Collecting Gray Squares ?

Collecting Gray Squares ?



Collecting Gray Squares?

It would appear that I am in the running to win the Gray Square collecting race.

My "Favorites" was bestowed with 59 of these gray trash cans today. Somehow, I doubt these trashcans are not an honor. If my Favorites were cattle, this would be called culling the herd. Personally, I call this collecting, "cow patties." Now I have become the trash collector removing all these cans from my Favorites.

This begins to make me wonder if I should even use the "Favorite" button :
1.When I use it, do I increase the chance that the "Delete Crew" will visit a hard working contributor?
2. Should I just add the mass of worthless videos to my "Favorites" in hopes of deletion in order to improve the site?

My apologies to the greats is I resulted in you also getting a trashcan.

End of rant and best wishes,

Published by Skeuomorph
3 years ago
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About half a year ago, hourglasses were hot trend in galleries. 
I hate them, the "content deleted" symbol! I hate them in my favorites and in my friend's list - I will go and remove them checking several times a week now. I instantly save all video content I love to an external drive. The pictures I will do the same, but more involved. The stories I have no way of knowing if and when they vanish on me. Again my wish would be to have them all in storage, and not to rely on posters to keep there stuff around for us after they leave here.