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Daddy catches his daughter having 'play time' with the family dog, and decides to have some fun of his own as well.
I couldn't believe how close I came to getting caught! I was enjoying a lazy Saturday morning reading this really hot porn story on my computer in my room, when suddenly my dad was knocking on my door.

“April?” he asked, not waiting for me to respond before he opened the door and stepped inside. I barely had time to switch windows and pull my hand out from under my tennis skirt before he could see what I'd been doing.

“Yeah, Dad?” I asked as innocently as I could, silently praying that he wouldn't notice the blush I could feel building on my cheeks. The story I'd been reading didn't help matters any. I'd first started reading daddy-daughter incest stories about a year before. The first one was an accident, I hadn't even realized that was going to be the theme until I was halfway through... but I'd already been struggling with my own incestuous thoughts, and reading that story had made me cum harder than I'd ever cum before in my life, kicking those fantasies straight into overdrive! Ever since, I just hadn't been able to get enough, to the point that now even being in the same room as my dad was enough to instantly make me wet.

“Just wanted to let you know I'm going for a run. I should be back in an hour or so,” he said.

“Okay, no problem,” I replied, desperately trying to keep my eyes on his, and not to let them stray down to his jogging shorts like my libido was screaming at me to do. Not that staring into those gorgeous blue eyes of his made it any easier for me to deny my attraction to him, but at least he wouldn't know that, not like if he caught me staring at the prominent bulge in his crotch. “Are you taking Bruce?”

“He's being a big suck this morning,” Dad chuckled, shaking his head. “I offered walkies, and he just laid down on the floor next to his water bowl looking pathetic.”

“I can't say I blame him,” I smiled. “I don't want to go out in this heat, and I don't even have fur!”

“Yeah, I'll have to try again tonight, when it's cooler,” he smirked. “Oh, and before I forget, your mom texted to say she thinks she'll be back on Wednesday.”

“Grandpa's doing better, then?” I asked hopefully.

“Seems so. Cursing up a storm at having to hobble around in his cast, apparently, but she says he's able to get himself in and out of bed and get dressed without help now. She's going to stay another few days to make sure he doesn't backslide, but it looks like he's doing just fine, considering.”

“Okay, good,” I smiled with relief. “Not that I haven't enjoyed movie nights with just the two of us, mind you!”

“Me too, baby,” he smiled warmly as he stepped closer, bending down to give me a kiss in my hair. It was absurd how much that simple, chaste touch of his lips sent my pulse racing, but I just couldn't help it. “Be back in a bit.”

“Okay, enjoy your run!” I waited impatiently until I heard the front door closing behind him, then hurried out to the kitchen. My fingers just weren't going to cut it, not with the way I was feeling, and I had limited time before Dad would be getting home.

“Brucie, play time!” I called, seeing the big German shepherd's head perk up instantly. “Play time!” I repeated, lifting my skirt to make sure he would understand. He scrabbled to his feet, loping over to me and sticking his muzzle between my thighs, snuffling and licking me through my panties. I moaned quietly, encouragingly ruffling the fur of his neck, backing my way into my room again and closing the door behind us. Bruce immediately began jumping up on me, trying to force me down to the ground, as anxious for what he knew was about to happen as I was.

Bestiality stories were a newer addition to my reading list than the incest ones, an interest that had developed as an offshoot of one particularly steamy story that had involved both. But it was only in the last couple of months that I'd finally worked up the courage to try it for myself, starting with a touch of peanut butter on my lips to encourage him, until he got used to my taste and started wanting to lick me peanut butter or no. I'd still been really nervous about doing anything more than that, but once his instincts kicked in and he started trying to hump me one afternoon, I'd just been too turned on and pent up to make him stop. And ever since that very first moment of penetration, I'd been hooked! It was usually an after-school activity only, when I knew for sure that Mom and Dad wouldn't be home from work for a couple of hours still. But with Mom across town at Grandpa's place and Dad out for a run, and my pussy feeling like it was burning up with frustrated need, I just couldn't waste the opportunity when it presented itself so conveniently. I dropped into position, lifting my skirt up around my waist and pulling my panties down to my knees, leaning down to press my small, firm titties into the carpet to better present myself for him. My doggy lover gave me a few more teasing licks, tasting the juices that were already liberally coating my lips, then quickly jumped up on top of me, his probing cock poking my ass cheeks as he struggled to find his target. I reached back between my thighs to help him, gasping loudly as he finally slipped into my pussy and immediately began thrusting fast and hard. I was already feeling good, but then came his knot, and I moaned loudly into the carpet as he filled me the way I needed to be filled. As always when Bruce was inside me, the world quickly faded away in the face of the fucking I was getting.

“Ooooh, yes, Daddy!” I gasped, my eyes closed in pleasure as I rapidly rubbed my clit, my entire universe composed of the hot, stiff doggy-cock pounding away inside my needy little pussy, lost in the fantasy that it was Daddy giving it to me instead.

“April! Oh my God!” Dad yelled, and it was only then that I even realized he was there, standing in my doorway, staring down at me in shock. I guess he'd decided it was too hot out there for a run after all.

“No, get out!” I shrieked, but I'm not sure he even heard me. Not that it mattered by that point. What, did I think he'd somehow forget seeing his baby girl getting fucked by the family dog, if I made him get out of my room right away? And I couldn't even pull away, either, not with Bruce's knot stuck inside of me; I knew from prior experience, he wasn't going anywhere until he was done with me. I broke down crying, sobbing, really, covering my eyes with my hands in my unbearable embarrassment and shame, Bruce ambivalent to the drama playing out around him as he continued vigorously pounding me. God! Please, at least don't let Daddy have heard me moaning his name as I was getting fucked!

“Baby, it's okay!” Dad was saying, dropping to his knees beside me and lifting my head to his chest, stroking my hair.

“I'm sorry, Daddy!” I moaned, shaking as he cuddled me against him. “I...”

“Shhh... none of that,” he murmured comfortingly. “It's okay. Really.”

“You aren't... you aren't mad at me?” I mewed pitifully. “You don't think I'm disgusting? For letting Bruce do this to me?”

“I could never find you disgusting, baby. Not ever!” he said, bending to softly kiss my hair. “And no, I'm not mad. There's nothing to be mad at. This sort of thing is completely natural.”

I looked up at him then, and I guess my disbelief must have been clear on my face, because he laughed.

“Okay, so maybe I wouldn't go advertising it to your friends at school, or anything!” he admitted with a wry grin. “But honestly, baby. Sexual experimentation is completely natural at your age. You haven't done anything wrong!”

I still wasn't sure I entirely believed him, but I let him cuddle me and stroke my hair while Bruce continued having his way with me. And then, I realized I was about to have another problem. Bruce was hitting all the right spots inside of me, just like he always did, and even though I was no longer rubbing my clitty the pressure of my orgasm was still starting to build. I tried to clamp down on it, not wanting Daddy to see, but I guess I was being a little too obvious.

“Don't fight it on my account, baby,” he said, and I looked up at him again in surprise. “It is why you let Bruce mount you, isn't it?” He asked reasonably. “Just let it happen, it's nothing to be ashamed of.”

Bruce soon took the decision away from me, forcing me into a gasping, trembling orgasm while Daddy kissed and stroked my hair. The worst part of it was how much I wished it could have been Daddy making me feel that way, rather than Bruce! I bit down hard on my lip, stopping myself from moaning 'Daddy' the way I normally do when I cum, and I don't think he had any idea. It was then, in the aftermath of my orgasm, that I truly noticed Daddy's cock. Not just the ill-defined bulge in his crotch that I'd spent so much time surreptitiously staring at... I could see his entire cock now, long and thick, obviously fully erect, straining against the leg of his shorts. It was massive! It had to be nine inches at least, and thicker than my wrist! God! My mouth was watering at the very thought of it, and then suddenly I was cumming again, the first time that had ever happened to me in such quick succession, triggered not by anything Bruce had done inside of me but by the unexpected revelation of the size of Daddy's cock!

I was still trying to recover from my surprise orgasm when it was suddenly Bruce's turn, the familiar feeling of his hot, wet doggy-cum bursting up inside of me without warning. I whimpered piteously, ashamed that Daddy had now witnessed my ultimate humiliation, but he just kept cuddling and kissing my hair, telling me repeatedly that it was okay as Bruce twisted himself off my back, standing ass to ass with me as he waited for his knot to shrink enough that he'd be able to pull out. He finally managed it, and I let out a brief squeal of pain at the momentary stretching of my entrance around his still-substantial knot, accompanied by the loud, wet plopping sound of his cock pulling out of me, leaving me suddenly empty and dripping with doggy-cum.

I tried to get up, eager to get to the bathroom so I could clean myself up, but Daddy stopped me with a hand on my lower back. He started moving down around my side, and I was about to object, but then I figured, what was the point? He'd already seen me at my absolute lowest, being the filthy little doggy cum-slut bitch I'd allowed myself to become. So what would it matter now if he saw a little more? He probably just wanted to reassure himself that Bruce hadn't actually injured me. I twisted around to look at him over my shoulder, dreading how I knew he'd react to the sight of his baby girl dripping doggy-cum, but unable to stop myself... this was not how I'd dreamed of my first time showing him my pussy! But nothing could have prepared me for what I saw as I looked back at him! Not only was he staring down at my pussy with undisguised lust in his eyes, rather than the disgust I'd expected and feared, but he'd taken that magnificent cock of his out of his shorts, and was now slowly stroking it in his hand as he looked at me!

“Daddy?” I asked timidly, hardly able to believe what I was seeing. He glanced up and met my gaze, the possessive, predatory gleam in his eyes making me tremble.

“I have a confession to make, baby,” he said, the deep growl in his voice unlike anything I'd ever heard from him before, my insides quivering in primal, sexual response. “I know the kinds of stories you've been reading online.”

“You... you do?” I quailed, gasping as he slowly slid his hand down from my back and onto my ass, giving me a nice, tight squeeze.

“I wasn't snooping on purpose... remember a few months back, when my laptop crashed and wouldn't restart, and I had to take it in to get fixed? Well, I had a work email that couldn't wait, so I had to borrow yours, and I saw your bookmarks by accident while I was doing it. But after I saw... I couldn't help but read a few. And I've been debating with myself ever since, trying to find a way to talk to you about it. But when I came in and saw that you'd actually decided to act out those stories, with Bruce...” He smiled wickedly. “It was a surprise and a half, let me tell you! I thought for sure that would have remained just a fantasy for you. But now that I know... I think it's time we turn those other stories into a reality, too.”

“Daddy, I...” I began. Then I gasped, robbed of my words as I felt the firm, hot head of his cock rubbing against my soft, cum-coated pussy lips. I moaned loudly, hardly able to believe what was happening, but desperate for it to continue. Then he was pushing gently inside, my first non-doggy cock stretching me so much more than Bruce's ever had, and reason finally came flooding back.

“Ohhh, Daddy...” I moaned piteously, trying with everything I had to make my mouth form the word 'no', or 'stop'... but I just couldn't do it. And how could I? I'd been giving it up for the family pet, for God's sake... how was I supposed to do any less for the father who loved me, now that he'd decided he wanted the same? But if I'm really being honest, that was only half of it. I just couldn't get over how absolutely amazing he felt sliding into me! I mean... oh my fucking God! He was huge! Not quite as big as Bruce's knot, maybe... but much thicker than his actual shaft! And quite a bit longer, too, from what I'd been able to see, though so far I was barely experiencing the tip. It was a good thing I was already fully lubricated with Bruce's doggy-cum, or I doubt Daddy would have even been able to make it fit!

“But Mom...” I tried once more to inject some sanity, to make Daddy stop for a moment and reconsider what he was doing... but barely had I choked it out before my voice trailed off, unable to cope in the face of the waves of pure, unadulterated bliss emanating from between my thighs. And the fact that he hadn't even waited to get my permission first... that he'd wanted me so badly that he'd simply had to take me, regardless of whatever objections I may have had, only made it all the hotter! Had Daddy found those stories, too? Or was he forcing himself on me like this simply because it was what he wanted, without even realizing how much I'd been dreaming about it, too?

“Do you know how I first met your mom?” he asked, the unexpected and irrelevant question throwing me for a loop as he took my hips in his hands and started to gently thrust in and out, slowly and carefully working himself deeper. I moaned loudly... already the pleasure was almost more than I could take, and it was only getting better the more of him he pushed inside of me.

“Your grandpa and I both belonged to a little... club, I guess you could say. I was there with my girlfriend at the time. Your grandpa was there with your grandma... and with your mom. Though they certainly weren't advertising that relationship, at the time.”

“When you say 'club'...?” I gasped, already understanding what he must mean, but hardly able to wrap my brain around it.

“A sex club, yes,” he grinned. “Your mom and I hit it off right away, and the girl I was with, despite it having been her idea to start going there in the first place, couldn't handle her jealousy. It wasn't long before we broke up, and I started dating your mom, instead. And as to what she'd say if she saw you and me having sex together... 'like mother, like daughter', would be my guess.”

“She and Grandpa really...?” I asked again, shaking my head to try to concentrate against the unbelievable pleasure Daddy was making me feel.

“Less, after she and I started dating,” he confirmed. “And we all left that club ages ago; a bunch of new couples joined, and the culture changed, and it just wasn't for us anymore. And of course your mom and I took a break from playing with anyone else, much less your grandma and grandpa, while she was off her birth control and trying to get pregnant with you. But from time to time, over the years, we'd get together with them for a bit of playtime. Of course, you already know your mom's been making an effort to get over there more regularly, ever since your grandma died so unexpectedly... Your grandpa's been really lonely, without her, and your mom's been doing everything she can to help him through it. And then, after he broke his leg in that fall... even he had to admit he needed the help, and it gave your mom the excuse she'd been looking for, to move in for a little bit and take care of him the way she knew he's been needing. It wouldn't surprise me if the two of them were in this exact same position right this very second, as a matter of fact, broken leg or not! And I can just about guarantee that she woke him up this morning by sucking his cock and swallowing his load... unless he was in the mood to make her ride him, that is, and filled her tight little pussy, instead!”

“And... you're really okay with that?” I asked doubtfully, nevertheless shocked by how arousing I was suddenly finding the mental image of Mom down on her knees, servicing Grandpa's cock, or even taking it up her pussy! God... I wondered if he was as big as Daddy was?

“It's not like I wasn't getting anything out of the deal!” he chuckled. “Your grandma may have been a little bit older, but she was still a fine little piece of ass! And a very talented cocksucker, believe you me! If it's been a little lopsided since she passed, well... my patience has definitely just been rewarded!” He punctuated his statement with a sudden slap on my ass, making me squeal and jump in surprise.

“You really think Mom's going to be okay with this?” I moaned, hope warring with disbelief in my mind.

“It's going to be a surprise, that's for sure,” he chuckled. “She's got herself convinced that you're not like her, that you aren't interested in me this way. I've been dropping little hints, ever since I found out what type of stories you've been reading online, to try to get her used to the idea... But ultimately, your mom's an obedient little slut, just like her daughter! You're both going to do whatever I tell you to do, aren't you, baby?”

“Oh, God!” I moaned loudly as the head of Daddy's cock found one of my favourite spots inside of me. He'd still only worked himself about halfway in, but already he felt so much better than Bruce, or doing it by myself with my fingers.

“But don't worry, baby. Even if she plays like she's a little reluctant, at first, it'll only be because she wants to be forced!” he chuckled again, giving me another playful slap on my ass. That was one thing Bruce couldn't do, and if it had come as a surprise the first time Daddy had done it, I was already learning to like it... a lot! “It won't be long before I have her begging to eat my cum out of your pretty little pink pussy for you! And you're going to learn to love the taste of your mother's creamy little cunt!”

I moaned loudly, feeling myself blush at the idea of Daddy grabbing the back of my head and pressing me face-down into Mom's pussy while he did me roughly from behind. That reaction was just stupid, I thought! I was blushing now, when Daddy had already seen me getting fucked by Bruce, and after I already had him inside of me? That was all just fine, apparently, but now I was going to blush? Ugh!

“You want that, baby?” he grinned wickedly, slapping my ass again. “You want to eat your mommy's hot little pussy for me while I watch?”

“I'll... I'll do anything for you, Daddy!” I promised meekly. I'd never even considered the idea of being with another girl before, much less with my own mom! But the idea of Daddy making me do it, while he was busy fucking me, was amazingly hot! And the idea of him making Mom go down on me... and while I already had a pussyful of Daddy's cum inside of me? I couldn't stop a little shudder of anticipation as that mental image took hold!

“Good girl!” he praised, giving me a gentle squeeze of my ass. “But just for the record... I think you'll be relieved to know that 'anything' will be comparatively limited, when it comes to you. I already told you we're not part of that club anymore... but even if we still were, I'd definitely be keeping you all to myself! Although I might... might, I say... be willing to share you with your grandpa. At the very least, I know he'll love being able to watch, while I do you and he does your mom!”

“Yes, Daddy!” I giggled shyly, pleased beyond words at the knowledge that he wanted to keep me all to himself, and a mixture of nervous and excited at the idea of him maybe sharing me with Grandpa. I gave him a happy little wiggle of my ass to let him know how I felt, making him moan. So of course I did it again, giggling harder, until Daddy slapped my ass again and grabbed a firmer hold of my hips to hold me in place. I was soon robbed of speech as he started thrusting more vigorously, finally working himself all the way into my depths. It was a good two minutes before I finally regained control of my voice.

“Oh, God, Daddy! You're huge!” I moaned, trembling in his hands. He was giving me the full, unbelievable length of his cock, pressing his hips tight up against my ass with every thrust, stretching me so much it felt like I was about to burst! Oh my fucking God! It was incredible! So, so much better than with Bruce!

“You like that, don't you baby girl?” he growled. “You like Daddy's cock?”

“I love it, Daddy!” I whimpered, already feeling the orgasm building inside of me, my eyes widening in surprise at how fast I could feel it coming on. “You're so deep! And it feels so good! Oh, God, Daddy! You're going to make me cum!”

“Do it for me, baby!” he commanded, punctuating his order with another sudden, stinging slap on my ass. “Cum for Daddy! Cum on Daddy's cock!”

“Daddyyyyy!” I squealed, shaking and twitching as he pushed me over the edge. He tightened his grip on my hips as I reflexively tried to pull away, his constant, vigorous thrusting drawing it out, taking me to heights of pleasure I'd never before even dreamed of!

“Oh, fuck me Daddy!” I gasped as I finally started coming down. “Fuck me hard! Use me, Daddy! Please! I need it!”

I wouldn't have believed it was even possible for him to fuck me any harder than he already was, but somehow he found the strength. He pounded me back and forth on his cock like a rag doll, even my small, firm, shake-resistant little titties bouncing so violently that I could feel them starting to burn on my chest, but the pain only intensified my ever-growing pleasure. I'm not even sure how many more times Daddy made me cum after that first one. It was at least five... but how are you even supposed to keep track, when your orgasms keep crashing all over each other, and you can't tell the aftershock from one from the prelude to the next? I was an absolute wreck by the time Daddy was finally ready to finish too, after lasting so much longer than I was used to with Bruce, making me cum over, and over, and over again! But he still had one more surprise for me left in store.

“Beg for it, baby!” he demanded, punctuating the command with another, even firmer slap on my ass.

“Oooooh, please Daddy!” I wailed obediently. So what if it was still technically just my first time with an actual human... I'd read more than enough porn stories online to know the sort of thing Daddy wanted to hear! “I need it so bad! I need to feel your hot, thick Daddy cum filling my tight little teenage pussy! Please, Daddy, give it to me! Fill me up and make me yours! Oh, please, Daddy! Pleeease!”

“Oh, take it, baby!” he growled, his hips pounding bruisingly hard against my ass, driving nine-plus inches of thick, rock-hard Daddy cock deep into my tiny little pussy, pulsing forcefully as he delivered his seed. “Take Daddy's cum! Take it all!”

“Daddyyyyy!” I screamed, completely overcome with one last, earth-shattering orgasm as I felt him gushing deep up inside of me, filling me completely. It felt like there was an absolute river of it, so hot and wet and slippery as he kept roughly thrusting, both of us trembling uncontrollably as he continued pleasuring himself with my pussy long after he'd finished cumming. I could hardly stand the intensity of it, but I had no choice; the strength of his grip on my hips was more than I could possibly overcome, even if I hadn't been barely in control of my own body at the moment, gasping and twitching with the aftereffects of the most intense orgasm of my life. It finally became too much for him, as well, and he held himself there immobile, caressing and squeezing my ass and hips with his hands as his enormous cock remained buried to the hilt inside of me, and we both tried to recover.

“You are still on your birth control, aren't you baby?” he asked eventually. “Your mom told me when she took you to the doctor's, but...”

“Don't you think that's the sort of thing you should have checked before you filled my womb with your cum?” I teased, twisting to look back at him.

“Baby...” he growled threateningly, and I just giggled.

“Yes, Daddy, I'm still on my birth control. You don't have to worry,” I confirmed with an exhausted smile. Not that I'd ever really needed to be on it, before today; it wasn't like Bruce could get me pregnant! And his was the only cock I'd ever even seen in real life, much less allowed inside of me, before Daddy had decided to make me his. But Mom was a firm believer in being prepared, a trait for which I was suddenly extremely grateful; I'd have broken down balling my eyes out if I'd had to ask Daddy to pull out, rather than letting him cum inside of me like I wanted! And that was assuming he'd even been willing to pull out, by that point!

“Good girl,” he smirked, giving me another, playful slap on my ass. God, I was really learning to love it when he did that! Then he ran his hands up under my shirt, pulling me up to lean back against his chest. His cock was in no hurry to deflate, and I bowed my back as far as I could, keeping it deep inside me as he began fondling my titties. I was a little self-conscious, at first; they're so much smaller than Mom's are, after all! But it felt amazing, especially with how sore they'd gotten from the way he'd made them bounce so hard while he was fucking me. Daddy really seemed to like playing with them, too, squeezing them tight, pinching and twisting my nipples to make me moan for him. I loved the way his hands felt on my boobs... but it was his enjoyment of them that mattered most to me as I turned to kiss him over my shoulder. I guess it was a little odd, our first kiss happening only after he'd already filled me near to bursting with his cum... but I didn't mind. And I was thrilled (but not the least bit surprised) to find out that Daddy was a really, really good kisser!

We waited for Daddy to deflate enough to slip out of me naturally, then he pushed me back down onto my hands and knees and spun me around to face him. He made me clean him, gathering my hair in his hands at the back of my head.

“You like that, don't you baby?” he moaned as I worked, his eyes closing in pleasure at what he was making me do to him. “You like the taste of yourself on my cock?”

“I love it, Daddy!” I bashfully admitted, by cheeks burning a brilliant shade of pink in my embarrassment at being such a dirty little slut for him. I kept it up long after I'd licked up every last drop, until Daddy finally stood and pulled me up to my feet. He kissed me again, fondling my breast and squeezing my ass as he held me tight against him. We finally stripped each other the rest of the way out of our clothes, and he picked me up by his grip on my ass, my arms and legs wrapping around him to hold on as he carried me out into the hallway, through his and mom's bedroom, and into their bathroom to shower. He started getting hard again before we were even halfway done cleaning off, and he took me, slowly and gently this time, lifting me by his grip on my butt and pressing my back up against the tile, so that we could still kiss while we were doing it. I was already in heaven... but little did I know what I still had to look forward to. Daddy did me an incredible seven times over the course of that first day together, making me cum over and over and over again on his huge, amazing cock, filling me up with so much of his cum I thought for sure I should be able to see a bulge in my belly! But almost even better, whenever he wasn't actually fucking me we spent the entire time in between just kissing and cuddling, barely even taking breaks for food!

Then, just before bed, when I was already feeling like I'd just finished running a marathon from everything Daddy had been doing to me, he surprised me by telling me it was time to let Bruce mount me again, while he was going to watch. I felt really shy about that, but Daddy said it really wasn't fair for me to get him so used to fucking me all the time and then to cut him off all of a sudden without him being able to understand why, and I knew he was right. But despite my initial shyness and worry, it turned out much better than I'd feared. Daddy really seemed to enjoy making me suck on his big, beautiful cock while Bruce did me from behind, nothing but pure, unadulterated lust in his eyes as he watched me resuming my role as a dirty little doggy fucktoy at his command. Not only that, but having Daddy's cock filling my mouth, partially cutting off my breathing, made my resulting orgasm much stronger than the ones Bruce normally gave me. Still not as good as any of the times Daddy made me cum, mind you... but enough that I resolved that I always want to be sucking Daddy's cock when he decides it's Bruce's turn to fuck me! And the fact that Daddy kept making me suck him, long after Bruce had finished inside my pussy and pulled out, until Daddy finally came in my mouth and made me swallow every last drop of his yummy, creamy cum, made it even better! But as amazing as it all was, I couldn't stop wondering if Daddy was going to start making Mom let Bruce mount her, too, once she gets back home? Or if that's going to remain only my responsibility, and Mom is just going to watch? I have to admit, thinking about either possibility... really turned me on!

Daddy and I eventually fell asleep with him cuddled up behind me, his arm wrapped around me with his hand possessively clutching my breast, in his and Mom's bed. Or our bed, now, though that won't be official until Mom gets home and we can tell her that she and I will be sharing Daddy from now on. God I hope Daddy's right, and she really will be okay with all this! I was too preoccupied pleasuring Daddy (and Bruce) to worry about it too much over the weekend, or on Monday when he took the day off work and called me in sick to school so we could spend an extra day alone together. But it's Tuesday after school now, and after Bruce finished having his way with me again when I got home, I decided I'd try typing this all out. At first, I was just doing it in an effort to organize my thoughts about everything that had happened... but as I got further into it, I decided I needed to get my story ready to post online, too. I feel like I owe it to the authors of all those incest and bestiality and rape stories I read, to let them know where their stories eventually led me. None of this ever would have happened without those stories, without Daddy finding them on my computer... and I want all those authors to know how incredibly grateful I am for everything they made possible with their words. And maybe, if someone else reads my story... well, who knows? Maybe it will even help some other young girl out there somewhere find the courage to accept the feelings she's been having about her own Daddy, the same way all those other stories did for me. And maybe, just maybe... it'll even lead to the same result!

I certainly hope that ends up being the case... but even if it doesn't, even if nobody even reads this when I post it and it ends up being just for me, it's totally been worth it, taking the time to write it all out like this. I can't even describe to you how much I've been creaming myself as I think about everything that's happened, working to get it all written down in the proper order on my screen! Of course... part of that might be Daddy's promise that he's going to be giving it to me up my ass for the first time tonight before bed, after he's done teaching me how to clean myself out first to make myself ready for him! I'm a little scared about how much I know it's going to hurt... Daddy's cock is huge, after all, and my poor little asshole definitely is not! But mostly, I'm just excited, and looking forward to a whole new way to use my body to pleasure Daddy's cock for him. My only real worry isn't about anything Daddy might make me do, but about how Mom is going to react to all of this when she gets home tomorrow. I trust Daddy, I do... and he's tried to reassure me by telling me he'll tie her down and make her be okay with this, if that's what it takes! But still, it's so hard not to worry! I can't go back to the way things were, I just can't!

God, please, please, please let Mom be okay with this!

But Daddy's going to be pulling up in the drive any moment now, so it looks like I finished typing this all up just in time. He told me this morning, now that we're back to our normal schedule of going to work and school, that he expects me to be down on my knees to greet him every evening when he gets home, fully naked and ready to pleasure him from the moment he steps in through the door.

I can hardly wait!


2025-02-15 19:44:08
Great story. I cannot wait to hear about how you mother joins you.


2025-02-12 17:51:02
This brought memorys glooding back ,My dad loved watching me and then taking me after my doggie lover


2025-02-11 22:40:30
I wish i could have this with my own daughter. I know i shouldnt, but it just crazy


2025-02-04 20:51:29
Very enjoyable and arousing story . Looking forward for more.


2025-02-03 07:18:03
Excellent story looking forward to reading the next chapter

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