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This is an offshoot from my long series, Ex-Daughter Grown Up, but while writing it as part of that series, I felt it was developing into a new Love I began sharing...
Ladyboy Love, Part 1 –
Sex & Love: Confused
This is actually part of a long series, mostly hetero, but I felt this was good enough to express my desires for something different in a new story: I hope you enjoy as I explore beyond just a man and woman, to a man and a man-who-wants-to-be-a-man’s lover. I am in Vietnam, flying up to an office where we seem to be having maybe some fraud activities by the boss there, and where I have previously had very nice sex with both an accountant from the office, and a housekeeper in the hotel – cousins – but today, this Sunday, I find something more, a taste of the future with another perhaps, one who may not cheat me as most women have….

Sitting in the bar with 45 minutes to boarding, I realized I should call Ping and let her know I would be away for a few days. It wasn’t so early, so I dialed, and she answered sleepily.
“I’m sorry, Ping, you sound asleep! I wanted to tell you I am flying up to Liem’s office now, some problems there, so I will be away for a few days probably.
You feel free to go to the house, do your clothes’ washing or whatever when you get back from your study week, ok, and I will see you when we both get back. ‘Bye em.” I pressed ‘off’ and let her return to a sleep-in. No doubt, she would later phone Liem, her cousin, or Tuan, who worked in the hotel I would stay at, also a cousin of them both, and one or the other would surely be in touch with Yen again soon! My offices and wherever I went was a conduit of news to Yen.
On the plane later, I ate breakfast and made some notes, and walked out of the terminal to find my car – but also Liem waiting with the driver. She greeted me formally as we walked to the car parked close by; once inside, we proceeded to talk about Ping and other matters. I also had the photos to show her, but not here in the car!
At one point, Liem began talking about Anh Duc, but I motioned her to be quiet – that was a subject for discussion in private. We stopped at a mini-mart to buy me some beer and milk, and at the hotel, Liem said she would let me check in, go home to her Mum’s, and come back to take me to dinner this evening;
fine, I agreed, thanked Liem and the driver, and was shown to my room – the same one as last time, naturally!
For reasons I understood, I was tired, so after unpacking what I needed, I lay on the bed and slept. Two hours later, I washed, cleaned my teeth, threw on my home shorts, unpacked my clothes and hung them up, and phoned down for some hot water to make my afternoon caf?While waiting, I took my camera out and dusted it and cleaned the lens, then loaded a new film just as the knock came at the door. It was a young waiter I knew slightly, his name was Bo; he was young, maybe 20-21, and cute, and I was pretty sure a ladyboy, given he had a lovely, feminine face, light make-up, and gentle mannerisms. He didn’t have breasts, but seemed to be working on it as he did have slight mounds under his shirt, and nipples which were poking out.
He was very slender and walked with a nice sway of hips as he brought the thermos to the table. I sat on the side of the bed as I clicked the auto winder to the first frame, and he turned, started “Oh, I thought you were taking a photo of me! Oh, that’s an old camera, not small digital.”
“Yes,” I agreed “old, but it still takes more beautiful photos I think.” The folders of photos of the girls were actually laid on the bed beside me, and Bo spotted them, asking if he could look as he sat demurely on the bed also, the folders between us.
“Sure – but you mustn’t tell anyone outside this room, ok?” I gave him the first folder of Ping, and I went to make my coffee, offering him one or water but he said he was fine as he coo’d over the photos, squealing at Ping and putting his hand over his mouth when he came to her flamboyantly portraying her modeling abilities – against the very same patio doors a few metres across the room. He squealed even louder when he recognized Tuan next, and again when he stared, mesmerized at the final series on one roll which showed the three of them – Liem, Ping and Tuan – in bed, naked together, but I felt so proud I had shot them very artistically.
“Oh, Anh Steve, you and the camera take beautiful photos! Can you take me like some of these?”
He jumped up, swayed to the balcony door and wrapped himself around it rather like Ping, sliding his arms up and down the glass and then down his body. He certainly was alluring, but the light was too bright at the moment, so I motioned Bo inside, had him sit in the chair and look at the world outside the balcony doors; he was good – he had a wistful expression, yet he portrayed beauty in the moment, and I took a few different shots.
Then I stopped (when I felt my cock unexpectedly grown in my shorts) and explained it would be more beautiful later in the afternoon if he could, and wanted, when the light was softer with the lowering of the sun. He agreed immediately, said his shift finished about 4p.m. and if he could come then and wash himself and freshen his looks, would that be ok? I smiled at his enthusiasm and agreed, standing to get him a tip for the hot water; he protested, but I pushed the money into his shirt pocket – yes, there was a definite mound under there I felt – and guided him to the door. When there, he looked down at me, at my shorts; “You like taking my photo, Anh Steve?” He smiled and lifted his hand to lightly graze my cheek with long nails;
“I like to photo all beautiful ladies, Bo, simple as that.” He beamed a smile at me, but almost cried as he ran out. I hadn’t been making a nasty joke;
it was clear Bo felt more like a woman than a man, and I had no problems with that, and indeed: he was more beautiful than handsome, hence my own cock’s response!
I tried, without much hope of success, phoning Anh Duc’s mobile and home phone, which Liem had given me, but as expected, there was only an automated voice advising the mobile was off/out of range, and the home number just rang and rang. Nothing else to do for now, so I drank my cooling coffee as I prepared notes of possible actions to take tomorrow at the office, at the bank and at our lawyers. When I sat back, opening a beer, and turning on the TV for some light relaxation, I realized I hadn’t eaten lunch; never mind, dinner in a few hours, so I flicked channels and found some replays of last night’s football from the UK.
When it finished, I noticed it was almost 4p.m. so I rushed into the shower, shaved and began washing my hair, just as the door bell rang.
I cleared the shampoo from my face, grabbed a towel and ran carefully across the floor to open the door for – “Tuan!”
“Hello, Anh, I wanted to come early and see you; but you had better go back and finish!” “Tuan, you know Bo? He should be coming soon, so you can let him in; I told him I would take some photos – oh, and you can look at the photos, there on the bed, while I shower. Ah, it’s nice to see you Tuan.” “You too, Anh,” she smiled.
I pushed the shower door almost closed, and turned the water back on, lathering, conditioning and washing, and finished. In the midst, I heard the door bell, and muffled talking, and then I was finished and drying myself when Bo opened the door, asking if he could shower also. I was a little awkward as he glanced at my body, towel length-wise draped down my front: are we two men, which is ok, or male-female, which I decided was also ok, so I continued drying as Bo began removing clothes. He said “You aren’t very fat, Anh Steve, and maybe your muscles could do with some refining, but you look pretty good!”
I blushed, and he laughed; when his shirt was off, I saw what he meant; he had defined, very cute boobs, but he also had defined musculature, and was taut everywhere. “You are also certainly not fat, Bo, but you do have a beautiful body;
I think we should highlight that in some photos, ok?” He said “I am in your hands, Anh, anything you want – I would just like some photos as erotic as those of Tuan and those other girls, please!” I was finished, slipped on my shorts as Bo removed his pants and underwear, his back to me; when he stood up to step into the shower,
I had to admire his smooth, firm buttocks, dark brown in colour naturally. He turned quickly to face me – caught as always, I blushed – and he smiled, but he at least spared me further embarrassment by sliding the curtain across, as I returned to brushing out my wet, long hair.
In the main room, Tuan was laying back on the bed flicking through the photos. I took a beer from the fridge, gave Tuan a glass of water, and left her to it as I settled in the chair opposite, watching her. Clearly, she was aroused, constantly crossing and uncrossing her legs, one hand slipping down to touch her body somewhere.
And now I looked at what she was wearing, which hadn’t registered earlier when I was surprised by her arrival.
A short denim skirt, smooth, brown legs laid out below, tiny feet twitching; her top was a pink v-neck cotton, smooth over her flat abdomen, but swollen by her breasts; I knew they weren’t big, but were lovely held in my hands.
She closed the last folder – that would be the final ones in the park behind her staff quarters – just as Bo exited the bathroom, a towel wrapped around as a woman would: tightly, to show a small cleavage; he had applied some face make-up and looked so sweet and cute, and in truth, a very pretty woman, though I assumed he had a man’s penis below.
Tuan groaned as she sat up on the bed, “Anh, those photos are wonderful! You sure no trouble printing them?” she asked a little worried. “No, Tuan, my print shop does them very discreetly for me, Ping has one copy and these are the master sets, that’s all.” “Oh, they have made me feel so hot, if you know what I mean…” “Yes I do, em; they do the same to me.” “And me!” threw in Bo, and we all laughed. “In fact, I could even ‘jump’ you right now, Bo!” flirted Tuan.
An idea flashed, and I said “Well, Bo, you wanted some erotic photos; that sounds a pretty erotic idea to me, after I take some of you at the balcony doors like before; how about it you two?”
In response, Bo dropped his towel; he had a silk pair of thong panties on, the front covering his manhood effectively, but equally displaying it, and he twirled to show the thin straps up the crack of his bottom, beautifully dividing those smooth, small buttocks, and linking around his waist. He leaned against the glass door, “Like this?” he asked. I got my camera, set a chair on the balcony and framed him; then I began my work, arranging the towel around him discreetly, but provocatively. His face was already into the emotions and he portrayed a sexy photo-model easily as I snapped off some frames, re-arranging him as I wanted, holding his hips while I swiveled him into position, and feeling thrilled at the touch wherever my hands rested on his body. I got back to work until deciding that was enough, I directed him to the bed to join Tuan; with the blinds fully open, the light was nice and soft, yet enough without flash, and I said “Ok, you two, whatever you want, whatever you feel, let yourselves feel it, want it, show it – and I will photograph it.
Bo, leave your panties on, they are erotic just themselves! I promise I will only interrupt to hide your faces enough so no-one can ID them, and interrupt to change to my one more film, ok?” But they weren’t even listening, as they faced each other; I pulled the quilt down and screwed it up at the bottom of the bed, like they had kicked it off in passion, and shot them as each smoothed a hand against the other’s cheek, closer; and then when their faces were touching, yet hidden, they both began roving their hands elsewhere, Bo’s on Tuan’s breasts outside her shirt, Tuan’s hands down Bo’s body between them, but hidden – erotic but hidden, all left to the imagination: what is she doing?
I moved constantly, close-ups of hidden faces pressed together, of hands in stimulation on the partner’s body, of hands buried in secret places. I stopped when Tuan rolled back and groaning, removed her shirt; I snapped a shot while she was lifting it over her head, and another as Bo now encased a bra-covered breast. Then my film finished, and as I rewound it and changed for a new one, I also got a beer, and sat back just watching them for a few minutes;

I did jump up to take two shots when Tuan began removing her skirt – it bloomed in my mind that the photos I had taken would look like a montage of seduction, from a clothed Tuan to…to what would be the climax was yet to be framed. I sat back with a cigarette, a voyeur for now, as Bo and Tuan headed further on whatever path they were on. My own cock wanted to join them on the same path, but I shook my head and willed it down as I got back to work as they lay flat back on the bed.
And then I shot as Bo’s hands rested on Tuan’s panty-covered pelvis, and Tuan’s was clearly inside Bo’s own panties: and he had grown, no doubt, under her fingers. As I felt pre-cum leaking inside my shorts, I quietly interrupted them, leaning down over their faces to suggest they sit up against the headboard, so I could get different shots. Tuan grabbed my face with one hand and smashed her mouth against mine, tongue forcing entry and pushing down my throat; then I felt myself pulled away and across to Bo’s mouth for the same. I had never kissed like this before, but Bo was as a woman kissing a man, and it was as arousing as Tuan’s a moment before:
so I kissed back, slurping my tongue inside his mouth, and entwining his tongue in mine for a long, delicious meeting. I eased back, said “My job is to take photos of you two – back to work!” I ordered them upright against the headboard, but then ordered them to swap sides, and for Tuan to remove her bra; she didn’t hesitate, and nipples and breasts burst forth eagerly. No faces, as I set Bo to raise his chest to show his boobs, and he was delighted; and I framed and got two sets of breasts side by side; and then I framed two panty-clad pelvic regions, their hands clasping down their thighs between them: happy lovers it seemed. Legs and feet entwined were the focus of my next shots, and then I had to ask “You want erotic naked, front and rear – no faces?” Bo and Tuan looked at each other, and each removed their panties; Tuan was shaved smooth and bare, Bo was also mostly shaved, and his prick was smaller when released from his panties, but it was hard. I rolled them together closely, not sure what they wanted to do, but for myself wanting to hide them sufficiently so it wasn’t a porno shot.

When satisfied, I took some, and then had Bo spoon Tuan from behind, taking his beautiful buttocks, and reversed to take Tuan’s equally inviting smooth rear and another of their breasts pressing against each other. I checked and had four frames left, so I asked if Tuan could get on top of Bo, and then reversed with Bo in a missionary position, catching Tuan’s breasts flattened out to the side – oh that was nice, I thought!
“I have two shots left, what do you want?” Tuan jumped up, naked and uncaring and came to me, reaching for the camera; “I want to take the last one, Anh; you get on the bed with Bo, and I will give directions until it looks perfect, ok Bo, Anh?”
I looked at Bo, who smiled enigmatically, and did as ordered – “No shorts, Anh!” ordered Tuan, so I sat on the bed and slipped them off, then lay back, but turning on my side to hide my erection, at full size and leaking pre-cum constantly. Bo spooned closely behind me, placing one hand over my hip and reaching to grasp my cock…”Wait!” said Tuan, and she ran over to throw the sheet haphazardly over Bo’s hand, over my prick – tasteful, I thought as a photographer – even as I felt Bo’s fingers gliding through the slickness along my wet cock;
and then I became aware of his jumping penis pressed against my buttocks, also leaking juices. Bo used his left hand, his arm pressed against my back, to smooth my hair aside, and allow him to nuzzle his face against my neck, while his right hand continued to slide slowly up and down my prick under the sheet. Tuan had been quiet, but now she said, almost breathlessly “Ready, 1…2…beautiful!” and the click of the camera vaguely registered in my overloaded brain, as my emotions threatened to boil and burst – where, I had no idea, but they were in turmoil!
“Now, last one; what do you want people – Bo, these are yours, what do you want?” Tuan waited, and Bo considered; “Can I direct this one, Anh – and you will do what I order?” I rolled back to face him, “One more, Bo, yes I can do as you want – romantic and erotic is ok, but no full faces, ok?” He pulled me over to roll on top of him, laying down the length of his body with my own, and naturally two cocks pressed together; I could feel the slickness of pre-cum, from us both I assumed, but there was plenty of it as our cocks jumped against each other, and Bo’s hips rose involuntarily to press up to me, and I couldn’t do other than tauten my buttock’s and leg muscles and press back against him.
“Tuan, put the sheet covering just half of Anh’s Steve’s buttocks, but our legs and feet exposed, and our upper bodies exposed, and then take the shot length-wise, head to toes, ok when I say ‘ready’?” Tuan agreed and covered me ever so slightly, and Bo laid his hands on my buttocks, one on the sheet, the other on bare flesh, and I curved one between us to grasp his nipple, and the other to curl under his neck to lift his face to mine. As my lips were about to touch his, Bo squeaked “Now, Tuan, oh now, now, now…”
And then he thrust his mouth up at mine, tongue extended, delving into my own pressed downwards and opened to him, and his hands clamped with nails into the flesh of one buttock and even through the sheet covering the other one!
God, I had never felt this before, as I ground my hips against him, two cocks jousting like lances of knights of yore, slick and stiff, and Bo used his hands then sliding down to my crack and under me, his fingers getting slipperier by the nanosecond as they ploughed through the juices under us, and he finally grasped my cock and loved it in his hands, as now I turned my own tongue into a sword in his mouth, probing and stabbing him everywhere it could reach –
Even into his heart and soul. And then, moving my hands so I could delve between us and grasp his breasts and nipples and tweak them and squeeze them and hold them, and then he raised his hips and buttocks from the bed under me, and he slipped my cock straight in to his man-cunt; just like that.
I had never been here before, but with breasts under my hands, and what felt like a woman’s vagina enclosing my prick, this was no longer a photo session: this was a love-making time, and I tried to do that.
I made love with Bo exactly as I would with a woman – where was Tuan I wondered, but let the thought lapse as Bo’s hands began stroking my back, from my neck to my buttocks; I slid in, slowly, found a barrier just as I would with Tuan, and withdrew, before plunging harder and stronger once, and I slipped out to the tip of my prick, moving my mouth to Bo’s neck and licking him, taking his mind off to different places as my tip just tickled a few cms inside him; and then I bit his earlobe as I thrust right down and in full-length, and he screamed! He thrashed under me, and his cock, which was locked between our bodies, pointing upwards along our bellies, swelled, and I knew what was coming;
And so I slowly withdrew, but leaned back in to him, pushing my all into him, and I repeated this again and again slowly, nibbling on his mouth and neck and ears, fingers and hands never letting go of his nipples and small breasts.
I was also feeling an imminent eruption, so I withdrew to my tip, teasing him with a sequence of shallow dips, but building after that and I had to do it, as I began long, fast, deep immersions of my cock into Bo’s vagina, until he throbbed under me, his hands dug again into my back and his long nails raked me, and he thrust his hips up against me – and he blew against our bellies, and as he coated us outside, I let myself go and shot my juices right up there inside Bo, this most lady of men I had been lucky to meet. I pulsed several times more at the thought, but Bo was even stronger and he shot great belches of hot liquid between us – youth versus age wins. “Oh, I am dead, or in heaven, or maybe both!” Bo wailed under me, and I leaned in to kiss him, show him he was indeed alive; I did not withdraw, but I bent my knees up under me allowing me to bend my head down between us and slurp up his cum: I loved this from women, so I needed to taste and experience it with Bo.
It was less sweet than – Tuan’s – and salty, but still creamy, and it was the essence of all Life, so it was therefore Beautiful, and I told Bo so, as I laid back down on top of him, wilting inside and giving him shudders even as I spilt the last of my sperm-less semen inside his wonderful vagina. “You are a beautiful lady, Bo; thank you for making love with me.” I kissed his lips, and he hugged me, and it was as nice, as wonderful, and romantic, as with anybody.
Tuan sighed loudly; “Sorry, we ran out of film – but it is all on my mobile’s video! Anh, Bo -that was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen! Thank you for sharing it with me.” I laughed, as did Bo; “Sorry, em, I wasn’t even thinking about you!” “Nor me!” added Bo, as I did slip out with the laughter, and rolled and lay beside Bo, still cuddling his breasts. Tuan pointed her mobile’s camera at us, said “Say you’re sorry!” Bo and I did, then I just relaxed back against the bed and came down from cumming as I had never before, but which was every bit as good as –or, more so? – compared to a woman. It was a question to trouble me, perplex me, make me re-think myself, but nothing could change the fact that I had just had beautiful sex.
I kissed Bo, and rose, kissing Tuan as I went past to the bathroom. Tuan called to me that she was going to Liem’s house, and they would come back for dinner, about 6.30p.m. I turned on the shower and shouted out “ok”, guessing it was now about 5.30.
I shampooed my hair yet again, then washed the soap from my eyes as I lathered my body, water turned off: my save mode. Covered in soap, gently caressing my cock, tenderly feeling and remembering where it had been minutes before – inside Bo’s vagina – and vowing never to refer to Bo as a man, or even ladyboy, again: Bo was a woman, and gave me herself as a Woman.
Before I could turn on the water to rinse, that Woman was inside the bathroom, and standing under the water with me. As I let it pour down on my head of shampoo, Bo was in front of me and she reached her hands up to ruffle my hair, clearing the shampoo out. I had my eyes closed, but when Bo leaned her mouth into mine, I opened that, and let myself twist to lean against the wall, my cock already stiffening as her body melded closer.

Bo continued to let the water rinse my hair, then she turned and I felt her smooth conditioner on my head, and then use her fingers to smooth it through, untangling it to the very ends of its length, then changing to do another section.
Bo turned my body around, leaning it back against her body, my head back to let the water rinse my hair as she gently massaged it and smoothed the water down my back and front. I sighed “Oh, Bo, no wife has ever done this as wonderfully as you; I am confused as hell, but I know what we did was beautiful, and I loved you.”
“A good woman would do this for you, Anh; I am a good woman, only for you, because you make me feel like the only woman in the world, and in my world, that makes you very, very special.” Bo – she – kissed the back of my neck, and I shivered at her touch. Bo was a true woman, feelings and emotions and thoughts and loving as a woman: She was a Woman. I turned my head to kiss her, and then turned my body to hold her and push ourselves together; Bo had a cock, but what she gave me was a vagina, what she gave me was herself: her Woman self. I kissed her on that thought.
Bo was weeping against my cheek as she burrowed her face down against me; I squeezed some soap into my hands and proceeded to lather her from shoulders down, scraping her back – drawing her attention to her own fingernail marks on my bum as a means of distraction, and she laughed and said she was sorry – and I gently smothered her breasts in soap. Bo seemed embarrassed “They are tiny, I know, Anh, but they will grow with the treatments – do you hate them?” “Oh, Bo, no, no ,no…” and I leaned my mouth down to swallow each breast in turn, my tongue licking her nipples into even further erection than the water was doing. She sighed and clasped her arms around my neck, burrowing herself against and into me as close as she could. After some moments, I eased away and continued lathering soap down her body, cuddling her cock as I cleaned it, then wrapping my arms around to smooth soap over her buttocks and down to lather her cunt. She groaned and raised herself on tiptoes, almost to my height, and I plunged a finger inside, swirling and cleaning and heightening senses. I soaped her out and withdrew, kneeling down now as I lifted a foot to rest on my thigh and washed her from pelvis to toes, one foot and another the same. I stood up and kissed her.
“Bo, I can’t offer you much of anything, but what I have I offer to you – and I ask nothing from you. You know I live down south, so I won’t be here often, and when I am here – like tomorrow – it will be for work. But, I hope we can see each other and be friends at least.” I rinsed her off, and stepped out, turning off the water and handing the driest towel to Bo as she also slicked water off her body.
“Anh, I work here, and live with my mother here; and I will be here for you whenever you need me. I have never told anyone this, but: I Love You, Anh Steve.” Bo wrapped her towel around my body and drew me close as she whimpered, and I cradled her head and slurped kisses over her cheeks and neck, and nibbled at her earlobes. “I will be back to you, Bo.”

(End Part 1)


2010-05-13 00:28:32
Very well written. It was easy to imagine what they were doing and picture it in my mind. The story line is very believable. Thanks:


2008-05-30 19:56:46
Too long...

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