This is chapter 1 of a planned collection of stories with a time freeze theme. Hope you enjoy!
I didn’t want to go to prom but my mom kept trying to convince me otherwise. She kept saying that it was my last ever prom before I graduate and go off to university and that I should take one last chance to enjoy it. I finally caved in when my only two friends said that they were going. Normally we’d spend the evening together, playing video games, watching movies, and eating junk food. Now I’m stood in front of my bedroom mirror wearing a suit. I’m kind of surprised by how good I look. I mean, it’s not as if I don’t workout, but normally I wear old jeans and hoodies. I give myself one last look over before heading downstairs.
“Oh wow! You look so handsome.” My mom gushes, pulling me into a hug. “Oh gosh. Wait here a second. I’ve got something for you.” She turns and bustles off into the living room, returning a few moments later with something in her hand.
“Here, wear this. It was your grandfather’s favourite.” She says, handing me a wristwatch. “He always told me he got it during the war and that it saved his life. Don’t ask me how though.”
“Thanks. My friends are here now so I best get going.” I say, pocketing the watch and giving her a hug before going out to the waiting car.
The prom is at the school’s main hall and it’s exactly how I imagined it. The cheer squad have spent the day decorating the hall with brightly coloured balloons, banners, and streamers. A large disco ball is hanging in the middle of the room and multicoloured lights bounce around the room. The music is loud it’s like a deafening wall as soon as I enter, completely drowning out the voices of my friends. I grab a glass of punch from a table by the door and make my way towards an empty table lined along the walls. I sit down and the music suddenly stops.
“Hello everyone. Welcome to prom!” I look around and see the headmistress, Miss Atwall stood on the stage, a microphone in her hand. “I hope everyone has a great night.” She begins going into a long speech but I zone out, more interested with the watch my mom had given me. It’s nothing special, just a simple clockface in a silver case with worn black leather straps. I slip it on my wrist and begin fiddling with the dials on the side, trying to get the time set properly.
When I look back up something is wrong. Miss Atwall is still stood on the stage but is no longer moving. I look around the room and everyone else is the same, not a single person is moving. That’s when I notice the candle in the middle of the table. Just moments before it had been flickering and stuttering in its holder, but now it is perfectly still. I look down at the watch on my wrist and seen it has changed. The simple clockface has been replaced with what looks like a stopwatch, counting down from an hour. I press the little button on the side of the watch and I’m suddenly hit with a cacophony of noise. Miss Atwall is talking about how proud she is with us graduating and wishing us luck with our futures. I look at my friends and the surrounding tables but no one seems to have noticed anything. I look back down at the watch and press the button for the third time. All sound has stopped and every single person is frozen in place. My watch says I have 55 minutes before the timer runs out, plenty of time to do some tests and have some fun.
I start by simply walking around, moving between the tables. There’s the table full of jocks, each one only able to graduate because of their sports scholarships. The next table is full of the cheer squad, the girls too pretty to ever date someone like me. I turn away from the cheerleaders and back to the jocks. Sat in the middle of the group is George, the leader of the group. Unlike every other guy in here, he’s not wearing a full suit. Instead, he’s only wearing suit pants and a blazer, the bare skin of his chest clearly visible underneath. He looks like an absolute twat. In the middle of the table is a large jug, filled to the brim with water. I pick it and move round so I’m stood directly behind him. I tip the jug upside down over his head. The water falls, slowing to a stop as it gets further and further away from the jug. Stepping back, I admire the odd site. The cascading water hovers just a few inches of George’s head, frozen in time just like everything else. I smile and head back to my table, taking my seat and staring at George as I press the button on my watch one more time.
The water crashes down on George’s head. Those sat around him yell in shock as he jumps up, cursing loudly.
“George! Stop messing around. Go get yourself cleaned up and put your shirt back on.” Snaps Miss Atwall, glaring at George as he runs off to the toilets. Everybody is laughing and talking loudly, too busy discussing what happened to listen to Miss Atwall. After a couple of tries to get everyone to calm down she gives up and makes her way off the stage, nodding at the DJ who starts up the music again.
The dance floor quickly fills and I begin thinking about what to do next with my new found gift. I stop time and all falls quiet again. I glance at the watch and see I have 45 minutes this time. I knew there was only 30 minutes left when I un-paused time last time so in the 5 minutes between time stops it must have recharged somehow. Looking around I spot Millie by the drinks table, a couple of full cups in each hand. I have had a crush on Millie for as long as I can remember and tonight, she looks absolutely stunning. She’s wearing a pink strapless dress, the top made from intricate lace that pushes up her small but perky tits. The skirt of the dress reaches the floor and a slit up the left side allows me to get occasional glimpses of her slender legs. Her usually dark curly hair is twisted up in a braided bun. I move behind her and tentatively touch one of her slender shoulders. Nothing happens. I go for a more aggressive approach, grabbing her toned ass with both hands. Still nothing happens, except for the huge boner growing in my pants.
“You are getting me so hard.” I whisper into her ear before kissing her neck. I then unzip the back of her dress and move around in front of her, taking the drinks from her hands and putting them back on the table. I grab the front of her dress and yank it down, pulling it completely off her.
Her naked body is just as perfect as I imagined it. Well, almost naked. A pink thong barely covers her pussy. I look into her hazel green eyes as I lean in and kiss her on the lips.
“That was our first kiss.” I tell her as I move down towards her chest. Her tits are at least a C-cup and they feel amazing as I massage them in both hands. Her round nipples poke out and I take turn sucking on them. After a short while my hands move down over her body and slowly pull down her thong. I crouch down and look up at her pussy. It is a thing of beauty, perfect in every way, including the short thin strip of hair just above it.
“I’m so glad you’re going to be my first.” I say as I stand back up and move behind her. Her body is surprisingly malleable, like a doll or a mannequin. This makes it easy for me to bend her over the drinks table and spread her legs so she’s in a perfect fucking position.
My cock springs out of my pants as I pull them down, all 8 inches fully erect. My hands are shaking with anticipation as I grab her waist and press the tip of my cock against her pussy. She’s tight, her pussy squeezes my cock as I slowly push it inside her. I tighten my grip on her waist as I begin moving my hips back and forth, thrusting in and out. It feels amazing. My cock slides in and out of Millie’s pussy as I continue my rhythmic thrusting, my hands reaching around underneath her to grab her tits.
“Fuck yes!” I cry out as my cock explodes inside her, cum shooting from it like a hose. I know I shouldn’t have done it, that I should have pulled out, but in the moment I didn’t care. Filling Millie with my cum was the most amazing feeling I have ever had. I slowly pull out and then pull up my pants before pocketing Millie’s thong. I then slip her dress back on, giving each of her tits one last kiss before zipping up the top. It takes me a few minutes to get her back into her original position as I couldn’t quite remember exactly how she was stood. Once I was happy, I moved back a way and glance down at my watch. 32 minutes left.
Miss Atwall is stood to one side of the room with her back to me. She’s in her mid-40’s and is definitely a Milf. She normally struts around the school in a stereotypical sexy headmistress outfit, tight white blouse, black pencil skirt, and black stockings. There are always a few lewd comments wherever she goes, even more so if she bends over to unknowingly flaunt her large tits and ass. But tonight, she’s wearing an elegant purple dress with an open back. I approach her from behind and place my hands on her waist as I kiss her neck. My fingers slip underneath the fabric of her dress and grab her tits. They feel completely different from Millie’s. Hers where small and firm but Miss Atwall’s are huge and soft. They bounce and jiggle as I play with them, her hard nipples poking out between my fingers. I keep playing with them for a few minutes before pulling off her dress.
“That is one tight Milf body.” I say, stepping back to get a quick look at her. I then lay her down on her back, her legs spread wide to reveal her smooth pussy. I pull out my cock and kneel down between her legs, pulling her towards me. I thrust forward and my cock slides effortlessly in her pussy. Clearly the years of been fucked by her husband and giving birth to her three children had loosened her up. Not that I cared. I was two busy pounding her as hard as I can whilst sucking on her tits.
I last a little longer this time, thrusting in and out until my cock explodes inside her. I slowly pull out and watch as my cum trickles out her pussy before freezing in place. I then redress her, standing her back in the same position. Before I leave her, I give her ass a hard slap, my hand leaving an imprint on her plump cheek. I make my way back to my seat and sit down as I press the button to restart time. The eerie quietness is immediately replaced with deafening music. I was watching Miss Atwall as time resumed and saw her jump in surprise, her hand flying to where I had slapped her. She looks around and adjusts her dress, a confused look on her face. I turn my attention Millie and see her join up with her friends, handing each of them a cup before hurriedly making her way towards the toilets. I smile as I look around the room, thinking about all the things I could to do to the girls. But first, I have to wait for the watch to recharge a bit.
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