Dinner grand finale orgy and clues about the pods.
Almost nothing could be hotter than watching a woman come on his cock. Even for a typical, everyday, regular orgasm. He had always loved seeing it, feeling it, and hearing it. But it had never been quite like this. It was just on another level to watch a woman have what was clearly by far the most mind-blowing, earth-shattering orgasm of her life as she rode him. The stunned amazed wonder in her eyes, the way her whole body would express it, stretching, quivering, shaking, clenching, writhing. And the sounds. Oh my god, the sounds. Each time different, each time just absurdly sexy. Gasps, moans, grunts, screams. It was always unique, different, and special each time, no matter how many times he saw it.
Almost nothing could be hotter than that initial penetration of a new pussy. That conquest of a new gorgeous body. That powerful moment of connection, becoming one with her. The far-away look in her eyes as she adjusted to feeling stretched and filled. Before a few days ago he had experienced that only a few times in his life, each time still vividly burned in his memory. What a rush, what a powerful moment it had always been. Now, despite doing it two hundred times on this trip, he was in no way used to it. It was somehow even hotter now, just unbelievably sexy, every single time. Partly because now it came with unbelievably intense added pleasure. Every millimeter of that initial penetration felt just insanely, impossibly good, both for him and for them, and their stunned, amazed reactions to that pleasure were almost the best part. And also because they had all been strangers so recently. That made it even sexier, somehow. The power of it. The intoxicating certainty that he could have anyone he wanted. Just on a whim, any stranger could be his. And most of all, because they were all just fucking goddesses, gorgeous, ridiculously sexy goddesses that he or his devoted followers had carefully ***********ed. Each conquest was so fucking hot. There was nothing repetitive about it, no matter how many times he did it.
And he had to admit now that almost nothing could be hotter than knowing he was making a baby. Not just thinking maybe he was. Risking it had always been a guilty pleasure, for sure, even if he'd never been comfortable admitting that to himself. But risking it had always come with inevitable distracting thoughts of unwanted consequences. But this, this was completely different. Knowing he was planting his seed in a hyper-fertile womb was so fucking hot. Knowing this beautiful amazing woman would make his baby, and that she wanted it more than she had ever wanted anything before. Knowing he was about to combine his DNA with hers. That his offspring would inherit something from the perfect DNA of whichever unbelievably sexy goddess he was about to blast his seed into. And that his offspring would have her as their devoted, wonderful mother, not to mention a generous trust fund for all their financial needs. And knowing that it would fill her with joy and purpose, and that she wouldn't ever regret it for a second. And on top of all that, knowing that it would be so miraculous for her that it would transform her into a fanatic, obsessed with recruiting other goddesses for him to knock up. Deep down, despite the little twinges of guilt it still caused him, it was just so fucking hot to spread his DNA like this. And to spread it so fucking much. Hundreds of times now. And it still hit him so hard every time. Deep down, he fucking loved it.
Those three things were each, on their own, so absurdly hot that it seemed impossible for anything to top them. But all three together in one moment? It was indescribable. Unforgettable. Utterly addictive. Jim could not get enough of it. The first time he'd combined those three had been tonight, really just minutes ago, although it felt a lot longer because time seemed to slow down so much each time he did it. That first time had been with Sejal, that lovely Indian professor. He had been looking forward to her so much. That lovely dark smooth skin, those sexy curves, and above all those eyes, those intense sparkling eyes that just radiated intelligence, wisdom, confidence, and competence. And she was so close to the most epic climax. Chenguang had been holding her on the edge, preparing her for him.
And then both Chenguang and Chao-Xing had gone to work on her, driving her wild with their perfect, magic touch as she slowly impaled herself on his shaft for the first time. God, what a conquest, what incredible pleasure. She was coming already before she was halfway down, gloriously, powerfully, loudly, and it just went on and on as she sensuously rode him. And she was so fertile. And she would be such an amazing mother. There was no reason to wait. He gave up on any pretense of holding back and having more time with her and just let fly, blasting his potent seed into her fertile womb.
And in that perfect, glorious moment, he was addicted. He was fully hooked on this new combination, and his helpers were too. Chenguang and Chao-Xing fucking loved it. As always they understood what he wanted. He didn't have to tell them what to do. While he alternated between fucking some of his favorite girls he had set aside, his helpers would work to get the next new girls in line ready to have the greatest orgasm of their lives. Then they'd bring a new girl to him, or sometimes two or three at a time, and he'd have that impossibly powerful moment again, watching her thrash her way through an overwhelming, shattering climax during that glorious first moment of conquest, and within a few strokes he was joining her, knocking her up.
He had done it nineteen times already. Nineteen of those impossibly perfect moments, each unique, each so fucking wildly hot, resulting in nineteen newly expectant mothers of his babies. He had managed to hold back in five other new conquests, adding them to his favorites.
And it wasn't getting old. He wasn't used to it. Just the opposite. The joy just kept building. Going so fast like this, the joy from impregnating them didn't have time to dissipate. He was riding high on it now, surfing gargantuan tidal waves of bliss.
And it was about to go even higher. It was about to be the grand finale. His helpers had been readying the last six new pussies, all from that huge crowd he'd met at dinner, trying to get them all ready at the same time. The anticipation of this was so powerful it had driven him to give in and finally knock up two of his favorites, Lu and Xun, the two lovely sweetheart nurses he had accidentally recruited at the hospital. Now, right now, the three of them were tangled together, still coming down from their beautiful simultaneous orgasms as they kissed and wiped away each other's tears of joy at the certainty that both of them would bear him twins. The joy was so intense, so overwhelming, so complete.
And a small, guarded part of himself had noticed that the joy had begun to reveal that dark hole in the center of his mind. It was there, closed tight, small but growing. Every new jolt of joy brought its defenses lower. Soon, he might be able to ambush it again and force it to give him more answers.
It was time. The last six new girls were ready. Oh god were they. On the edge, gasping and moaning so sexily. Ready to have the greatest orgasms of their lives as they finally felt his hard shaft stretch them open for the first time. He had just met all six of them minutes ago downstairs: Lihua the tennis girl, Meihui the Chinese model, Dawa the Tibetan college student, the two television reporters Wenquiang and Huiling, and Wenling the Hong Kong heiress.
And his final eight favorites were so ready too. Well, seven of them were; it seemed Lilavati had passed out from that last massive orgasm. The others were the elite Chinese models Cuifen and Chuntao, the doctors Soraya and Liao, Bian the Vietnamese masseuse, Yanyu the television reporter, and Biluo the spy. He had taken each of those eight in many positions, savored every inch of their goddess bodies, given each one at least three glorious orgasms, and almost the entire time he had been near the brink of orgasm, using all of his control to hold back, despite their repeated pleas to finally give them his seed. It was enough, far more than enough. It was long past time to finally give all those favorites his twins. If he didn't pass out first. Exhaustion was starting to set in. How many more times could he possibly come? How much higher could that joy go? He was in uncharted territory, riding beast mode far beyond where it had made him pass out before, but he was determined to at least try to spur it on for a final sprint.
He gently pushed Lu and Xun to the side to let Lihua climb on. She was trembling, breathless, wide-eyed with anticipation as she straddled him, every slight touch of her skin on his sending shockwaves of pleasure through him. That extra sensitivity he got when he went fast was now at an even more ridiculous level due to the 19 rapid-fire conquests. His whole body was tingling, buzzing with pleasure, every tiny touch just electric.
And yet another gorgeous angel was mounting him for the first time. God, what a lovely sweet face, what gorgeous eyes, what sexy lips, and what an incredibly sexy slender body, lithe and smooth everywhere, perfect skin, sweet little perky breasts, tiny waist, wide hips, slender shapely legs opening wide for him as she straddled him and reached down to position his shaft. Chenguang was hovering nearby, her fingers slowly stroking Lihua's clit, keeping her on the edge.
Slick hot tightness surrounded his tip, and he and Lihua both gave a high, strangled gasp. Mind-blowing pleasure as she pushed and he slid in that first heavenly inch. Glorious conquest. Lihua, this goddess, this gorgeous stranger, was becoming his. Her hyper-fertile pussy clamping hard on him as her orgasm approached, she pushed again. Chenguang was speeding up on her clit. Chao-Xing had joined in, sucking one of her tits and scratching her nails lightly on her back. Lihua was overwhelmed with pleasure, her animalistic grunts and moans growing louder and higher as her orgasm built toward a dizzying peak. She pushed yet again, finally getting him home, fully embedded in her sweet tightness. That did it. She cried out loudly, throwing her head back as she clenched hard on him, her whole body shaking as her orgasm began, then crying out again and again with each tidal wave of her epic orgasm as she rode him with deep, sensuous strokes.
It was the twentieth time and again it was perfect, completely new, completely mind-blowing, and just so over-the-top sexy. Conquest of a gorgeous new body, the greatest orgasm of her life, and then, after holding back for just a few strokes to savor it, the trifecta was complete as he let fly while holding her down, pressing deep into her and blasting off against her cervix, sending his potent seed into her womb where he knew her fertile egg awaited. So insanely hot, so completely perfect, absurdly pleasurable, utterly satisfying, and just so efficient. He savored just a few more delicious thrusts, too urgently in need of the next girl already to wait for the joy, barely waiting until their orgasms were complete before pushing her off.
"Cover your eyes please," he said to Lihua. "All of you. After we finish, cover your eyes until I say uncover. I want it to be all together at the end."
Meihui was already on him. That absurdly sexy elite Chinese model body was already straddling him, her elegant gorgeous face contorted with pleasure, her orgasm so close. Cuifen was at his side holding out her phone to show him something. He glanced at it. It was the cover of a famous fashion magazine. Meihui was on it. A globally famous elite fashion model was, right now, guiding his cock to her wet folds.
And oh my fucking god, he was entering her. His tip was inside that impossibly sexy goddess body. That body that millions of men had probably fantasized about was wrapping around him, welcoming him, tightly embracing his cock. And his cock was driving her wild, blowing her mind with pleasure, bringing her to the brink of what was sure to be an absolutely massive orgasm as she slid further down onto him. Sweet heavenly slick tightness, more wildly sexy gasps and moans. Inch by tight inch her hyper-fertile pussy welcomed him. And then they were fully joined. His raging erection was deep inside that perfect body, so close to that fertile womb, and her high, strangled moans announced she was at her peak as she squirmed her clit against him. Then she began to thrust onto him, once, twice, three times stroking fully onto his cock and she was over the edge, crying out her climax, writhing and clenching and arching her body, her head thrown back. And again it was all so exquisite, so impossibly perfect. Conquest of this goddess body, the unbelievably sexy sights and sounds of her glorious orgasm, and seconds later he let fly, spurting his seed deep into her fertile womb.
More. He wanted more. He couldn't wait. He couldn't get enough. His orgasm wasn't even fully done and he was already pushing Meihui off of him. She joined Lihua at the end of the bed, both of them covering their eyes. He had heard Lihua give that familiar gasp so he knew she had felt it, knew she knew she was pregnant, but he didn't really know. He'd know and feel that joy when he saw her eyes. Dawa was next but he had a feeling she might be a virgin, so he reached for Wenquiang instead.
Wenquiang, that gorgeous television reporter, was eagerly straddling him in seconds. His cock, still slick and throbbing from knocking up a world-famous fashion model seconds before, was now entering the tight sweet fertile pussy of a national television reporter. Oh my god, she was gorgeous. He was sure millions of men fantasized about her too. How could anyone focus on the news when a face like that, and a body like that, was on the screen? And now she was his. Holy shit, the pleasure of it, every inch so powerful, so satisfying, utterly glorious. She was speechless, overwhelmed, utterly blown away. And now, right now, that goddess, that gorgeous perfect angel was fully impaled on his cock, his tip pressing against her cervix, her hyper fertile womb so close, and her orgasm even closer. And then it broke as she began to ride him, quiet but intense, her whole body shuddering, every muscle flexing, stretching and arching on him, using every joint to maximize the incredible sensations of her deep thrusts onto him. What a fucking incredible conquest, what an unbelievably gorgeous angel, and what a perfect baby she would make for him. Now. Really happening right fucking now. He pulled her hard down and exploded deep inside her, blasting his potent seed into her womb and then instantly pushing her off.
Her colleague Huiling was ready. Seconds later the tip of his throbbing iron-hard shaft was stretching open the heavenly sweet tight pussy of another national news reporter, her gorgeous shapely body stretched out above him so beautifully, gasping in shock at how impossibly good it felt. The overwhelming pleasure of that first inch sent her right to the brink, and she paused there, trying to regain control and hold back her orgasm. He let her pause a second, savoring the incredibly sexy sight as she teetered right on the edge of an epic climax. Then he grabbed her hips and mercilessly pulled her down hard onto him, sending her flying over the edge, shrieking out her orgasm as she began to ride him. Again it was irresistibly hot, bringing his own fading orgasm right back, and he let it. Time slowed down as he reached the brink just a few strokes in, soaking in the sight and the incredible sensations of the moment, another new pussy clenching and coming so hard on him, her whole body writhing with pleasure as she rode him, her gorgeous face contorted with exquisite agony, her sweet tight pussy clenching and spasming on him as she came and came. And seconds later he let fly, pressing up deep inside her and spurting wildly against her cervix, splattering his seed into her fertile womb.
And again it only made him more addicted, only made him want more, and want it even more urgently. He pushed Huiling off and reached out to Wenling, who instantly straddled him. Their eyes locked together as she reached down to hold him in position, nestling his tip at her entrance. That gorgeous lovely face, that heavenly sexy body, the fact that she was hovering on the brink of a massive orgasm, the certain knowledge that she was hyper-fertile right now, and above all his absolutely overwhelming beast mode lust; it all left him utterly stunned by the power of the moment as she slowly pushed onto him, making both of them gasp at the absurd pleasure of those first couple inches.
And in that moment, just when it seemed he was already at absolute maximum beast mode, just consumed with impossibly intense lust, Diwei's whispered words came back to his mind, from when she introduced Wenling. "She's rich, Jim. Like, way, way richer than me. Fifty times richer. So is Emma."
Impossibly, his lust rocketed even higher, his accountant brain instantly lighting up with it, a whole other part of his being suddenly adding its own kind of excitement. Conquest, not just of this gorgeous sexy body, not just of this fertile womb, but of unbelievable life-changing financial resources. It was irresistible. He couldn't wait another second to take her. She was still paused halfway onto him, panting, trying to get used to him. He thrust up, driving deep into her, taking her, claiming her as his own. All of her. She was all his. Body, soul, womb, and finances. He seized her hips and began to thrust powerfully up into her, and within seconds she was coming so hard on him, clenching and arching her back and crying out over and over. It was so beautiful, so fucking exciting, the pleasure so over the top, his whole being consumed by lust and greed as he dominated her body, plundering her treasures, taking her, driving into her over and over through her long shattering orgasm, and then finally slamming home one final time and holding still there as his pleasure peaked excruciatingly for a long drawn-out second. Then they both felt it, felt his cock swell and then pulse powerfully, his seed spurting into her womb. She was his. Absurd pleasure, ultimate satisfaction, what a fucking glorious moment, what a conquest.
He blinked back the stars, trying to clear his vision. He couldn't pass out yet. Not yet. Deep breaths. Wenling was climbing off, covering her eyes like the other four, and making room for Dawa to straddle him. After her there were just his seven favorites. Could he possibly do them all? He had to try. Deep in that secret guarded place in the back of his mind, he was preparing his ambush. He knew just what he wanted to ask it. He had to hang on. And he had to avoid any more exertion, let them do the rest.
His vision was returning. Their faces were full of concern. Soraya had a glass of water for him. He sat partway up to take a drink.
"Did you almost pass out? Maybe you should take a break," she said.
"Yes, but no, let me finish first," he said, gazing hungrily around at them. All his gorgeous favorites. All ready to bear him twins. "After Dawa, be ready, all of you. I'm going to try to fill you all. Be ready to switch quickly."
There was a chorus of gasps and moans. Eager, hungry, wildly sexy moans of excitement from his favorites, driven wild by the knowledge that he was finally going to give them what they craved, what they had begged for, what he had held back over and over as he plundered their bodies through so many mind-blowing orgasms. They crowded in, all of them reaching out, needing to be connected to him, to any part of his skin they could reach, reverently caressing him and sending shockwaves of pleasure through his whole body. It was like his whole body was a cock now, every inch of him impossibly sensitive, every slight touch insanely pleasurable. He could tell already that his next orgasm was going to be on another level. It was slowly rising already now, and it was fucking gargantuan, not just in his dick but everywhere, his whole body tingling, humming, quivering with it as it inexorably rose.
Dawa straddled him, her sultry eyes on fire with lust, locked with his. Holy shit those eyes were sexy. She wanted him so badly. Chao-Xing's magic tongue had been driving her wild, keeping her on the edge as she watched the others, blown away by how intense their brief lovemaking had been.
She just had to be a virgin. He could tell from Chao-Xing's wild eyes, and Chenguang's too. Their attention was utterly focused on her, guiding her, caressing her as she mounted him.
Chenguang kneeled down to watch up close, lining his cock up at Dawa's sweet tight slick little pussy. Fuck, it felt so heavenly, spreading around his tip. Chao-Xing was caressing the girl's angelic lovely face, watching her overwhelmed reaction in reverent wonder. Both of his helpers had a hand on Dawa's hips, and they slowly began to push until they felt resistance. He was pressed against her hymen. They paused there, the three of them all giving urgent moans, and he realized it wasn't just Dawa who had been edging, but all three of them. They were going to come so fucking hard, all three of them. Dawa opened her eyes again and locked her gaze on Jim's, then nodded.
His helpers pushed again, each with one hand, their other hands busy at their own clits. The pressure increased, as did the moans from all three of them. Then he popped through, sliding an inch into that heavenly slick tight pussy as it clenched around him. As always there was no pain. Dawa gasped in shock at the unbelievable pleasure.
Time seemed to slow way down as he soaked in the moment. There were so many incredibly sexy things happening all at once. His own full-body orgasm built steadily from the unbelievable pleasure of so many eager hands caressing him everywhere, and especially from each millimeter of slow penetration of Dawa's silky tightly clenching pussy as she slowly gave her virginity to him. What an incredible gift. What a lovely sexy smooth body, what a gorgeous sweetheart face, what sultry eyes, and she was giving herself completely, eagerly, overwhelmed by the pleasure of it and so eager to make him a perfect baby. His impending orgasm seemed inevitable now, but it didn't break, it just kept slowly going higher, rising like a slow-motion tidal wave, and he knew even his super-power of control could do nothing to stop the monstrous coming climax. He couldn't even delay it. But despite the pleasure already being where a normal orgasm would peak, it seemed nowhere close to breaking.
Chenguang was already coming, gasping out the intense agonizing ecstasy of her peak as she writhed on her side next to him. As always she was utterly thrilled to watch him pop a cherry, and she had been primed by helping him take so many so quickly, holding herself on edge through this last group of conquests. The wild lust in her eyes when he said he was going to knock up all seven of his favorites made it clear how much she wanted to see that. But she wouldn't. It was all too much for her. Her massive, explosive orgasm had knocked her out, even before Dawa finished bottoming out on him. A few other girls helped lift her off the bed and carried her out of the room.
Then Dawa finally bottomed out with another sexy guttural moan. He was fully joined with her, his tip right up against the center of her fertility, jolting him with even higher pleasure. What an impossibly hot moment. What a conquest. She paused a moment to get used to the unfamiliar sensations and to try to hold back her orgasm a little longer.
Chao-Xing had somehow held back her own orgasm and now went to work on Dawa, her mouth at a breast, one hand at Dawa's clit, and the other at her own. The two of them were both close, so very close. And their orgasms would be massive, glorious, shattering.
Wenling was kneeling near his head leaning over him, still covering her eyes, but he had heard her gasp and now he felt her happy tears dripping down onto him, and she was thanking him over and over again. So full of joy, so powerfully moved by her new purpose, just as Diwei, Ying, and Chanxin had been when he knocked them up on the yacht, or like Emma had been minutes ago. He still hadn't seen her eyes so he didn't really know, but it was the same powerful reaction. She was so grateful to have found a purpose for her wealth. He had known this was coming, and it had been so hot to think of when he was knocking her up, but it was now even hotter to see it happen. Seeing how much it moved her made it real. Fifty times richer than Diwei. Holy fucking shit that was hot.
Dawa was moving on him now, slow deep thrusts, impossibly pleasurable, her extremely tight virgin pussy clamping down so hard on his cock, her quivering body and her wildly sexy moans making it clear she was about to come so hard on him.
Every eye was on him now, watching the signs of his impending orgasm. His seven favorites were so excited, so eager, so ready for him. He gazed around at them all. What a gorgeous fucking harem. All his. These goddesses were all his. All strangers before today. All so fucking gorgeous, so ridiculously sexy. Vivid memories of his conquest of each of those favorites filled his mind. Each of them coming so hard on his cock over and over. Savoring their impossibly sexy bodies and driving them each wild in multiple positions through multiple powerful orgasms as they begged for his seed.
"Soon," he whispered, gazing again across all their eager gorgeous faces. "So soon. I'm about to fill you all!"
His words set off a chorus of orgasmic moans. Dawa was coming. Chao-Xing too. Oh my god, those two were coming so hard. But not just them. They were all coming. All his favorites too. They were all fucking coming, just from knowing he was about to knock them up. What a rush, what a moment. He felt like such a king, a superhero, a sex god. His favorites crowded in closer. The pleasure was absurd, dizzying, every inch of his body throbbing and pulsing with it. This had to be the peak, didn't it? But somehow it didn't break yet, just rising still higher, towering over him.
Dawa was pounding hard onto him and shrieking out with each thrust as her massive orgasm went on and on. It was beautiful, glorious, so fucking hot, so absolutely contagious.
Finally, he felt it, his cock swelling, preparing to erupt. He grabbed Dawa and pulled her tight down onto him. Her eyes flew open mid-orgasm and locked on his as he found that perfect most fertile spot deep inside her. Impossibly, even higher pleasure. Exquisite agony. Deep inside this fertile conquest, this lovely former virgin he had just met, still in the throes of the greatest orgasm of her life on his cock. Then finally it broke. His cock pulsed and they both felt a powerful jet of seed blast into her.
"Yes!" she cried. "I feel it! Yes, thank you, yes!"
The others were already tearing her off him. Time slowed down even more. It must have been just a second or two, but it felt agonizingly long for his cock to not be in a pussy. But his monstrous orgasm waited. It would not be over any time soon. It had so much momentum. This was only the beginning of it.
And then Cuifen was on him, her impossibly sexy elite model body welcoming his shaft, embracing it so tightly, so perfectly, her gorgeous eyes on fire with lust, consumed with the thought of his seed. She bottomed out, arching her body and pressing down hard, getting him right to that perfect most pleasurable spot, right where she needed his seed. And she got it a second later. Another surge of impossibly powerful orgasmic pleasure, another powerful pulse of his cock, sending his seed spurting into her fertile depths where her two eggs awaited.
Instantly she was off him and Chuntao, who had been already kneeling back-to-back with Cuifen, was scooting back onto him. Chao-Xing positioned his cock and she slammed her wildly sexy tall elite model body down onto him reverse cowgirl. Her body was so incredible in this position. He had been blown away by it when they did this earlier, nearly giving in and knocking her up at the sight of her exaggeratedly feminine shape so sensuously riding him, that absurdly perfect tight shapely ass, that unrealistically tiny waist, those wide hips, and that tiny beautiful pink pussy stretching around his cock. All he got this time was two glorious deep strokes, then she was pressing him deep and he was pulsing and spurting wildly into her hyper-fertile depths.
She jumped up and Biluo the spy was quickly on him, her fierce eyes locked with his, her hand already grasping his erection and guiding him home. Oh sweet heavenly fuck, he was sliding back into that gorgeous body that had nearly driven him to give in and knock her up each time he'd had her before. What a wild hellcat she was, powerful, intense, predatory. It had been a supreme test of his control to hold back his seed. And now, still in the seemingly endless throes of the most massive orgasm of his life, she knew she was finally about to get what she wanted, what she desperately craved, and her eyes were on fire with excitement for it. For his seed. Those intense gorgeous eyes. And then he was there, deep inside her, his shaft throbbing against her cervix, preparing to erupt. She cried out in triumph as she felt it, felt his hot seed pulse powerfully into her womb.
She surged forward off of him to make way for Soraya, who was already scooting into position straddling him, grasping his shaft, and guiding him to her own heavenly fertile folds. Again, just like every time he'd had her before, he was captivated by her eyes. Those kind, caring, soulful eyes of the Iranian pediatrician were now even wilder with passion than during any of the glorious orgasms he'd given her. What a lovely sweet soul, what a deeply good person she was. She would make such a wonderful mother. Gazing into her eyes, he knew that same thought was consuming her too. She wanted it so badly. It would be so perfect. Their twin babies. She drove hard onto him, pressing him as deep as she could inside and gasping as she felt him swell and prepare to erupt against her hyper-fertile womb. A brief beautiful perfect moment of impossible pleasure and incredible connection with her, and then the next wave of his endless epic orgasm hit and he blasted his seed into her, into that gorgeous angelic sweetheart. Soraya. What a fucking treasure she was.
He didn't let her up just yet, pulling her to him and kissing her tenderly for a moment first while stroking her deeply a few more times. He wasn't in a hurry. This orgasm didn't feel like it could ever end. He'd probably pass out first.
Then, in that secret guarded part of him, he realized that actually, maybe that was its plan. Maybe it was giving him this impossibly powerful orgasm to make him pass out before he could ambush it and try to get information from it.
Soraya was already climbing off and Bian, that lively sweetheart masseuse was straddling him, lining him up.
"Uncover your eyes, everyone," he said. He felt his tip nestling in Bian's wet folds. Fucking incredible. Then he looked up at the group of recent conquests nearby as they finally made eye contact, and it hit him all at once. Lihua, Meihui, Wenquiang, Huiling, Wenling, and Dawa were all pregnant. And Cuifen, Chuntao, and Biluo were all pregnant with his twins. Twelve babies. The joy welled up so powerfully, unbelievably intense, indescribably infinite bliss on top of the most powerful orgasm he'd ever had. He had still been riding high on the joy from knocking up the nineteen before them, and from knocking up the two nurses both with twins. That had only about half dissipated. Now twelve more all at once. It was staggering. Utter, all-consuming bliss, and still rising, still swelling. It was far bigger than himself, filling and stretching the whole room. He felt so powerfully connected to all of them, so utterly happy.
And Bian was finally bottoming out on him, pressing him as deep as possible into her heavenly slick tightness. The joy was still not done swelling. And his cock swelled with it, deep inside that gorgeous lively creature, that incredible woman who had blown his mind with her touch and her energetic lovemaking and her sweet soulful sparkling eyes. And now, right now, his seed was spurting into her hyper-fertile womb where two eggs awaited.
And then, mid-orgasm, he saw it. It was there. The door in the center of his mind was fully unlocked, hanging open, its defenses once again down. He marshaled all of his willpower and pounced, pouring his entire being into his question: What else are the pods for? The thread of thought was in his hands and he pulled with all his might. It was trying to resist. Then he heard a gasp and looked over at Soraya. She was pregnant with twins too. Even higher joy surged up, and then he felt its resistance weaken and the thread of thought began to slip toward him. He pulled again with all his might, and it gave.
He won. He had his answer. It was one word: Stasis. The pods were for stasis. What?
Bian was already off of him and Yanyu the television reporter was straddling him and lining his shaft up. That otherworldly beauty, that elegant lovely goddess, was now pushing down, engulfing his cock in her heavenly fertile body. It was all so powerful, so intense. Too intense. He was seeing stars, worrying he was going to pass out soon. And then it would make him forget that hard-earned word. Stasis. Whatever that meant.
"Write for me," he said in an urgent croak. "Someone write. Oh fuck, that's so good!" Yanyu had bottomed out and begun to sensuously ride him with deep luxurious strokes. His epic orgasm was roaring back to life. It had only momentarily receded slightly during the ambush. Finally, someone was there at his side with a pen and paper. He recognized in his peripheral vision that it was Xueqin, the spy. It had to be; she was the only one clothed. She had been watching from the doorway, captivated. He avoided eye contact with her. He wanted to talk to her, but he knew if he made eye contact, then it could talk to her too.
"Write… stasis pods."
"What pods?"
"Stay sis?"
"Got it." She tore the piece of paper out of her notebook and put it on his bedside table.
Back to Yanyu. Oh my god, what a vision. She was coming now, coming yet again, and yet again it was glorious, breathtaking, her whole impossibly sexy body expressing it so beautifully. A professional communicator, so gifted at getting her message across, and right now her message was that his cock was fucking magic, blowing her mind with impossible pleasure, that she had never dreamed of an orgasm half this good, and that she wanted so badly to bear his twins. This famous reporter, this impossibly beautiful goddess was, in seconds, going to get her wish. He was there. He pulled her lovely body down hard onto him, finding that perfect spot and holding there as his pleasure peaked again, dizzyingly, excruciatingly, and then he was blasting his seed into her, painting her womb, soaking her fertile eggs with his potent seed. Waves and waves of pleasure, endless, infinite perfection, utter bliss. He held her tight, not letting her go yet. She was trying to get off him to make room for Liao, the last of his favorites. He just couldn't let her go yet.
He kissed her, then pulled her face back to look into her gorgeous eyes and held her there for a few more seconds, just staring in wonder. Then she gasped and they both knew she was pregnant. And a moment later Bian gasped too. Four more babies. Somehow the joy found a way to go even higher. Happy tears streamed down his face, blurring his vision even more. He had to hold on, not pass out yet, get to Liao.
And the door in his mind was utterly wide open now. Utterly defenseless. Somehow he found the strength to pounce again, focusing all his will on one more question: What is stasis for?
There was no resistance. The answer came effortlessly. Just two words: delay, deception. What did that mean?
He felt his tip entering someone. Wiping away tears and blinking, he saw it was Liao on top of him. That unbelievably lovely sweet-faced oncologist was slowly sliding his cock back into her delightful tight depths. He was going to pass out soon, he knew. It was all just too good. He beckoned to Xueqin again and she leaned in close, and he managed a croaking whisper of "write delay, deception."
"Write what?" she asked.
He tried again, but his voice was failing. It was a barely audible croak, drowned out by Liao's loud orgasmic moans.
Her orgasm went on and on, and it was too much, just far too sexy. The sounds, the sight, the feeling of it. As his orgasm somehow rose even higher to a dizzying impossible final peak of pleasure, the stars crowded in and all he could see was her face. But that was all he needed to see, in the whole world. Through tunnel vision, all that existed in the world was the face of that gorgeous, kind, soulful doctor, that wonderful brilliant woman who was so devoted to caring for others, and who was about to bear his twins. Those soulful eyes were now going wide as she felt him swell, preparing to fill her. And then he was hurtling over the edge. A final explosive eruption of pleasure, violently blasting the last of his seed deep into her, gargantuan tidal waves of pleasure washing over him, such perfect complete satisfaction.
He fought to keep his eyes open, trying to blink back the stars, wanting badly to see the certainty hit her before he passed out, and wanting even more to whisper those two hard-won words to Xueqin. He pulled her closer, her ear right near his lips. His vision was clouding, his ears ringing, his whole body tingling. One last effort to whisper those words. Write. Delay. Deception. His lips moved, but they made no sound.
Liao gasped. He blinked back the stars, clearing his vision just enough, and he knew. That gorgeous angel was bearing his twins. The joy was welling up even higher, to an impossible new peak. He tried again to say the words, but this time his lips didn't even move. His hand fell limp at his side, releasing Xueqin.
And then the last thing he heard before he passed out was his own voice. Not coming out of his mouth, not saying the words he so desperately wanted to tell Xueqin to write. It was his own voice, but only in his head, and just a fleeting whisper. "Good work, Jim. Now sleep, and forget."
The bliss was still with him, still unbelievably intense when he woke up. And the lust. He checked his phone and saw it had only been half an hour. He was partly recharged. Physically still tired, but sexually ready for more. So fucking ready. And he could hear them, so many of them, a whole crowd of women downstairs. A whole new crowd of gorgeous sexy strangers his for the taking. What a rush. What power. He could have anyone he wanted. And he knew the women they brought him would be so fucking hot, all of them. And all so fertile.
And he could do so many. He had done so fucking many. He remembered each one so vividly. Each one was such a unique powerful experience. Each moment of conquest, each unbelievably powerful orgasm they had, each moment of impregnation, and each moment of joyful realization that they were bearing his children.
How many had he already knocked up tonight? He thought back and counted them up as he got up, carefully extricating himself from Lilavati, who was still sleeping nude next to him. Thirteen as a pre-party appetizer. Four under the table during dinner. Then that first big group of eighteen he had summoned upstairs after dinner, all from the university and the hospital, all but Lilavati now pregnant. And then twenty-two more, when he had called for everyone else he'd met at dinner to come up. All of those were now pregnant. Fifty fucking six. He'd knocked up fifty-six women since he'd arrived at this party. And the night was young. He still hadn't met the guests who had arrived late for the dinner party, and there was a separate dance party later.
He put on a bathrobe and stopped a moment, looking at the bedside table. Wasn't there supposed to be something there, other than his phone? What was it? Such a strange feeling, like he was supposed to find something important there, but he couldn't remember what it was.
Maybe he'd remember later. But now, the sound of the party was calling to him. So many sexy voices, all so full of excitement and happiness. He turned to leave, then heard Lilavati stirring in the bed. He glanced back and saw her watching him, those lovely eyes filling with lust. He reached his hand out to her. She jumped up, holding his hand and pressing her warm silky smooth brown body against him as they walked together to the railing to look down at the party below. He leaned over so he was only visible from the chest up, and she kneeled down to keep her nude body out of sight, and also to worship his cock.
He gazed hungrily down at the crowd. His harem. His unbelievably sexy, seemingly endless harem. It was all so beautiful, so right: the contagious radiant joy from the newly expectant mothers, the confused giddy excitement of the new recruits, and above all the incredible beauty of them all. He could see at least a dozen new recruits from here, all gorgeous, all so perfect for him, so unbelievably sexy. What a rush, what power, what a fucking awesome feeling to know not only that he could have any of those gorgeous strangers, but that he would have them all, and soon.
He groaned as Lilavati took his rapidly hardening cock into her mouth.
One of the new recruits heard his groan and looked up. He caught her eye and she gasped. Then the other new recruit standing with her looked up, following her gaze. They were both with Lily, who looked up and smiled so joyfully at him, thrilled to have brought these two recruits who she knew would please him. Their growing lust was already clearly pleasing him as he returned their hungry gaze. Then others around them followed their eyes and saw him too. He gazed around at each of them, making them each gasp in turn, and soon a hush fell as all of the fifteen new recruits in view were becoming his, staring at him with growing lust, panting and squirming in place. Fuck, that was hot.
And holy shit, Lilavati's mouth felt amazing, her tongue swirling slowly and sensuously. He didn't even try to hide his pleasure or his lust as his eyes roved among the new recruits, openly ogling them. He moaned again, this time louder. And this time, the crowd was quieter, and his moan carried to the rest of the party downstairs. Soon others were coming into view and turning to look up. More gasps as more gorgeous new recruits looked up at him. Fucking goddesses, all of them. Unbelievably sexy bodies, stunningly gorgeous faces, all his for the taking, all so ready for him and for his seed.
And then he gasped when three more came into view. They were Korean Airlines flight attendants, in their immaculate elegant light blue and white crew uniforms. A walking fantasy, a dream come true, tall slender perfect bodies, unbelievably gorgeous angelic sweetheart faces. And now, right now, they were looking up at him. He caught their eyes and they all gasped. Fucking hell yeah.
"Is that everyone?" he asked. A few heads shook. "Bring everyone, please."
Finally the last few stragglers joined the crowd, including Mei with four more extremely adorable cosplay girls, two mice and two kitties, presumably from the adult division, although they didn't look older than the college division girls, just like Mei. They really were so much like Mei. So much adorable lively energy, those lovely darling faces now filling with lust as they stared up at him. They and the other last few new recruits were now all gathered below the railing, and had all looked up, gasped, and become his. Thirty, his accountant brain reported. Thirty gorgeous strangers all staring up at him. He waited a few more seconds, watching the latest arrivals. God, what a sight. Watching that lust grow in a gorgeous stranger's eyes was so hot, such a rush every time. And then he knew it was complete. They were fully his now. There was no need to hide anything from them anymore.
He'd introduce himself by giving them a show. He grinned at the thought. It was a perfect way to welcome them to his harem. He'd show them how much pleasure they were in for, and he'd show them the bliss of the end result when he knocked Lilavati up with twins right in front of them. And there could be nobody better to help show all of that to them than Lilavati. She was so expressive, so passionate, so wildly appreciative, her skin impossibly sensitive like Soomin or Sooyoung, but experienced and responsive like Citra or the other dancers, sensuous in her movements, fluid, delicious, savoring and delighting in every thrust. And her orgasms were so fucking hot, just absolutely stunning, leaving him awestruck every time at how intensely she felt them, and at how perfectly she expressed her pleasure with her voice and with her whole body.
It had been almost impossible to hold back his seed with her, but he had done it four times, in four different positions, each of her glorious orgasms vividly seared in his memory, that lovely silky caramel body squirming and stretching and quivering, those impossibly sexy orgasmic cries, that perfect tight pussy clenching so hard on him, milking him, trying so hard to make him let go, those gorgeous captivating intelligent eyes so sultry, so overflowing with desire, just begging so desperately, so urgently for him to finally release his seed in her fertile depths. She had been craving him all day, ever since they first met at lunch. He had savored and cherished every inch of her body, and although he knew he couldn't get enough of touching her in a lifetime, he also knew he had tortured her enough. It was time. He would finally give in and do it, in front of this huge crowd.
He reached down to her and pulled her up to her feet in front of him. The crowd below gasped as her nude upper body came into view. He turned her around and guided her to grab the railing in front of him, leaning forward. He stepped up behind, between her spread legs, and brought his hard shaft to nestle at her heavenly slick entrance. Holy shit that felt good. He paused, savoring the anticipation while gazing over the breathless crowd, his eyes pouring out his lust for all of them, fierce, possessive, dominating, telling them with his eyes that what they were about to witness with Lilavati would soon be happening to each of them. They all moaned and squirmed so sexily in response. Then he looked back down at where they were joined, his hard shaft just slightly inside her tiny sweet pussy, surrounded by that perfect tight shapely ass, those wide hips and shapely thighs contrasting so sexily with her tiny waist, and all that luscious silky dark caramel skin. What a goddess. What an angel. He couldn't possibly want anything more than he wanted her, right now.
He lightly caressed her outline, from her hips up along her sides onto her back, causing her to shiver and arch, pressing back against him as he began to push slowly into her. Her reaction made it abundantly clear to the crowd below exactly what was happening, and exactly how fucking ridiculously amazing it felt. There was a loud chorus of sexy moans from the crowd as they vicariously savored her obvious penetration.
He stopped about halfway and pulled back, while leaning forward over her to reach around and caress her lovely little perfect breasts, in full view of the crowd below, as he brought his lips near her ear and whispered, "No more teasing. No more holding back. I'm going to let go and fill you."
"Oh god, yes! Do it!" she cried, loudly, her sexy voice so full of passion. It was contagious. The crowd below couldn't have heard his whisper, but they knew whatever he said had driven her wild, had instantly doubled what already had seemed to be maximum lust. She pushed back hard onto him, burying him deep inside her fertile depths and crying out "Yes!" with every thrust as she pushed back onto him over and over. She was so fluid, using her whole body, her thrusts like waves starting in her upper body and ending with her hips, complex and sensuous and deep, writhing her way onto his cock, delighting in every inch of it, and perfectly expressing the incredible pleasure of it with the sexiest possible moans.
They soon fell back into the rhythm she had taught him earlier, taking turns, each of them doing a few strokes while the other held still. Her strokes were all different, all sensuous, slow and deep, but each with its own slight twist. She never ran out of surprises. Twisting, arching, squeezing, shaking her way onto him. His fingers roamed her body, caressing that incredible caramel skin everywhere he could reach as she took her turn fluidly moving on him. Holding still during her turn was exquisite torture, driving his lust even higher, making him want to take her harder, so on his first few turns he grabbed her and ravished that delectable body, and she fucking loved it. The contrast between their styles was so perfect. He was following his hunches about the right angle and speed for the moment, and loving how she expressed the powerful pleasure everything he did gave her, and how the crowd below echoed it all, vicariously feeling it too.
On his fourth turn he grabbed her breasts and pulled her to stand more upright, finding an angle that pressed him against her g spot just right. Halfway through each slow stroke he paused there and flexed his cock powerfully against her g spot. It was driving her wild. Loud, wild, near-orgasmic cries. On her next turn she stayed upright, leaning back against him, arching way back so her head was almost on his shoulder, and her near-orgasmic moans were right in his ear. That extreme angle and the pre-orgasmic clenching of her pussy made it almost impossibly tight as she stretched and writhed her way onto him again and again.
He had meant to draw this out, make her come multiple times, show the crowd below more than one of her glorious orgasms, but that idea was quickly forgotten in the perfection of it all. She was taking an extra-long turn, slowly blowing his mind again with her passionate fluid sensuous strokes while his fingers strummed her clit just right, the sensation of their thrusts so incredibly pleasurable, both of their orgasms rising together. She was going to come so fucking hard. And he would join her. And a few in the crowd below sounded like they might join in two. It was time.
"Here it comes!" he cried, loudly, wanting the crowd to know too, and knowing this would send her crashing over the edge. It did. After just a couple more exquisite deep strokes Lilavati exploded into a shattering climax, followed seconds later by several women in the crowd below. What a sight, what incredibly sexy sounds. Within a few more seconds at least six of the women below were coming, and many more were close. Nearly everyone had a hand at her crotch as they watched the spectacular breeding in awe. He held back a few seconds, just soaking it all in, just utterly loving it. Lilavati, that gorgeous brilliant Indian doctoral student, that smooth dark caramel goddess, soon to be mother of his twins, was still crying out so loudly with her epic orgasm as he took over, speeding up, pounding into her quivering body as she grasped the railing for support, every impact shaking her, her pussy clamping down so hard on him as she came and came.
He was there. He gripped her breasts and lunged deep, holding still in that perfect spot inside her. She gasped, her eyes going wide as she felt him swell and prepare to erupt. The crowd gasped with her, again perfectly understanding what was happening. She was so expressive, and so unbelievably excited for his seed, far more than she had been for her own orgasm.
"He's doing it!" she cried. The crowd moaned and squealed in response. Several more of them cried out as their own orgasms began. "Yes!" she shrieked. "I feel it! His seed! Oh my god, yes! It's so perfect! Thank you! Yes! Yes!" Answering shrieks from several girls in the crowd, coming hard along with her and vicariously feeling her triumph at getting his seed, that perfect seed in her womb that they all now knew they needed more than anything else in life.
He resumed stroking deeply into her spasming body and strumming her clit with his fingers as the waves of his orgasm washed over him, and within a few strokes she cried out again as she felt her own orgasm return, rising quickly for a second peak. It was glorious, beautiful, even louder than the first, triumph and joy and satisfaction on top of the pleasure.
And as that orgasm finally subsided, she gasped and turned to look back at him, and they knew. Lilavati was pregnant with his twins. Tender kisses, happy tears, a profound moment of connection as the crowd below broke into cheers. Then they turned together to look at the crowd and they watched the wave of joy spreading everywhere they looked. So much joy, so much bliss in that room. Pure delight, absolute happiness filling everyone, utter perfection. What an incredible moment. Hugging, laughing, cheering, crying together.
He had thought he would get dressed and go down, take a break, and savor shaking hands with each of them. But after what just happened, he already felt so intimate with all of them that suddenly putting clothes on and shaking hands seemed silly. His lust was so powerful right now, almost undeniable, and he knew theirs was too. He had to have them all, and he knew after that display they were all dying to feel for themselves what they had seen Lilavati feel. They were way past innuendo and seduction. There was no doubt they would be his, in anyone's mind. There would be no formal introductions. Each of them could introduce herself when his cock was lined up at her pussy.
"Come up and receive my seed, all of you," he commanded. He almost laughed at himself. Was it starting to go to his head? What a fucking ridiculous thing to say. To a group of strangers. To thirty gorgeous women he hadn't even met yet. But they fucking loved it. They were a hundred percent on board with it. There were no shocked disapproving looks. There wasn't even a moment of hesitation. Thirty squealing, giggling, gorgeous strangers were stampeding toward the stairs to come up and receive his seed.
He stuck his head into the second bedroom where Chao-Xing and Chenguang were sleeping.
"Wake up, angels. I need you. Thirty more and then we can rest."
"What? More? How?" Chao-Xing asked, rubbing her eyes and then staring at him in shocked disbelief.
Chenguang giggled, jumping up, her sleepy eyes instantly changing, that predatory gleam rushing back. "Thirty more. Holy fucking shit, Jim, you're a madman! And I love it! Let's do this."
The first of the new recruits were already at the top of the stairs, quickly shedding their clothes.
"Wow, he's not kidding," Chao-Xing said, seeing the eager crowd forming behind Jim. She jumped up, that predatory gleam back in her eyes too, and followed him as he strode towards the sea of unbelievably sexy, hyper-fertile, wildly aroused bodies, arms out wide to meet their embrace.