.

With the sun slowly fading in the late afternoon, I found myself drawn to the shoreline. Kicking off my sandals, and clipping them to my pack, I ventured off the main path and onto the beach. The sand was hot beneath my bare feet, almost too hot, the gentle lull of the waves cooling the string each time they washed playfully over my toes.

Sweat glistened on my bronzed skin as I followed the shore northwards, my senses alive with heady smells, sounds and sights. Checking my phone I saw I’d walked too far, passing the hostel’s road a short while back. The island was small, but I hadn’t expected my base for the next few nights to be so close to the port area - even with my extensive research.

The Broken Compass Hostel was a sight to behold. A curved pool dominated the central space with tastefully weathered tiki huts and pergolas offering communal seating areas and respite from the sun. Clusters of bean bag loungers and colourful chairs dotted the outdoor space giving guests various places to go when wanting some alone time or to break away into smaller groups. For £10 a day, I was overwhelmed by what was on offer.

My room was a coed dorm with access to a shared bathroom. Everything was spotlessly clean and recently renovated. Despite offering occupancy for up to four guests, my only other roommate was a lovely South African girl called Charlize.

Charlize welcomed me to the shared space with a hug, her affection and vibrant personality immediately putting me at ease. She even took the time to show me how my personal locker worked and helped me with the provided charging banks, a small kindness that warmed my heart.

With my belongings stowed, and a towel and toiletry bag in hand, I headed to the bathroom to freshen up, relishing the cool rejuvenation of tepid water on sun-kissed skin. I shaved, everywhere, something I did every time I showered. I hated stubble and always felt most confident when soft and silky after shaving, so it had become routine.

Dried off and back in my shared room, I ditched my travel-worn clothes, swapping into a somewhat risque, black bikini with a crochet-knit, long-sleeve, dress over the top. Perfecting my makeup, and shaking out my hair, I headed out into the bustling activity with my new South African friend.

It was barbecue night at the hostel, a weekly event they hosted to bring guests together. Charlize led me to the pool area where the staff expertly grilled a colourful array of Indonesian skewers, light smoke rising from the grill and carrying the delicious aromas to our noses. I took them in, salivating at the thought of trying the ***********ion.

The atmosphere was vibrant. The light from the red setting sun combined beautifully with twinkling string lights to illuminate the area in a casual yet intimate hue. The space was buzzing, filled with the laughter and chatter of fellow travellers. Charlize and I grabbed a beer each from the cute bartender, a dimpled smile lighting up his face when we thanked him, before heading into the crowd. My new friend dragged me around the pool and over to a group of lads lounging on a mismatched set of bean bags and chairs, sipping beers and joking around.

Charlize introduced me to the Australian backpackers. The lads were all very handsome and had a welcoming, easygoing vibe. Tom, with his flowing blonde hair and laid-back demeanour, grabbed a couple of extra seats and arranged them in the circle allowing us to join them. Liam, Jack, and Matt introduced themselves further, sharing stories of their recent travel adventures.

As we sat together, enjoying various drinks and the otherworldly flavours of satay, grilled fish, and spicy sambal, the conversation flowed effortlessly. Liam teased Jack about his latest misadventure in Bali, while Matt enthusiastically recommended some must-try activities for my stay on the island.

Before I knew it three hours had passed and the staff were packing away. It was dark now, the night sky a canopy of stars, broken only by the flashing lights of transmitting planes. The alcohol had taken root leaving me perfectly tipsy, my favourite state, a state that heightened my sex drive and made me acutely aware of how attractive the group of Aussie football players were.

Tom and Jack appeared with a bucket of beers, placing them in the middle so everyone could help themselves.

“Last orders,” Jack said, pulling a wet bottle from the bucket and cracking it open with his teeth. “Thought we’d get these in whilst we could.”

I thanked them with a shy, almost embarrassed smile, fully aware I’d bought just one round all evening. The lads clapped each over on the back in thanks and shortly after the bucket arrived everyone was tucking in, sipping on a crisp Bintang.

Charlize excused herself shortly after, citing an early morning scuba lesson that sounded cool, leaving me with the four lads, drinking and laughing away. The other guests at the barbecue had filtered away, heading back to rooms or out into the beach clubs, meaning the entire garden and pool area was ours alone.

“Do you like to party?” Tom asked after the beer supply had dried up, pulling a small clear bag from his pocket and holding it up.

The contents were obvious, cocaine or something similar. It had been a while since I’d done drugs, but I wasn’t against it - I just had to be in the right place to appreciate the buzz.

“I’m open,” I said, knowing this was the exact type of place and night that could use a little added fun. As the words left my lips I noticed the double meaning, not entirely sure if I’d left it there on purpose or not.

With the bag’s contents equally distributed, everyone sat back for a moment studying one another, sniffing and scratching their noses without much thought to how it looked. Waiting for the drugs to kick in we continued to play our drinking game, a silly game called Fives, where each round has one obvious winner and one loser. The normal rules had the loser drinking a large gulp of their beer, but with the alcohol gone - forfeits were introduced.

The forfeits started tame enough, but as the drugs entered systems at varying paces things ramped up a notch.

“Fuck,” Liam shouted as he lost yet another round, “that’s three in a row.”

“Skinny dipping,” Tom said with a chuckle, pointing to the pool.

“You bastard,” Liam said in good nature, before stripping his vest off to reveal a toned chest and defined abs.

I flushed as I eyed his body, enjoying the sculpted muscle and tight flesh. He wrestled his board shorts down, one hand cupping his modesty. He covered himself as best he could, but it was obvious from the position of his hand that he was fairly well endowed.

Cupping himself, he ran across the lawn and bombed into the water - the flex of his rigid arse causing heat to pool between my legs. I watched him play in the water, trying to splash us all, my mind wandering off to darker places when catching glimpses of his strong, muscular form.

Somewhat dried off, clothes back on and seated again, he kicked off the next round. The drugs, the heat, and the attention of four hot men were taking their toll on me. It was a dangerous combination that made me bold. I was being suggestive, outwardly flirty, and loving the way I felt with my senses heightened. So lost in my thoughts for a moment, the games passed me by and I lost the round.

“Take the dress off,” Jack said, his eyes burning into mine, our constricted pupils locked to one another’s.

My mouth dried, the moisture suddenly elsewhere, a primal response to his dominant tone and command. I stood, helped up from my chair by a strong hand. With a moment's pause, enough time to swallow but nothing more, I pulled the hem of my dress upwards, peeling it off over my head.

The boys whistled when I dropped the dress on Charlize’s vacant bean bag and gave them a little twirl. The bikini left behind didn’t hide much, and immediately my skin heated as eight eyes roamed my golden skin. The men were thorough in their assessment, I had no doubt that every millimetre of my exposed flesh had been seen and noted.

I adjusted my bikini top, noticing my nipple threatening to peak over the small triangle of fabric protecting it. The men continued to eye me, Tom adjusting himself down below, a reaction to me that had a wicked smile pulling at my lips.

I sat back down, casually adjusting my bikini bottoms, and the game continued. The boys were a little distracted, allowing me to take advantage of quick guesses to catch them out, winning me my first round since forfeits had been introduced. I pondered forfeits as the boys continued until a loser was decided, struggling to think of anything decent that wasn’t too savage. Eventually, I told the loser, Jack, to strip and turn all of his clothes inside out, before putting them back on. Flip-flops, or thongs as the boys called them, had to go on opposite feet.

“Fucking hell,” he laughed. “I’m going to have to try and hide a semi here boys,” he added, his head rising and falling in a small nod to me.

With laughter erupting around him, Jack tried his best to turn his shorts inside out single-handedly, his other hand occupied with covering his modesty. After frustrating failure after frustrating failure, he gave up and used both hands, giving me a full-on front view. His cock was indeed stirred to life, sitting forward from where it would normally hang. I eyed it shamelessly, he had a good-looking penis and my pulse quickened in response to it. Noticing me looking, he gave me a cheeky wink before tucking himself into his reversed swim shorts.

With Liam redressed, looking like the victim of a fashion hate crime, the next round commenced. It was my turn to be distracted, the drugs were failing to stimulate my brain and instead sending all of their power to my lower belly and clenched thighs. A forfeit for me was inevitable, I accepted my fate.

“Give me a lap dance,” Tom said with a shit-eating grin.

“If that’s what you want,” I said, noticing the butterflies in my stomach further stir at the thought.

I could dance, in fact, my sister and I used to compete nationally before COVID killed the scene for us, so this would be light work. With music I vaguely recognised playing from a phone to encourage me, I stood, straddled his lap facing away from him, and began to move.

I lost myself in the music, gyrating my hips and twerking my arse for him. His hands were on my hips, holding my overheated flesh and sending tingles up my spine. Lowering, I grazed my arse over his crotch, finding him hard as iron. More arousal coated my bikini bottoms, my body responding to his thick erection.

Nestling his shaft between my arse cheeks I rolled my hips, massaging his impressive package with teasing pressure. Something like a snarl vibrated from his lips as I dragged the crease of my arse along his cock.

I turned, my body still moving in time with the music. Despite the cocaine his pupils were dilated, his need obvious in the way he eyed me. His tongue darted out a fraction to wet his lips as I straddled him again, facing him this time.

Behind and off to the sides the other guys whistled and offered encouragement as I mounted their friend. My heart pounded in my chest as I nestled my overheated, wet crotch on Tom’s thigh. The pressure of his flexing muscle against my swollen, sensitive pussy, had me swallowing a sharp inhalation of air.

The next thirty seconds happened in a blur. Before I knew what was happening my lips were on his as his hands had moved to my chest and pulled my tits free of my bikini. I groaned into his mouth as he rolled my pebbled nipples, a simple thing that drove me crazy.

My bikini top was untied and completely discarded before our hands went to each other's lower swimwear. Tom untied my bikini bottoms on both sides and tugged them from beneath me, the black fabric stained with my wetness.

I was naked on this guy's lap, a practical stranger, whilst three of his friends looked on, all watching the scene in front of them unfold. My brain wasn’t processing that though, the drugs had taken care of every inhibition I may have otherwise had, whilst also serving to heighten my lust. I needed him inside me, I’d never needed sex more.

I wrestled with his swim shorts frantically. Thankfully they featured a popper and a zip allowing me to reach in and free his meaty cock without the need to lower them. His hot flesh twitched in my hand as I gently squeezed his cock whilst directing it to exactly where it was needed. Then, he was sliding into me, my pussy stretching around his gorgeous cock as inch after inch pushed inside. He was so thick and long, his cock forcing me to moan into his mouth as I lowered myself.

I stopped as my arse met his thighs and my sensitive lip pressed into his neatly trimmed pubes, signalling I’d taken him completely. I was thankful for that, his cockhead was so close to grazing my limit. He filled me fully, perfectly.

Tom pulled off my lips, each of our mouths glistening with saliva. We had been messy, but I didn’t care. “So tight,” he growled, his teeth grinding.

I clenched around him, squeezing his shaft, an action that made him gasp as he drew a sharp breath. His cock jerked inside me, a response I knew to signal a man’s enjoyment, his untamed pleasure.

Faintly aware of activity from the other three guys I relaxed my core muscles and began to ride Tom's thick erection. He helped me, his hands moving under my arse to lift and lower me on his cock. He led the pace, slowly pushing me to take him faster and faster. After no time at all I was riding him in a frenzy, my ears burning with the sound of my wet pussy, slapping flesh and unhinged groans.

He felt so good inside me, his cock the perfect size. His flared head delivered too, rubbing over THAT spot each time it slid in, causing the familiar tingles of a building orgasm to collect in my gut.

“I can’t last long,” he told me, words that came out pained and laced with disappointment. “Where should I cum?”

“My, mouth,” I told him through staggered breaths, wanting to taste him. Saliva building at the thought. “Tell, me, when.”

We carried on for another ten seconds before he signalled his impending explosion. With help from his strong hands, I climbed off his cock and knelt before him. He was soaked, coated in a slimy layer of my clear fluid. I eyed him for a moment, seeing his dick twitch restlessly. Not wanting to miss his orgasm I took him in hand and pulled him into my mouth.

The taste of our sex coated my tastebuds, salty and tangy combining in a way I loved. I pumped the thick root of his cock as I sucked the tip, driving him to the edge. As I sucked Tom towards his much-needed release another of the boys knelt behind me, lifted my arse a little and guided himself into me.

I groaned, vibrating around Tom’s cock, as another thick erection penetrated me. He wasn’t as long as Tom, bottoming out before threatening my limit, but he was easily as thick, possibly more so.

“You’re so wet,” the lad in my pussy groaned, a voice I recognised as Matt.

I would have replied, but the cock in my mouth deserved my full attention. I swirled my tongue around the underside of his shaft unleashing his orgasm, as the cock in my pussy began to move. Tom swelled in my mouth, jerking involuntarily as his seamen shot up his shaft. With hands in my hair, holding me in place, he bucked through his release. The familiar salty, swimming pool-like taste hit me as the first jet of tongue coated my tonsils. He sounded like a wounded animal as he came, shooting spurt after hot spurt of his cum into my mouth. I swallowed twice during his orgasm, unable to wait until the end with the volume he was producing - his release was clearly overdue.

After nearly ten slowly diminishing spurts his cock softened and I let him slip from my mouth with a final swallow. Tom looked down at me as his friend pounded into me from behind, the ridge on the underside of his cock softly pressing into my g-spot building on the tingles Tom’s had started.

I closed my eyes for a moment and focused on that feeling when Jack pushed Tom out of his chair and took his place. Her lowered his inside-out shorts to his ankles and pushed his now fully erect cock towards me. He was as long as Tom, just not as thick, instead his cock had a wicked upward curve that screamed intense missionary orgasm! I took him in hand and guided him to my mouth as the guy in my pussy slowed his pace to take a breather, his lounges heaving in oxygen at a painful-sounding cadence.

I sucked on Jack's pretty cock, savouring the musk of his precum and the overall responsiveness of his erection. It was easy to tell what he enjoyed, his cock twitching and throbbing each time I did something he favoured! His favourite thing was having the underside of his head licked, so I did that a lot, rocking my tongue from side to side along the crease where his cockhead met his shaft.

With the pace of my doggy-style fucking slowing further, my potential orgasm faded. Thankfully, Matt asked Jack if he wanted to swap, and Jack agreed without hesitation.

I took the opportunity to change position, wanting Jack to fuck me missionary, and with any luck he’d push my legs up to my shoulders and really use that curved cock to its full potential.

Twisting my head to the side I sucked Matt's wet cock into my mouth, tasting myself for the second time, our joint twang and his thickness making me drool. Jack knelt between my spread thighs and fed his bent cock into me, the upwards curve doing exactly what I expected - sliding over my fleshy bump with delicious pressure.

Grabbing my legs just above the knee joint he pressed me down into the beanbag lounger, his cock sinking deeper and ever so lightly touching my internal wall. I let out a stifled moan, the cock in my mouth absorbing some of the sound, a vibration that had him swelling.

The thickening of his cock signaled his release and a moment later my mouth was flooded with a second load of Australian cum. Jack was patient, holding almost still inside me as I swallowed his friend’s orgasm, only truly beginning to move when Matt pulled out of my mouth and moved away.

With my eyes now on him, Jack started thrusting, pounding me into the bean bag with each long, hard pump of his hips. The curve of his cock was giving me what I needed, sliding against my sensitive insides torturously well.

I covered my face with my arm as my orgasm built, conscious of how I would look coming undone in front of four men.

“Right there,” I panted, letting him know his work was perfect.

Jack carried on, fucking me hard and fast. The outdoor space echoed with my moans, his grunts and the sound of wet flesh slapping. I held my breath, so close to the edge, before exhaling as my orgasm crashed into me, hitting me like a train.

I wailed through a coke-heightened orgasm that had my toes curling and my vision blurring. Open or closed the stars of the night sky were the same, it was all I could see. I was contracting and gushing around him, my whole body trembling, but he carried on thrusting into me. He was so good, so effective with that curved cock.

He fucked me through my first climax and into a second one, the two rolling together with only a minor lull in between. The orgasms only faded when he finally pulled out of me, my entrance trembling around the sudden emptiness. I looked down at him and watched him pump his glistening rod with his hand before it exploded in orgasm, thick ropes of cum coating my chest and stomach.

Jack came with a heavy growl, milking himself over me as I panted, trying to recover. It was so hot, the sight of his pleasure heating me despite still being in a post-orgasmic bliss. He was cumming like that because of me, I thought. I focused on him, and the burning sensation of his hot cum on my skin as he relieved himself. His flow waned, and he slowly softened he scooched forward to deposit the last dribble of cum into my belly button, wiping the tip against my sweat-soaked midriff.

I lay there panting as he shuffled away, my legs falling heavily without his strong frame holding them in place. I focused on my breathing for a moment, trying to compose myself. Before I had things under control though, a Naked Liam was spreading my legs and adjusting me to his liking.

“You have such a pretty pussy,” he cooed, his thumb exploring my reddened lips, before reaching my clit. I shuddered as he lightly rolled the pad across my little bud, still sensitive from my recent climax.

After teasing me for a while he gripped his cock and placed it at my still-quaking entrance. He held it there for a while, his long, thick dick just waiting. I rolled my arse, forcing the tip inside of me, wanting the penetration. He understood and quickly drove the rest of his offering into me, forcing the air from my lungs.

I held my legs for him, pulling them up behind my thighs to give him greater access. He obliged me by lengthening his thrusts, driving each delicious inch through my silky core. Liam didn’t last long, clearly watching me get fucked three times over had him on the edge before he’d even started.

“Where?” he asked through gritted teeth, his cock swelling.

“Anywhere,” I panted. “I’m on the pill,” I added, letting him know he didn’t have to pull out if he didn’t want to.

His face contorted into a clenched smile, and with two more thrusts, he buried himself deep and came inside me. A guttural moan pierced the air as he shot his hot load into me. His cock twitched rhythmically, depositing a large load. I loved the feeling of a man cumming inside of me, and if I hadn't already experienced a mind-altering orgasm I would have rubbed my clit and joined his release. Instead, I left him to it, watching him cum undone whilst buried inside my well fucked pussy.

With all five of us tired and sated we dressed in silence, cum leaking from my pussy and down my thigh. The boys bid me good night, quite awkwardly, and before I could process the night's events I was back in my room, silently getting into my bunk ensuring I didn’t disturb Charlize.

With the familiar late-night hum of a popular hostel in my ears creating a soothing lullaby, and the heat of recent sex still warming my insides and coating my thighs, I closed my eyes and let myself drift into a deep sleep.


Thank you for reading, I truly hope you enjoyed this story as much as I enjoyed the experience firsthand. If you liked my story, please leave a positive rating and any comments you may have. If not, I would appreciate constructive criticism instead of an anonymous negative rating, thank you.
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