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The Dare story continues as the Onijwa, a young woman possessing the spirit of a wolf, finds herself without a Master. Caught between two worlds, will she find a home with her human neighbors, or can she join her mate's Pack hunting in the wild? Only time...and Fate...will tell. -Note: you should read "Dare Book I" before reading this sequel.
Barley was fucking me and I was feeling sore. My brothers had shown up soon after Mike and Jay's second orgasms and they'd found the two boys sitting on the floor, drinking sodas and grinning at each other as I cleaned my pussy with my fingers, licking the seamy mixture from my hand while they watched. I had no idea if I might get pregnant or not. For a short while after first arriving, I'd tracked my cycle with the moon, but that had become boring and pointless after a few months, and like most of my other human habits I'd given it up.

The days merely came and went and now I tried to remember how long it had been since my last period, but I couldn't remember if it had been just before or after the funeral. The memories all ran together really and when I thought about them it was like catching random glimpses of my life. Near as I could figure I should have been having my period any time, so I was a little disappointed because I didn't think I was probably fertile. I was just a dog though, so I contented myself with the thought that I could have been wrong too.

Bandy had come first, sniffing the air and barking to call the others. He could smell the sex plainly and he regarded the boys a little coolly, but he was used to them now and I was chained down. He understood that it meant I was fair game for anyone who wanted me. That didn't stop him from asserting his proper place as the leader of our little pack though. Bandy mounted me quickly, slamming his cock inside my cunt so hard that I yelped with pain and turned my head, trying to bite him. I'd have refused him probably, if I could have, just because he was being mean. He gripped me tightly with his front paws and punished me with his cock, there's no other word for it. Dogs get jealous like anyone else and they do have tempers. Bandy was blaming me because he hadn't had me first. He could be such a puppy sometimes.

It took me a few minutes to get used to him and Bandy was going full speed anyway, ramming the length of his huge dog cock in and out of me like a hot piston, squirting fuck juices out the sides of my cunt with loud sounds that made his brothers bark impatiently. Bush and Barley were both sporting long red erections as they paced around us and Bandy would warn them away if one got too close. He was working to get the knot inside me and that wasn't difficult at all since I was already seriously soaked and stretched and ready for it. Bandy locked me up quickly and short stroked me for another minute at the most before he was cumming.

As soon as he was able to get free of me a dozen minutes later, Bush took Bandy's place. He gave me a curious lick which made me shiver and then he was inside me, digging his claws against the floor as he tried to find traction, and his cock began rushing in and out of my sex wildly. He'd been waiting too long to be gentle, Bush just wanted to get his sperm inside me as fast as he could so that my puppies would be his. I dropped my head to the floor, panting for air as I was rocked violently beneath the animal.

My pussy was sore already and I still had Barley to look forward to. Sometimes it was like this, I knew that, and my brothers would get in a mood and fuck my pussy until I was raw and tender from the abuse. I'd make them pay later though, first by giving me a bath with their tongues, which was always special, and then I'd make them wait a few days before I'd let them mate with me again. Not only because I'd need the rest, but it was good to frustrate them once in awhile. I spoiled my brothers terribly with sex, mostly because I enjoyed it so much myself. If I got my menstruation that would make it even better, or worse if you like, because they loved it when I was on my period. My brothers thought that was when I was really in season and they'd get very competitive with each other to fuck me.

Barley finally got his turn and he wasn't being gentle either, but there was little I could do about it. I had deep scratches in my sides now and I could feel myself wet with blood and the wounds burned as my salty sweat would get in them. My pussy ached and it felt as if there were a fire burning inside me. I had some cramps and my knees were stiff, my thighs and shoulders aching from being in that position and having to support the weight of my oversized brothers during our sex. I'd suffered through this before, many times for my Master's pleasure, but it had been a long time and I'd almost forgotten what it could be like after an hour of hard fucking while I was chained down.

The two Indian boys just sat there, both of them hard again and stroking their cocks slowly while they watched us. They probably planned on fucking me again themselves, but I wasn't sure how my brothers were going to take that. I wouldn't resist them if Mike and Jay wanted to fuck, but I really hoped Bandy wouldn't get upset and decide he needed to fuck me again just to show the Indians who the dominant male was. I'd be seriously worn out if that happened and all I really wanted was to be let loose after Barley was finished so I could stretch and lie down for awhile. I was pretty tired.

I didn't get exactly what I wanted, but it wasn't so bad either. Bandy didn't protest when Jay got up so he could fuck me after Barley finally pulled his cock loose from my pussy. We'd been locked up for only a short time, maybe five minutes, or a little longer, but not much. I was very stretched by the time he was done and when the knot came free, a great flood of our juices spilled out to join the large puddle that already stained the floor beneath me. I was drenched from my ass down to my knees with the remains of all that sex and the room was ripe with the odor of our mating.

Jay didn't mind however, he knelt behind me and entered me so quickly and easily that I barely felt him at all. The dogs were much thicker than Jay's human penis was, longer too, and my pussy had been wrapped around my brothers' knots, so I wasn't sure what it was like for Jay. I guessed it was okay for him. The boy didn't complain anyway, he just fucked me wordlessly, thrusting his cock into the soggy sperm filled mess of my cunt for perhaps five minutes before he told us he was cumming. I barely felt anything at all, but there was pleasure in the knowing.

Mike took his turn then and even though the boy was a bit thicker than his brother, it was just a pleasant squishing sensation for me. It was like being massaged from the inside out more than being truly fucked, and it actually felt pretty good. I just kept my cheek on the floor, sighing softly and keeping my eyes closed as Mike fucked his human penis in and out of me at a leisurely pace.

"Oh shit!" Jay suddenly said and we could all hear the truck pulling up to the house.

"Oh man!" Mike started fucking me faster, as if he was going to cum before his dad caught us.

"What are you doing?" Jay was scrambling to get dressed. "Get dressed, Mike!"

"I'm gonna cum ... ah ... Dammit!" Mike pulled out of me as the truck stopped and the engine shut-off with a dying growl a second later.

Both boys were trying to get dressed as quickly as they could and my brothers and I just watched them with curious amusement. It was only their father and he'd fucked me plenty of times, so why would he be mad if his sons did it? Humans had never made much sense to me, even when I'd been one, so I just lay there, getting on my side with my tummy close to the eyebolt. I could at least stretch myself out that way and that felt pretty good.

"Where's the keys?" Jay was asking.

"What?" Mike had his t-shirt covering his face and his head popped onto his shoulders with wide brown eyes. "You got them!"

"I don't ... Oh, yeah..." Jay almost laughed as he pulled the two keys for my padlocks out of his jeans pocket.

"What's this?" Joe's voice suddenly froze the two boys, Mike half dressed, Jay still barefoot and holding the keys in his hand like he was offering them to his brother.

"Uh, hey dad," Mike said.

"You chained her down?" Joe blinked at me.

"No dad, uh ... She did it..." Jay tried to explain.

"She did it, huh?" Joe looked a little angry and I'd never seen him like that before and so I sort of curled up, trying to be small in case he got mad at me for starting it.

"She did it to herself," Mike nodded and he was buttoning his pants. "I asked her what the ring was for and she just ... Showed us, kinda."

"What did I tell you about staying away from her?" Joe shook his head and looked at me. "You look like you've been put through a wringer."

"The, uh ... the dogs sorta did it too," Jay cleared his throat.

"They probably do it everyday," Joe sighed and his anger was going away quickly.

He wasn't the sort of man who could stay mad at anything for very long, especially not his sons. Of course he'd fucked me plenty of times himself so being mad at Jay and Mike was a little like the pot calling the kettle black, as my Master might have said. Joe had probably planned on getting a little bit of me for himself, since we'd been doing it several times a week ever since the funeral. He was good man, but not a Master, unfortunately. He'd never have the heart to discipline me when I needed it, which I often did if the truth be told. My brothers and I had all become very spoiled very quickly.

"Well, I guess I can't blame you guys too much. She is, uh ... She's awfully pretty," Joe coughed lightly.

It was just common sense finally asserting itself. Joe couldn't seriously have expected his two sons, who were just eighteen and nineteen years old and flush with youthful vigor, to spend every day around a naked young woman who was offering herself to them sexually. He probably expected to catch them fucking me even sooner than it had finally happened. I don't know anything about fathers and sons or any of that stuff, but he had to know we were going to do it. Joe also knew I'd never tell anyone, at least not in the literal sense.

"She's really a dog, ain't she dad?" Mike asked. "I mean, like White Cloud says."

"Yeah, I guess. Listen, you don't tell anybody about this, you understand me? If your mom finds out there's going to be hell to pay, believe me." Joe stared at his sons.

"Yeah, no. We won't," Jay promised and his brother was agreeing as well.

"I mean it. Not your friends, not anybody." Joe was being very serious. "We're looking after her, that's all. If she wants to let you guys, uh, do it with her that's ... I don't know what that is ... The important thing is she doesn't belong to you or me or anybody, got that?"

"Yeah, dad," the boys answered together, both of them looking a little shocked at the idea that I might be owned.

Joe knew better though, he'd seen me owned and knew it was what I wanted more than anything, to have an owner and Master again. Joe also knew it wasn't going to be him or his sons though, and he was pretty smart that way, I thought.

"Did you guys use condoms at least?" Joe asked and then frowned at the guilty silence that answered him.

"We didn't really think about it," Jay finally said.

"She didn't say anything," Mike offered.

"She never says anything, stupid." Jay elbowed his brother.

"Sometimes she does." Mike elbowed him back.

"She hasn't said anything since she told us about the vitamins," Jay shook his head. "That was like a month ago."

"So? She still talked, didn't she?" Mike replied.

"Quiet, both of you," Joe said and then looked at me. "When's your, uh ... When do you get your period, Dare?"

I just shrugged because I'd been wondering the same thing, sort of.

"Shoot." Joe wasn't really happy that I wasn't going to tell him anything, but he must have had some idea that I was due anyway, since I hadn't had one in almost a month.

"You think we got her pregnant, dad?" Mike asked.

"You best hope you didn't," Joe shook his head. "Give me those keys. Go fix some dinner for the dogs and then get home. The both of you."

"Yes sir," Jay said, walking over to his dad to give him the keys. Joe hadn't moved from the doorway at all.

"Yes sir," Mike echoed, grabbing his socks and boots and deciding he'd finish getting dressed someplace else. Jay followed his brother a few moments later, grabbing his own footwear with a quick glance over his shoulder at me.

"They didn't hurt you or anything, did they?" Joe asked as he knelt to unlock me from the chain and I shook my head. "Good. I wondered how long that was gonna take."

As soon as I was free, I stood up just so I could stretch properly and I thought about washing myself at the sink, but I just wanted to crawl between my brothers and rest. I was pretty sore down between my legs and my waist was gouged and throbbing on both sides from the dogs' claws. It reminded me that they owed me a good tongue bath and after I slept for awhile I'd make sure I collected on that.

Joe had seen the scratches though and he was going to take care of them, much as my Master had done. I'd have ignored them, but my Master had always been attentive and he'd chided me constantly for not taking better care of myself, or at least for not bringing my wounds to his attention right away. An infection would be a bad thing and so I had to wait until the man had found a washcloth and the anti-bacterial cream on the rack. I didn't mind so much, except it kind of stung just a little, but Joe was gentle and it felt good after he was done.

"I'll have to pick up some more of this stuff," Joe smiled at me with his big round face. "You should lie down."

I was already halfway there and I smiled at the Indian as I pushed my body between Barley and Bandy, wedging myself between the two dogs until I was comfortable. They had their eyes closed, but they weren't sleeping, just resting before dinner. We really were very spoiled now, all of us, and getting fat too. Joe's sons fed us too much and we didn't exercise properly since we had no Master to take us outside and give us a reason to caper about and show-off. We just did what we felt like doing and that was always bad for lazy spoiled dogs like us.

I wasn't pregnant, much more to Joe's relief than mine, but that was simply because I had no idea how to plan ahead. I'd never been much for that anyway, even as a girl, and now that I was a dog I just lived in the moment. I understood that I needed to do something though, if my brothers and I were going to be happy and have a Master once again. I needed to find one, since by the middle of summer it had become obvious that a new Master wasn't going to come looking for us.

The boys were used to fucking me now, and they were careful as their father had instructed, using condoms during our sex. I didn't mind it so much, the feeling was much the same for me, but I did miss the feel of their semen inside my womb when they'd finished. They weren't Masters, however, just boys who took care of the farm and kept my brothers and me well fed and groomed. It made all of us dogs restless, having no strong hand or dominant human personality to guide us, and so I reluctantly decided I'd have to ask for help.

I hadn't spoken since the funeral however, and I didn't want to. I can't explain that reluctance, but it was always there and so I tried to put it off as long as I could. So it was that I found myself sneaking into the silent house one night after Joe had stopped by to check on us and left again. I was frightened and more than a little nervous. Dogs weren't allowed in the house and I knew it. I was breaking a rule that my Master had set and if he found out he'd be angry and punish me. Of course I knew he wouldn't be coming back, but it was hard to remember that, especially when I was being bad.

What I'd decided to do was look for the newspaper, the one my Master had used to find me by placing an advertisement for a dog girl. That had been a long time ago, but he must have had one once and so perhaps it was still in the house someplace. All I needed was a phone number and I could place my own advertisement maybe, if I could figure it out somehow. I'll admit it wasn't the best plan perhaps, but I didn't have any other and it had taken me from one full moon to the next to think of it. Part of me actually felt a little proud that I'd come up with an idea like that all by myself.

I walked through the house slowly, since I'd never been in most of it before. I'd been in our Master's bedroom and even slept in his bed when I'd been sick, and I'd used the bathroom during that time of course. I'd been in the front parlor as well, after the man had died, but that was all. There were a lot of rooms and even more upstairs, but I was too frightened to go up there. I didn't turn on any lights; the night was clear and the windows large. My eyes were accustomed to the dark anyway. Like my other senses, my vision seemed remarkably improved over what I could dimly recall from my previous life.

I didn't know where to look and I started in the kitchen, of all places, but only because I liked the smell. I found a large bag of food, the crunchy sort that tasted pretty good with warm water to make gravy. I had to open it with my teeth and spill it onto the floor, but it was still good and I ate more than I should have probably. It made me very thirsty. I didn't find the newspaper there.

It wasn't in the bathroom either, although I could at least get something to drink in there and that made me feel better.

My Master's study seemed very imposing and I hesitated at the door, peering into the room nervously. It smelled strongly of him and I thought he must have spent a lot of time in that room. It was quiet, so still that I could hear the leaves rustling in the night air outside. I could hear my heart beating and I knew no dog had ever been allowed in this room. I'd been walking upright through much of the house, but now I dropped to the floor, lowering my head and entering only slowly. It was his lingering presence that confused me, as if our Master might appear at any moment and I trembled at the thought of being caught. A soft whine issued from my lungs before I could catch myself and I looked around nervously.

The bookcases were large and full, but there were no newspapers that I could see. There was a closet, a small one, which contained white cardboard boxes and little else. I opened the one on top and there were files inside, but no newspapers. I didn't look through any of the other cartons. My Master's desk was before the windows and near it, on a smaller table sat a computer monitor. It was dark and silent and covered with plastic. I ignored that and swallowed hard as I opened one of the desk drawers. Papers and pens and a stapler and paper clips, that was all I found. An address book, an electronic organizer and a cellular phone. Other things, some of them I recognized, some of them I didn't, but none of them were newspapers.

I thought I would have to look in the bedroom next, which I'd been putting off for last as that was the place which was most special to me. My Master had nursed me to health in that room, in that bed where we'd made love and spoken, if only briefly as man and wife. Of course I hadn't known we were married at the time, but I remembered his voice and the words had many meanings, some of them different depending on who I'd been. He'd fed me and read to me and touched me in his bedroom. I'd found him in that room after he'd died. Going back into the bedroom was very frightening for me as I didn't want to intrude on those memories. I couldn't see that room without him in it.

It had seemed to me once that there must be a fate, or a destiny which had some measure of control in my life. I'd believed that after the strange and seemingly random string of coincidences that had led me to find my Master, and then to discover my own true self. It had seemed very bad at the time, a very dark time as I'd sat in the rain without anything but the clothes on my back and not even twenty dollars in my pocket. I'd found my Master though, and so it was understandable maybe that I was feeling rather confused and sad that I'd been alone now for a long time, almost two months or possibly longer, and fate hadn't stepped in to save me.

I sat on the floor near the desk and after a few minutes I was laying there, curled up and not wanting to cry, but inside I was very lonely. I loved my Master and I wasn't eager to replace him. He'd understand, I thought. My Master knew that my brothers and I weren't meant to be alone. Other people wouldn't understand that, because I was his wife and so I should be waiting and mourning and doing whatever it is a woman does when her husband is gone. But I was neither a woman nor his wife, despite what those papers said. I was a dog and he was my Master, which are both very different things, and I needed a new one.

My Master wasn't helping me though.
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