After an unexpected wardrobe issue Daddy came into my bathroom and saw me in the mirror. I never could have guessed where that would lead.
I was standing in my bathroom staring into my mirror, chewing nervously on my lower lip as I stared at how much cleavage my dress was showing. I still had an hour and a half until Bethany, my best friend ever since we'd been in first grade, would be picking me up for Michelle's birthday party. Plenty of time to worry and fret, not nearly enough to actually fix my mistake. I loved my dress; it was midnight blue, tight and short, but without making me look slutty. Or at least, that had been the case the last time I'd worn it. Unfortunately, I hadn't had an excuse to wear it in nearly a year, and though I knew it would still fit my size zero waistline and hips, I'd completely overlooked how much my boobs had grown in that time. I could still squeeze into it, but just barely, and I was far from comfortable with how much of my 26Cs were left out on display when I did. I really like my boobs now... they're so firm and round, with tiny little pink nipples and areolas, barely the size of pencil erasers and quarters, respectively. They look much bigger on me than they really are, too, because the rest of me is just so tiny. But just because I really liked the way they looked, didn't mean I was prepared to put them out on display for just anyone to see!
“Daaaad?” I called out, loudly so I knew he'd hear, as I resumed chewing on my lip. “Could you come in here for a sec? I kinda have a problem...”
“Yeah, Steph?” I heard him calling, knocking on the closed door to my room before stepping inside. I'd left the door to my bathroom open behind me, and soon he was there, his bright blue eyes opening wide with surprise as he saw me in the mirror. I bit my lip a little harder, trying not to visibly react to the butterflies in my stomach when I saw the way his eyes were travelling my body, taking me in. I know he's my dad, and all... but I just can't help it! He has the most gorgeous blue eyes, eyes I'm so happy that I inherited from him, instead of my mom's boring brown. I have his hair, too, thick and dark, though his has little flecks of grey in it, here and there, which only makes him look even sexier. If it wasn't for the hair and the eyes, you'd swear we weren't even related; he's over a foot taller than me, six-foot-two compared to my five-foot-nothing, and he's as muscled and solid as I am skinny and frail. Honestly, he's just perfect... and it had been a real struggle for me, the last couple of years, trying to deny that to myself.
“Wow... you look amazing, baby!” he said, and I almost gasped out loud as something low and deep inside of me suddenly tightened with desire at hearing his words. I wasn't sure exactly what I'd been expecting him to say, but it hadn't been that! He stepped closer, his hands coming to rest lightly on my hips, bending down to softly kiss my hair. I could feel my knees starting to tremble, and I closed my eyes to concentrate, praying that he wouldn't notice the effect his touch was having on me. I could not let him know the way I really felt about him!
It had pretty much been just me and my dad, ever since he and my mom got divorced when I was seven. I still saw her pretty regularly, she only lived across town. In theory she was supposed to have me every second weekend, but I tried to find any excuse I could to avoid it. Not that she ever really put up much of a fuss about that. It isn't like she's a horrible person, or anything, but she and I just don't get along. And, when I'm being completely honest about it... I don't think I'd ever really forgiven her for hurting my dad. That probably isn't real fair of me, I suppose. How much does a seven year old really know about her parents, after all? I'm sure there must have been blame on both sides, regardless of the way it had seemed to me at the time. But I've always been a daddy's girl, and during the divorce I'd been very clear about who I wanted to live with, to absolutely anyone who would listen. And especially to the family court judge, which is how I'd ended up spending the majority of my time with my dad instead of with my mom. So I guess there might be a thing or two she hadn't completely forgiven me for, too.
“You're just saying that,” I said, blushing brightly. And okay, yes, maybe fishing for another compliment a little bit.
“I'm really, really not,” he smiled lovingly at me in the mirror, my insides going all wobbly as he bent to kiss me in my hair again. “Why, if you weren't my daughter...” he teased.
“Prove it!” I sighed at the touch of his lips, then gasped, eyes flashing wide in horror as I realized what my libido, and literally years of my secret bed-time fantasies, had just short-circuited my brain into saying out loud. He froze in shock the same as I was, his hands tightening reflexively on my hips, and I could see him struggling with himself as he worked out a response.
“You don't mean that,” he said, his voice suddenly deeper, growly in a way that had me quivering, barely able to keep myself from collapsing to my knees so I could cower submissively at his feet, he sounded so danged sexy!
I shouldn't have said it. I know I shouldn't have said it. But there was something in his eyes, and in his voice, that I couldn't ignore. Maybe, just maybe, he was struggling with the same feelings I was, and trying to keep himself from acting on them because he didn't know I felt the same way. I knew in my heart this was my chance, maybe my one and only chance, to find out.
“What if I did?” I asked meekly, reflexively lowering my eyes with doubt. But then, despite it being literally the hardest thing I'd ever done... I forced myself to raise them again, meeting his in the mirror. “What if I do?”
It was the longest few seconds of my life as I waited for a response, but finally his hands started to move from my hips. Not away from me, as I'd been so terrified they would, but slowly up my sides and towards my breasts.
I was breathing heavily with anticipation long before he reached his goal, and as he finally took hold of me I collapsed back against his chest, eyes fluttering closed with pleasure. I reached back to find the sides of his thighs, caressing him through his jeans as he gently explored my breasts, lifting, squeezing, and softly rubbing his thumbs across the sensitive skin exposed above my dress.
But that was all he did- and as much as I was enjoying it, I eventually realized the next move had to be mine. I bit my lip, working up the courage... then gathered up my hair and held it aside, clearing the way to my zipper as I met his eyes expectantly in the mirror. Thankfully, that proved to be enough, because I really don't think I had it in me to be any more brazen than I already was. He reached up, finding the little tab and holding it in his fingers- but paused, asking the question with his eyes.
“Please!” I whispered breathily. Turns out I still had a little more courage left in me, after all! He kissed my hair again as he started to pull, ducking deeper to find the side of my neck as he finished opening my dress. I moaned happily, encouragingly tilting my head as he kissed and sucked. I helped a little, but only a little, because I loved the idea of him being the one to undress me so much! He went slow, painfully slow, incrementally slipping my dress down my body and dropping down to his knees behind me as he went, his lips tracing ticklingly down the center of my back, making me shiver in pleasure and anticipation. He got a little bit stuck when he reached my hips, and I wiggled them for him in what I hoped was a sexy way to help him get the clingingly tight fabric past that obstacle, then daintily stepped out of it for him. He stood up again, finally getting his first clear look at me in nothing but my tiny, powder-blue panties. I'd tried wearing a bra the first time I'd put the dress on, but that had made my cleavage issues even worse.
“Fucking hell!” he gasped reverently as he saw me, shocking me and making me giggle. Dad hardly ever swears, not unless he hits his thumb with a hammer or something like that when he's working around the house, and I was thrilled that my body had gotten that sort of a response from him! He quickly draped my dress over the towel rack, then he was back behind me again, hands cupping and squeezing, making me gasp and moan as he rolled his thumbs across the firm pink nubs of my nipples.
“God, your tits are amazing, baby!” he growled, his tone and words making me tremble nearly as much as the feeling of his hands on me. It was the first time I could ever remember him using that word; not breasts, or even boobs... but tits! It made me feel so dirty, and sexy, that he was thinking about my body using that term! I wished he would keep kissing my neck, but there was just too much difference in our heights for him to keep doing that for long. He did keep kissing my hair though, and as I leaned back against him there was no doubt he was enjoying what we were doing. I could hardly believe how big it felt, pressed up against me! But as much as I wanted to reach back around and find out for sure, I forced myself to wait. He was really starting to take charge, now, and I was enjoying having him being the one in control way too much to risk ruining it by taking the initiative myself.
My patience soon paid off, as he dropped his right hand from my breast to run slowly down my belly, his left arm coming to encircle me as he moved his grip from my left breast to my right, pinning me tightly back against his chest. Not that I had the slightest intention of trying to escape, mind you, but I loved the feeling of being restrained like that—of knowing that I couldn't get away, even if I wanted to! I was quivering eagerly as his hand finally slipped between my thighs, the soft cotton feeling incredible against my most sensitive places as he started gently rubbing me through my panties. I moaned happily, unable to find words, but desperate to let him know how good he was making me feel. It was only my overwhelming need to see what he was doing to me in the mirror, and to see the look on his face while he was doing it, that kept me from letting my eyes drift closed again.
I was no stranger to masturbation, of course. And as I lay in my bed late at night with my hand between my thighs, I'd dreamt of almost this exact same scenario more times than I could count! But nothing I'd ever tried doing to myself had felt even half as good as having Daddy doing it for me! I could hardly believe how much of a difference it was making... and then, while I was still trying to wrap my brain around the fact that this was actually happening, he suddenly slipped his hand under my panties, and I was in a whole new world of pleasure! Thank God I'd already taken my shower, and had just finished shaving! I would have died from embarrassment, if he'd found me all rough and stubbly now that all those dreams of mine were finally starting to come true!
No longer was I just having trouble speaking. Suddenly, I was having trouble even trying to think! He was concentrating mostly on my clit, rubbing it with small, quick little circles. It was almost exactly the same way I did it when I was alone, maybe just a tiny bit harder and faster, but it felt so much better because he was the one doing it for me! He'd occasionally slip the tip of a finger down between my lips, too, but never far enough to truly penetrate me. He was only doing it to tease, when he could tell he needed to back off from my clit for a little while or risk making me cum before he wanted me to. It was really frustrating, when he did that... but in the best way possible, ramping up my arousal even more, and ensuring that it was going to be an absolutely earth-shattering orgasm when he was finally ready to let cum.
He made me wait for it, until I was literally whimpering with desire, and when he finally pushed me over the edge it was better than I ever could have imagined.
“Daddyyy!” I howled it out, long past any hope of being able to stay quiet, my entire body thrashing violently in his arms as wave after wave of unbelievable pleasure shook through me. I was cumming! My daddy had made me cum, the first orgasm I'd ever had that I hadn't given myself! It lasted what seemed like forever, and it was only because he had me pinned so tightly against his chest that I didn't collapse into a puddle on the floor.
I finally regained enough control of myself to be able to turn around, stretching up onto my tippy toes and throwing my arms around his neck as I pulled him down into a deep, passionate kiss. Then his hands found my ass, and I yipped with surprise as he lifted me bodily into the air. I wrapped my legs around his waist and moaned into his mouth, feeling as if I was going to faint from pleasure when I swirled my tongue into his mouth and he started sucking on it, desperately returning the favour when he did the same to me.
I eventually backed away from our kiss, breathing heavily as I stared into his eyes.
“My turn, Daddy!” I moaned, licking my lips with anticipation. I had no idea how many years it had been since the last time I'd called him 'Daddy'... but in the context of what we were doing, it just felt so right! He gave me a truly wicked grin, one that just by itself was enough to give me a new round of butterflies, tightly squeezing my ass one more time before he let me back down onto my feet.
I went straight for the fastenings of his jeans, staring at the huge bulge I could see trapped within. He let me work, stripping his shirt off for me, then running the fingers of his right hand through my hair while his left cupped and played with my breast. But not even the sight of his strong, hairy chest and the feeling of his thumb rubbing back and forth across my nipple could distract me from my goal. Or at least, not very much. Turns out, it's actually a lot harder to undo somebody else's jeans than it is to undo your own, and the distractions weren't exactly helping. I got it done eventually though, taking his jeans and boxers into my hands at his hips, and pulling them both down at once. I gasped, and I'm sure my eyes must have widened to saucers as I finally saw what my dad had been hiding from me all those years. He had to be a full nine inches, maybe even a little bit more, though of course there was no way I was going to take the time to measure right then and there. But as impressive as that was, it was his thickness that was really taking my breath away! I wrapped my hand around him to check, and my thumb and finger were nearly an inch away from meeting on the other side. Granted, I'm really small, and so are my hands, but still... I was in absolute shock at what I was seeing and feeling, running my hands over him, starting to explore, imagining what it would feel like to have him inside of me!
I dropped to my knees, and had another moment of shock; somehow, he looked even bigger from that position! I just stroked him for a moment in awe, my gaze torn between the magnificent monster in my hands, and the look of predatory heat in his eyes as he stared at me down on my knees for him, lovingly, encouragingly stroking his fingers through my hair. I took him tentatively into my mouth, and could barely even make him fit. It felt amazing! He was so hot, and hard! But with an odd sort of sponginess to him, unlike anything I'd ever felt before. I sucked and swirled my tongue, doing my best to imitate what I'd seen in porn... but he was just so big! I quickly learned I had to be careful not to bob up and down too much, or risk scraping him with my teeth. Not that I even could bob very far. I tried, and managed to get maybe a third of him into my mouth, at most, before I felt him pushing up against the entrance to my throat and I started to gag.
I was finally starting to feel like I was getting the hang of it, getting more coordinated stroking his shaft with my hands while I sucked on his head, when he suddenly grabbed me under my arms and pulled me back to my feet. I lowered my eyes in shame, understanding that he'd finally gotten so annoyed by my poor technique that he'd decided it was no longer even worth the effort of letting me continue. But he just lifted my chin and kissed me, deeply and passionately, as if nothing at all was wrong, leaving me utterly confused. Then he turned me around to face the mirror again, putting one hand on my hip and pushing gently on my shoulders with the other, making me lean onto the counter, and suddenly I understood. A moment later my panties were halfway down my thighs, and I was moaning loudly at the feeling of his hot, firm, saliva-covered cockhead, slowly rubbing up and down my wet and eager lips. I could hardly believe what was about to happen, but I think he mistook my excitement for nervousness, because he suddenly stopped rubbing himself against me and spoke.
“Do you want me to stop?” he asked, and I twisted around enough so I could look into his eyes for real, instead of relying on the mirror. I wanted this, so, so much! But before we went any further, he deserved to know.
“I'm a virgin, Daddy,” I gulped. I tried to be matter-of-fact, like it was no big deal. But it came out sounding so weak and scared, I was thoroughly disgusted with myself for not having better control of my voice. I could tell Daddy was surprised. As well he might be, I supposed, given that I'd made him take me to the doctor nearly a year before so I could go on birth control. He'd resisted the impulse to ask me at the time, and I hadn't volunteered any more information than I'd had to, but I'd wanted to be on it just in case, rather than out of any actual need. I was no stranger to dating, and there had been two boys who I'd liked enough to allow them to feel me up a bit and slip a hand under my skirt, though neither had been nearly so skilled as Daddy had just proven himself to be. But it had just never felt right to go any further than that, birth control or no. I'd never even reciprocated in kind, which was probably a big part of why neither of those boys had dated me for very long. No great loss, honestly. I was chewing on my lip again, nervous about how Daddy would react to the news, but he just smiled.
“Do you want me to stop?” he asked again, softer, with so much love and devotion in his eyes and voice that I almost broke down into tears. I knew right then, my revelation hadn't changed a thing about how much he loved me, and how much he wanted me... and I knew everything was going to be okay.
I couldn't make the words come out. I wanted to tell him no, that I didn't want him to stop. That I wanted this more than anything I'd ever wanted in my whole entire life! But the words just wouldn't come. The best I could manage was to look deeply into his eyes, biting my lip and slowly shaking my head.
He smiled back at me, lovingly caressing my hip with one hand, and resumed teasingly rubbing himself up and down against my lips with the other. I was already aching for it, and I think he must have been able to tell from my expression, because he didn't make me wait long. I wanted to watch his expression as it was happening, but it just felt so intense! I couldn't help letting my eyes flutter closed, focusing just on the way it felt! He was, as I'd known he would be, extremely slow and gentle with me. My lips posed no problem; they're small and tight, but despite looking like they would be an issue, I was correct in trusting that they would stretch enough, even to accommodate a cock as thick as Daddy's. The ring of my hymen, on the other hand... not so easy. Daddy seemed to know what he was doing though, easing into me just enough to give it a little bit of a stretch, then backing away. He had the patience of a saint, too, much more than I did... but no matter how much I wanted him deep inside me, I forced myself to wait, letting him be the one in control. Finally, finally, he had coaxed me into opening enough for him, and he was able to slide his head inside. With the hardest part done, I finally regained enough control of myself to open my eyes again, meeting his in the mirror. He was so sexy! I just could not get enough of the way he was looking at me, so possessive, so... predatory! It still took a while for him to work himself all the way in, but not nearly as long as that first little bit had taken.
“Oh my God!” I moaned as he finally bottomed out, unable to stop myself from shuddering as I felt the hot, solid heat of his cock deep up inside of me, stretching me out. He was holding still for the moment, hands firmly on my hips, giving me a few moments to adjust as he held himself pressed tightly against my ass. “I can't believe how big you are, Daddy! It feels like one more quarter of an inch, and you'd come bursting out my belly!”
“I can hardly believe you were actually able to take the whole thing on your first try, baby!” he moaned in turn, caressing my hips as he ground himself into me. “And you feel amazing! So tight, and wet, and hot! I swear, it's like you were made for me!”
“Ohhh, I was, Daddy! I was!” I gasped, pressing back against him, and giving him a little wiggle of my hips. “Show me, Daddy!” I demanded. “Show me what it's like to take your big, hard cock, deep inside my tiny little teenage pussy!”
He moaned loudly, and I wasn't sure if it was the little wiggle I'd given him, or the words I'd said that were more responsible for his reaction. Just like I'd never heard Daddy say 'tits' before, I had never said the words 'cock' or 'pussy' where he could hear me. I whispered them to myself all the time, while masturbating and dreaming about exactly this moment, but never, ever where he could hear! It made me feel so wicked and seductive, telling him just what I wanted him to do to me, and using such naughty words to do it!
It's a miracle he was able to restrain himself as much as he did; I certainly wouldn't have been able to, if I'd been the one in charge of setting our pace! But he started out slow and gentle, taking his time, making sure that nothing he did would hurt me. It was only after he had completely reassured himself that I could take it that he started speeding up, tightening his grip on my hips and rocking into me from behind. I started feeling a little guilty at the choice of position, when I glanced down and saw how much he was having to bend his knees to be at the proper height for me. That thought lasted maybe a minute or two, before it was driven from my mind by the waves of pleasure I could feel approaching.
It felt... well, I didn't really know how to describe how it felt, at the time. I knew I was going to have another orgasm, the feelings were similar enough that I could figure that much out easily enough. But it also felt completely different from the lead up to any orgasm I'd ever had before. In retrospect it was obvious why it felt different, since it was all my internal nerves that were being stimulated, with only the slapping of Daddy's big, heavy balls rhythmically sparking my clit. That was a little too much thinking for me at that particular moment though, and all I could tell for sure was that I was about to have a big one. It arrived slower than a clitoral orgasm, like a huge, deep wave in the ocean that's so wide and long that it's already lifting your boat long before you realize what's happening. It lasted longer, too, and it was only Daddy's firm grip on my hips that kept me from throwing myself right off the end of his dick, it was so powerful when it finally hit me in full!
He slowed a little after that, letting me come down as the aftershocks coursed through me, but he never stopped completely. When he sped up again it was to an even faster pace than he'd been using before, enough to send my breasts bouncing up and down on my chest. My boobs are really firm and nice, even if I do say so myself, but they were no match for the force Daddy was using on me. They didn't hurt, not exactly, but I sure could tell they were there, the full, warm feeling caused by their forceful shaking seeming to radiate outwards from my chest, and adding to the orgasm I could already feel building again deep within me.
I had no experience at all with how boys cum, not unless you count what I'd seen on the internet, which I didn't altogether trust. But from the way Daddy was breathing so hard, and how his fingers were digging into my hips, I was pretty sure he was getting close. I knew I was getting close again, but I didn't realize how close until it was nearly upon me, and I started gasping for breath and clutching at the counter top.
“Not yet, baby!” Daddy gasped, and I looked up at him in the mirror in a panic, sure he couldn't possibly mean what he'd just asked. “I'm so close! I want you to cum when I do!”
“I'll try, Daddy!” I keened, scrunching my eyes closed with the effort of fighting it off. It was something I'd never tried to do before, and I was relying on pure instinct to try to figure it out in the moment. I mean, when I masturbate the whole point is to have an orgasm, ideally as quickly as possible, not to get really close and then not have one! But Daddy had asked, and I wanted to be good for him, so I was determined to do as he wanted. Even if it was making me feel like my eyes were about to pop right out of my head with the effort of holding back!
“Ohhh.... Oh God!” Daddy groaned, his hard, thick cock pounding into me like he was trying to drive it straight through me and out the other side. “Oh, yes! Oh! Oh God, yes! Here it comes, baby!” He warned. “Oh, yes! Oh! Oh! Oh, take it, baby!” he grunted at last, the hot, wet, flood of his cum bursting inside of me, finally pushing over the edge along with him. “Oh, God, yes baby!” he continued as I screamed my pleasure, my body twitching uncontrollably as I felt wave after wave of cum squirting up inside of me, filling me completely. “You're such a good little girl! Take your Daddy's cum! Take it deep up inside that tiny little teenage pussy! Take it all!”
I was left gasping for breath, my entire body trembling, Daddy swaying behind me, relying on his hands on my hips to help steady him. I was feeling none too stable myself, but we slowly started to recover together.
“Mmmmm... thank you, Daddy!” I moaned, still shaking with the aftereffects of the most incredible orgasms of my life.
“Thank you, baby! That was amazing!” Daddy gasped, shaking his head in wonder. “You! You are amazing!” He spanked my ass, hard, making me jump and squeal, then squeezed my newly-tender flesh even harder in his hand. I trembled, my eyes fluttering closed with my moan. I understood instinctively from that touch; the firmness of that smack, the strength of his grip on my ass, were just an extra way of conveying the depth of his pleasure with me. He slid his hands up my body, pulling me to stand upright, though of course I had to bow my back quite a bit to make it work properly. His firm, thick cock was still wedged deeply up inside of me, keeping what felt like about a gallon of steamy-hot cum from leaking out of my formerly-virgin pussy. He wrapped his arms around me, his left hand finding my right breast, his right coming to rest on my belly, right over the spot where his cum was sitting deep inside of me.
“Do you really mean that, Daddy?” I asked shyly, my eyes still closed, luxuriating in the feeling of him holding me and kissing my hair. “Even my blowjob? I want to be good for you! You can tell me, if there's anything I can do better! I'll do anything you say!”
“You were perfect, baby!” he said, squeezing and cuddling. “And as for your blowjob... why do you think I had to make you stop?” he chuckled. “I know you were kind of choking there for a while, trying to get it deeper... but you did great, baby! Especially for your first time! Having a dick this size is pretty terrific most of the time... but blowjobs have always been a challenge. Trust me when I tell you, you did better than most. I'm just sorry I couldn't last longer, for your first time.”
“Wait... you don't really mean that was actually quick for you?” I gasped, my eyes flying open again, hardly able to believe my ears. Daddy just looked at me in the mirror and laughed.
“I'll get better at delaying, as I get more used to how amazing you feel... I was expecting you to be more like your mom, and it really took me by surprise how much better you are. You're the best I've ever had, baby!”
“Now you're really just saying that,” I said, unsure what to think. I wanted to believe him... but I couldn't keep the skepticism out of my voice. I mean... Mom had years of practice to get good at sex; I could hardly expect to be as good as her at it right out the gate! Not to mention any of the women Dad had dated in the years since. He'd always kept a certain distance between me and them, until he'd dated them long enough to know if they were worth introducing me to. But as sexy as he is I knew he'd never struggled to find a date whenever he'd wanted one.
“You have no idea!” he continued, a serious expression on his face as he slowly shook his head. “I honestly don't know if I can even explain it. You are so tight, and hot, and wet... Every time I pulled away, I swear, it was like you were trying to suck me right back in again! I wasn't kidding, when I said it felt like you'd been made for me, baby! You can't possibly understand how incredible you feel. It just literally isn't possible for you to understand, without being able to experience it for yourself.”
“Well... you're pretty incredible too, you know,” I replied shyly, at a loss for what else to say. I felt like my cheeks were about to burst into flames, I was blushing so much at the huge compliment Daddy had just given me. “But... you can't really mean that, do you Daddy? That I'm even better than Mom?”
“So much better!” he smiled. “Though honestly... comparing yourself to your mom is not a very high bar to cross.”
“What!?” I gasped, totally taken by surprise. I'd always just assumed... Mom and Dad obviously had their problems, or they never wouldn't have gotten divorced in the first place, but I'd never had so much as an inkling that sex had been one of them.
“She was hot, don't get me wrong about that,” Daddy shrugged, looking more than a little self-conscious at the way our conversation had turned. “She was almost as hot as you are, baby! But as attractive as she was, your mom never really seemed like she actually liked having sex.”
“That's insane!” I gasped, hardly even able to wrap my mind around the concept, after what I'd just experienced. I was also thrilled to hear that Daddy apparently found me even hotter than he used to find Mom... but that was going to have to be something for me to just tuck away in a corner of my brain for the time being, for me to quietly preen about later.
“I always thought so,” Daddy chuckled. “She managed to convince me otherwise, while we were dating, and engaged. But it was barely six months after we got married before she drastically cut down on the amount of sex she was willing to have. And after you were born, well... let's just say I'm surprised I managed to put up with it for as long as I did, before I finally divorced her frigid ass!”
“That's...” I said, at a complete loss for words as I just stood there shaking my head. “That bitch! I am so, so sorry you had to deal with that, Daddy! I had no idea! I swear, I will never, ever do that to you! Ever! I love having sex with you! You can have as much sex with me as you want, Daddy, I promise!” I was actually in tears at learning what Mom had done to him, what she had put him through. Although to be completely fair, it may have had something to do with the flood of hormones I was still experiencing, after having such amazing sex! Either way, he wrapped his arms tighter around me, shushing me and kissing my hair, rocking me in his arms until I got myself back under control. I wanted our moment together to last forever, to have him inside of me forever... but I could feel him slowly starting to go soft, and it was only a matter of time before he eventually slipped out.
“So... I guess we'd better get you cleaned off now. Assuming you're still going out to your party tonight, baby?” he asked, as I was gasping down at the absolute flood of cum that was suddenly seeping down out of my pussy and onto my thighs, now that his cock was no longer keeping it all inside of me.
“Hunh?” I asked dumbly, too distracted by what I was seeing and feeling to have been paying proper attention. God! With Daddy shooting that much cum up inside of me, it was a really good thing I was already on birth control! I wondered how long it had been for him, that he was able to fill me up so much? Oh my God! What if it hadn't been very long at all? What if he'd masturbated the day before, or maybe even that morning before he left for work? Would that mean he'd be able to fill me up like this every time he came inside me? Oh, God, pleeeease let him be able to fill me up like this every time we have sex!
“Your party?” he chuckled, surprising me by pinching my nipple and making me squeak, which he apparently thought was just hilarious. “Are you still going tonight baby?” he continued through his laughter. “Or are you going to make an excuse, so you can just stay here with me tonight, instead?”
“Oh! Ummm...” I said, feeling that danged blush rising in my cheeks again. “I want to, Daddy! I really, really do... but I think I sort of have to go. I promised I would, and if I change my mind now, with so little time before the party, everyone's going to want to know why, and I'm not sure I'm a good enough liar to make something up and have them believe it...”
“Don't worry, baby,” he chuckled again, giving my hair another kiss. “I was just wondering, that's all; you have fun tonight. Obviously some things are going to change... but I'm not suddenly going to turn into some controlling asshole who stops you from seeing your friends, just because you and I are having sex now. But if you're still going out, I think I'll probably try to fall asleep, rather than waiting up. Something tells me I'm going to need my rest! So when you get home, you just come crawl into bed with me and wake me up, okay? I hope it's obvious, you'll be sleeping in my room from now on!”
“Yes, Daddy!” I smiled shyly, my entire body thrumming with excitement at the way he'd just ordered me to join him in his bed later that night! And not just that night, but from now on? Oh my God, I was in heaven!
“Baby... I need to be clear, I never want you to do anything you don't want to, okay?” he said, turning me around and tilting my chin up so he could look directly into my eyes as he said it. “But if it were up to me? I love you, baby. I want to go to bed with you in my arms every night, and wake up with you cuddled next to me every morning. I want to love you, and make love to you, every chance I get, now and forever, for the rest of my life!”
“Oh, Daddy! I love you, too! So, so much!” I sniffled, waving my hands at my eyes, unable to stop the huge tears of happiness that were suddenly running down my cheeks. Daddy swept me into his arms, grabbing me by my ass and lifting me up into the air again so we could kiss without him having to bend down.
“Mind if I join you in the shower, baby?” he asked then, lips still pressed tightly to mine as he spoke through our kissing. “Not that it bothers me even the tiniest little bit... but you definitely need one now; your friends are probably going to ask some really awkward questions if I send you off to your party smelling like sex!”
“I'll mind if you don't join me!” I laughed, lips pressed just as firmly to his as I replied. He carried me quickly into my shower, kissing and nipping at my neck as I struggled to get the temperature right. We played together a lot, but we did eventually get clean. I even managed not to jump his bones again, despite the temptation provided by his cock starting to get hard again as we were drying off together. It was a close thing, but I kept telling myself I'd be getting some when I got home that night, and that promise was, just barely, enough to let me tear myself away.
Daddy made kind of a pest of himself while I was getting ready for my party, which I enjoyed far more than I was willing to let him know. Despite all the interruptions, I still managed to be ready with five minutes to spare before Bethany was supposed to be picking me up. I'd been so surprised when Daddy insisted on me wearing the same dress; but I was finding I didn't actually mind the idea of showing off my cleavage so much anymore, now that he had made me his. I still couldn't tell anyone that, of course... but now, the idea of showing myself off to a bunch of boys my age, knowing that I would never give myself to any of them, and then coming home to be stripped out of my dress and ravished by my Daddy... Well, what can I say? It was really turning me on!
“Now you remember, little missy,” Daddy growled down at me with a laugh in his eyes as he drew me into his arms, pulling my dress up onto my hips and reaching underneath to fondle my ass. “There's to be no kissing of any boys at this party of yours! You're mine, now, and don't you forget it!”
“Only boys, Daddy?” I asked, looking up at him with a laugh and flirtatious flutter of my eyelashes. “Does that mean I can still kiss girls?”
“No kissing girls, either!” He laughed, pinching my butt, making me squeak. “Not unless you're bringing them home to share!”
“Daddy!” I gasped in shock, smacking him playfully on his shoulder, my cheeks burning brightly as I buried my face into his chest. He'd just been teasing, I knew, just a throwaway joke he'd said to make me laugh, no meaning behind it other than that... but it was enough to start me thinking about it. I could never bring home any of my current friends, of course. Even if any of them were okay with the idea of a threesome in general terms, there was no way they'd be okay with watching me committing incest with Daddy! And all my friends knew him by sight, so it wasn't like I could lie about who he was. I could maybe tell Bethany that it would be okay with me if she wanted to try to seduce him the next time she slept over. She certainly wasn't shy about saying how sexy she thought he was... though of course she had no idea I felt the same way! That was the problem, though; even if she and Daddy had sex, I certainly couldn't join in! And if I couldn't be there to participate myself, I had precisely zero interest in letting Daddy be with anyone other than me! No, Bethany was definitely a bad idea... but like I said, Daddy and me, we really don't look very much alike. Only our hair and our eyes, and that's easy enough to write off as a coincidence. Maybe I could make myself some new girlfriends? Ones who would only ever know him as my boyfriend, not my father? I'd just have to make sure no one ever found out how literal I was being, when I called him 'Daddy'. I'm sure I'd have plenty of opportunities, meeting new people at university... and especially if I got Daddy to let me take a picture of his cock, so that any girls I approached with the idea would be able to see what they'd be getting to enjoy if they said yes. Of course, there would still be the whole same-last-name thing to worry about explaining, that might be a little tricky. Unless I just told people we were married, maybe? I mean, it's not like anyone would actually try to check if we were married or not... who does that? A couple tells you they're married, you just believe them, easy-peasy. The only problem would be if someone who thought we were married ran into someone who knew I was actually his daughter, and they tried to compare notes. That would be a mess and a half, for sure. Hmmm... Something to consider, anyways, but I had plenty of time to work out the details if I decided it was really something I wanted to pursue. Maybe as a special present, for Daddy's birthday? I'd have to think about it some more, and figure out how I really felt about the idea, first.
I was interrupted in my thoughts by a knock on the door, and after stealing one more quick kiss from Daddy, and waiting for him to smooth my dress back down into place for me, I was on my way to the party. I spent all evening with people telling me how good I looked, guys and girls both, though it was mostly just the guys who kept ogling my boobs all night. It was actually making me feel really sexy, seeing the way they just couldn't keep themselves from staring, and knowing that it would be Daddy squeezing and sucking on them when I crawled into bed with him later that night. At least, I hoped for some sucking... that hadn't really been possible, in the position we'd used earlier. He'd really liked playing with them when we took our shower together though, washing them over and over again, sliding his hands all over my slippery skin. Maybe I'd push one into his mouth to wake him up when I got home, just to make sure he got the idea? I was totally leaking into my tiny blue panties, imagining all the possibilities of exactly what Daddy would decide to do to me, what position he'd want us to use while he took me... I could hardly wait to feel him pounding deep inside of me, filling me up with his cum again, and then cuddling me tight while I fell asleep in his arms. Or maybe I'd be the one to do the sucking, slipping silently into his bed, easing his big, soft cock deeply into my mouth while he was still asleep. I could almost feel it as I let my imagination run wild, his fingers twirling into my hair as he woke, feeling him growing thicker and harder inside my mouth, pressing against the entrance to my throat as I serviced him. His hands guiding me, teaching me the way he likes it best, choking me on his big, beautiful cock! I wanted to moan loudly around his shaft as he used me for his pleasure, drooling uncontrollably, tears pouring down my cheeks, until he'd finally reward me for my devotion by unleashing his huge, creamy load into my mouth! I'd prove how much I loved him by swirling it around with my tongue, keeping my lips pursed firmly around his thickness so not a bit would be wasted as I sucked his sensitive cockhead, savouring every last drop as I slowly swallowed my Daddy's thick, potent seed...
The party was pretty fun, I suppose, but I was more than a little distracted by all the possibilities racing through my mind, and spent the whole evening just anxious to get back home as quickly as possible so I could start acting on them. The girls all kept asking if it was new makeup, or a scrub, or anything else they could think of that might be responsible for how good I looked, any sort of a routine they might be able to copy for themselves. But I knew the truth... it was love. For the first time in as long as I could remember, I was fully at peace with my feelings for Daddy. And not only that, but I knew now that those feelings were reciprocated! After all this time, I'd finally worked up enough courage to open a door for Daddy, to let him see a glimpse of how I felt about him... and better than I'd ever truly dared to hope, it turned out he felt the same! Daddy and I were in love! Maybe other people would think it was weird, or wrong... but I didn't, and Daddy didn't, and that was all I needed. As for the rest of the world? Well, screw 'em! It was none of their business anyways, and they didn't need to know! Daddy had taken me completely, body, mind and soul; he'd made me his obedient little girl in the way I'd always dreamed of being... and we were in love! I wanted to dance on rooftops, and sing my joy out into the night. The rest of the world could go fuck itself, for all I cared, as long as Daddy and I were in love!