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This is my first story, so if it sucks, sorry. Most of this is true, except the last part. (I wish it was, ^. - )
‘Ugh, this is so boring. What time is it?’ I thought, as I turned around in my desk to see the clock. I squinted in the dark, barely able to see. ‘Pfft. 2:04. Wonderful.’ I was sitting in my last block, Health, counting down the minutes until 2:25 instead of watching the movie we‘d been assigned to watch and write a report on. But, I had already seen it a few times, and besides, I never paid attention, or concentrated in Health anyways.

I picked up the blue mechanical pencil sitting on my book, and tapped in on my desk for a few minutes, before the girl sitting across the row from me, Gina exclaimed, “NIKKI! Knock it off!”

“Wow, calm the heck down.” I replied, snottily. I resumed clicking the pencil on the desk until I got bored. I sighed loudly and pulled out my notebook of quotes. I flipped through the pages to a blank one and began to doodle. “I heart Mr. Zimmerman. I hate heath class. Nikki Smith Blah. Blah… I’m so bored. Mr. Zimmerman is hot. I like shoes…” I continued this pattern of random useless sentences for a few minutes and then decided to cover the page in nice little hearts. I drew around 100 of them, and colored them in.

I suddenly realized I had brought my MP3 player with me, and reached into my coat pocket, and pulled out the little device. I put the earbuds into my ears and as I listened to the sad, depressing emo music I had recently acquired, I continued to doodle, and write some nifty quotes down. I set my chin on my hand, and began to daydream. Abruptly, the lights flickered on, ruining my thoughts. My teacher, Mr. Zimmerman, who is in his late 20’s at the most, with his short dark hair, and amazing eyes, strolled up the aisle to his little podium, and leaned on it. Because of this ridiculous new seating chart I was forced to sit in the back, and with my horrid vision I could never actually see what the board work we had to do, was. So I just didn’t do it most of the time. Okay, I’m a liar, I never did it anymore. I did, when I sat in the front, and that was only because my friend Brandie nagged at me to do it.

“Okay, who wants to answer the board work? If 5 people answer you can have free time until the announcements.” No one raised a hand. Then one or two people, the so called smart kids responded. I prolonged my little doodles and sentences completely not paying any attention, until I heard someone call my name. “Miss Smith. Would you care to share your answer since you seem to be working so diligently on it?” I looked up to the front of the board, and managed to look confused.

“Answer what?” I responded, in a bored tone.

“The board work.”

“Oh, pfft, like I did that? I can’t even read the board from here. Like I was gonna ask someone, and then do the work? Not a chance.” I replied, rolling my eyes. Some of the kids around me laughed, and some of the others just looked at me like, ‘I cannot believe you said that…’ He looked slightly startled at my answer, and then walked over 4 rows and down the aisle of which my desk was at. He picked up my notebook, and I tried to grab it away from him, but I didn’t manage to grab it quite in time.

“Well, if you haven’t been doing your work, then lets see what you have been working on.” He turned the page, and began to read the heart covered page. “Nikki Smith. This class sucks. I am bored. Blah, blah, blah. I think---” He stopped short, and coughed. I cringed, knowing he had reached the part where I said he was hot. He glanced at me out of the corner of his eye, and set the notebook back on my desk. “Next time you come to class, don’t bother sitting down if you aren’t going to participate.” He walked back up the row, and back to the board, where he started talking about internal, and external conflicts of the main character in the movie we were supposed to had been watching. I looked up from my desk and noticed two of my fellow students looking at me, I gave them a dirty look and they turned around quickly.

I sat in silence wondering if maybe he didn’t read it, and maybe he just wanted to stop reading. What if he thinks I’m like a sicko? All these thoughts were whirling around in my mind, and kept me so distracted I hardly heard the loud doorbell like chime over the P.A. I gathered my things and tried to hurry off to the door, and just as I was about to step into the freedom of the hallway, a voice called out behind me.

“Miss Smith, please come here.” I closed my eyes tightly and the only thing I could think was, ‘Oh shit. I’m dead.’ I turned around on my heel, and slowly walked back to Mr. Zimmerman’s desk. I was dreaded what he would say. The rest of the class filed out, rushing to the sanctity of their rides home, to be free for the whole next week of spring break. Mr. Zimmerman stood up, and took a few strides to the classroom door, and slowly closed it. ‘Oh god, whatever I did, I am so in trouble if he’s closing the door.’ He walked back, and sat in his rolling chair, and pulled it up to the desk.

“Please, have a seat.” He told me, pointing to the chair across from him. I didn’t move a muscle.

“Look, I have to go and--” I began, but he cut me off, staring at me, with a somewhat commanding look in his eyes.

“Miss Smith. I said, have a seat.” He once again nodded towards the empty chair. I set my books down on the floor next to me, and sat down, scooting the chair a little bit away from the desk in the process, not wanting to be that close to a teacher who was probably about to rip my head off. “Well, why do you think you’re here?” He began.

“…uh, I’m sorry? Here? Because I didn’t do my board work. Right? I mean, is there another reason?” I questioned, my hands fidgeting on my lap.

He leaned forward on his desk, and kind of half smiled. “Nice guess. But not quite the one I was looking for. You see, for the last couple of days, I’ve been receiving some interesting emails, from an account called, K-Zimmerman-Lover-15, at aol dot com.’ and I noticed, on your little notebook there,” He pointed to my notebook on the floor. “that you happen to have the exact same saying that was- I assumed mistakenly- attached to the emails. Now, can you explain this…coincident?” His eyebrows raised at the word coincident.

‘Goddamnit. Way to try to make an awesome notebook.’ I kicked my notebook feebly in irritation. The newly attached cover, with the sparkled silver ribbon outlining, and the words, ‘You were born an original, don’t die a copy.’ was now slightly in disarray, and ripped off the spiral binding.

“Well, now don’t just sit there. Answer me.” he said, in a forceful tone of voice. I was freaking out on the inside, but I tried to play it cool. I crossed my legs, and leaned back in the chair, also crossing my arms over my red ‘Don’t Let The Smile Fool You’ tee.

“I have no idea what your babbling on about.”

“Miss Smith, I am still your teacher, you will address me with the respect I deserve, is that understood?”

“Oh-kay… fine, I have no clue what your talking about, MR. ZIMMERMAN.” I accentuated his name in a mocking manner. In the real case, I knew exactly what he was referring to. My friend Callie and I had been online really late, (or early I suppose) a few nights ago and we had been filling out surveys, and late into this, they got a little excessive with vulgarity, and explicit details. I was really hyper, and I filled one out with all these made up answers, and then Callie IMed me, and this had been our conversation:

“Callie”: OMG! Know what you should do?
“Moi”: No.
“Callie”: I didn’t say anything…
“Moi”: We aren’t sending this to Brie, Jaimie, Meagan, random strangers, Mr. Zimmerman, or ANYONE.
“Callie”: Actually, I was just gonna say you should come over. But that sounds awesome.
“Moi”: What does?
“Callie”: What you just said, you dumbass.
“Moi”: …sending it to Brie?
“Callie”: No, the last one.
“Moi”: Mr. Zimmerman? I can’t do that, I think he’d recognize my screen name seeing as though it says, “NIKKI” in it. Duh.
“Callie”: Make a new one!
“Moi”: Hold on a minute. I’ll brb.
* Nikki has signed off *

A few minutes later I signed back on to AOL and IMed Callie back, this time on a new screen name.

“KZimmermanLver15”: Boo!
“KZimmermanLver15”: You like?
“Callie”: hold on I’m still in shock. Yeah, lol, it rocks. You gonna send him the email?
“KZimmermanLver15”: Ha, I did, lol, I cannot WAIT for a reply.

After that one time, we had gotten a response, which said measly, “who is this.” We both laughed for a while, and began emailing him again with such things as, “why don’t you guess?” or “I’m in your class.” After a few days we realized he wasn’t gonna email back, so we’d just forgotten about it, and just laughed at the fact that we had done it. At that time, Callie was the only one that knew that even though I dissed Mr. Zimmerman around all of our friends, and pretended to hate his guts, I really thought he was pretty hot, and had a huge crush on him. Unfortunately the only problem with our plan was that I had to go and make my signature on my emails the same quote I happened to use on my notebook, that was for his class.

“Miss Smith. I know you know what I’m talking about. I’ve found your notes that you leave on the desks. There’s no need to play dumb.” He stood up, and began to walk around the classroom, “I hope you know you aren’t leaving until you tell me the truth.” he looked at me with an evil look, and then continued to erase the marker on the white board.
I sat there for a few minutes in silence just watching him. He was wearing a pair of khaki pants and a light blue button up shirt. He had a nice physique, from coaching football, and playing basketball. Every now and then when I had left my things at school, and needed to come back to get them, I usually saw him running the hallways with some of the seniors. I reached into my pocket, and pulled out my cell phone, to check the time, because I didn’t want to turn around and leave him able to do something when I wasn’t looking. I groaned to myself, it was 2:40. I was going to be late for work. I needed to get out of here, because I couldn’t be late again, and if I hurried I could make it with like, 1 minute after the clock. I took a deep breath, and then sighed.

“Fine.” I said. He turned and looked at me from the board. He sauntered down back to where I was still sitting, with a huge smile on his face.

“Fine, what?” He put his hands on his sides, and looked at me. I stared right back and stood up from my chair.

“FINE. I’ll admit it. I sent those emails. Who cares? Not me. Now I, have to go. Goodbye.” I picked up my things and began to walk towards the door, when I felt him grab my shoulder. “Ow!” I protested in pain and pulled my shoulder away, causing my books to fall to the floor.

“I wasn’t done with you!” He exclaimed, grasping my arm, and pulling me towards him. I winced in discomfort. He pushed me back down into the chair I had been sitting in.

“What is WRONG with you!? I said I did it, okay? Now let me go!” I tried to get up again but he once again stood in my way.

“Miss Smith, I never said all I wanted you to do was tell me you did it. I already knew that. I want to know if its true.” His eyes glared with intensity.

“If what’s true? The stuff in the email? No. You egotistical maniac. It was a joke, now if you really don’t mind I think you should let me go. If I scream someone will hear me. it’s a school.” I was starting to get a little pissed off that he wouldn’t let me go.

“Listen you little bitch. You aren’t going anywhere, and you won’t scream, because if you do, I’ll make sure you fail this class, and we both know you can’t afford that. Now, do I have your cooperation?”

I looked stunned. I couldn’t believe what was happening. What the hell did I do to deserve this? “Fine. I’m listening. Now what do you want?” He backed away just enough for him to sit down in his computer chair. He rolled it over, and was about 8 inches away from me.

“I’ve heard the rumors, and I seen your notebook. I know you think I’m attractive. There’s no need to deny it. I see the way you look at me.” He leaned closer to me, and put his hand on my leg. It sent shivers all through my body. I tried to hide the fact that I was a little intimidated.

“Wha-- what are you doing? I don’t think you should--” he put his finger to my lips, and I stopped talking. His hand moved up past my knee, and he leaned in and kissed me. I closed my eyes and felt my heartbeat race. It was a good thing I had been sitting down, because I don’t think my knees would have held me up. I got into the kiss, and pressed my lips harder against his. I felt his hand begin to massage the inside of my thigh. I moaned slightly into the kiss. He broke the embrace and moved some of the papers on his desk, and lifted me out of the chair and set me on the desk. I felt like his lips were alcohol, and I wanted to get drunk. I leaned back onto the desk, and he followed me, and his mouth found his way to mine. His hand slipped under my shirt and I felt him begin to rub my chest. His hand reached behind my back and unclipped the clasp of my bra. I pulled away from our kiss, and pulled my t-shirt over my head, and I pulled the straps of my bra down my arms, but stopped, and teased him. He grinned wickedly, and pulled the rest of it down off of my arms and threw it to the floor. I began to unbutton his shirt, as I used my feet to kick off my tennis shoes. I looked up into his eyes, and smiled, thinking, Who cares if I don’t have a job anymore. This is gonna be worth it.

I slowly let myself off the desk, and knelt down on my knees, unzipping his pants, and letting them fall around his ankles. I could see where his boxers began to tent, and I pulled them down to reveal his stiff member. It was glistening with sweat and a little pre-cum. I took it in my left hand and with the other, I stuck a finger in my mouth and covered it in my spit, then traced one of the veins all the way down. I heard him take a large breath, and blow it out. I put my mouth around it and began to slowly move my lips up and down. I used my tongue to flick around the head of his pulsating shaft. He put his hands on the back of my head, and pushed himself farther into my throat. I felt something begin to stir, and suddenly a huge stream of gooey cum spurted into my mouth. I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and managed to swallow it all.



2006-05-10 06:33:12
wow! great story... please don't leave us hanging, write the continued chapter fast! PLEASE...


2006-04-13 21:25:04
i like it continue


2006-04-07 15:51:18


2006-04-07 00:33:49
I love this. Please continue!!!!


2006-04-06 23:17:54
This is great. Please.....send the part 2. thanks. from philippines

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