M the Missionary

M the Missionary

Six hours had passed since the slender woman missionary named simply M had received the fifty lash punishment ordered by the local Mullah for disrespecting Alla by going out in public without a hijab. The crowd of ogling villagers had departed and the unfortunate woman remained shackled with iron cuffs by her wrists to either side of the concrete pillar. The lithe naked body glistened with sweat as it hung with her sinewy arms fully extended and her legs splayed out behind her exposing the labia and slit dripping with sticky opaque cum to anyone passing by like the old men who lingered to ogle her still voluptuous body all the while commenting with obscene handd gestures on the performance of the brutish whipmaster and the three mullahs who fucked her after her whipping as she hung helpless on the pillar.
The events that led to the woman's punishment began a week earlier when M arrived at the village to help the mission society operate a clinic serving the female population of the village. She soon caught the attention of the local Mullah a cruel womanizing cleric who terrorized the women of the surrounding territory. Any woman who refused his sexual advances whether single or married risked being accused of crimes such as adultery or blasphemy and sentenced to harsh punishments. Most were publically humiliated by being stripped naked and then whipped. Most would be divorced by their husband and ever after forced into a life as a whore in order to survive. M was made aware of this and made certain to always dress in very conservative loose fitting garments and to wear a hijab when in public. Unfortunately for M, like many men in her life,the Mullah became sexually aroused by her beautiful face and her shapely body when he visited the health clinic and saw M in more revealing sweat soaked attire that clung like a second skin to her body while she worked in the tepid air of the mud walled building. To satisfied his lust and his ego he knew that he must have this woman as his sex slave.
That evening two large and muscular men dressed in camo fatigues arrived at the clinic and demanded that M go with them. Confused and fearful M reluctantly held out her arms while one of the men placed iron cuffs connected by a chain around her slender wrists and accompanied the men across the village square towards the entrance to the mosque. She was led inside and then down a corridor to a stood before a large wooden door adorned with iron studs. One the men knocked on the door with a gloved fist and a deep bass man's voice from the opposite side spoke saying "Enter".
The door was pushed open by one of the men and M was given a gentle push on the small of her back and she entered the room.
"OH MY GOD!" she cried out at the sight that met her eyes. Standing in the middle of a vast room mosaic tiled floor and scarlet painted walls with gold leaf filigree adorning the cornices stood with his back towards her a totally naked brown skinned man with a mane like head of black glossy hair. She could plainly see that he was short in stature with an obese body thick with flabby fat beneath a coat of black body hair that made her think instantly of a bear she had once seen. Partially obscured by the man's body M could discern in the dim light of the torch lit room a naked woman stretched with her back against an X shaped cross of wooden timbers. Then he slowly turned his flabby body towards M and she gasped audibly when she saw his manhood hanging flaccid ike a brown snake between his legs. M had seen men naked but never would she believe that any man could be so endowed with such a long thick cock.
Then he spoke from a mouth surrounded by a thick unkempt beard of thick black hair saying in stilted English "In my presence all women must kneel and bow head."
M understood and not wishing to violate local customs she fell to her knees and lowered her head to avoid eye contact with the powerful religeous leader. When he spoke again her entire body shivered as the words reached her ears "I am...growing tired of Aliesha and will send her back to her husband" as he pointed backwards without looking at the woman on the cross of wood " I desire you to be naked and as you Americans say ....I want blow job."
"M, please Sir....I am a missionary and only want to help the women and poor.....please Sir I cannot.It is against my religion."
m pleaded as she continued to keep her head lowered to avoid eye contact with the man holding her in his power.
"Any woman refusing the demands of a Mullah by law and custom shall be whipped in public and humiliated by having men use your body for their gratification and then branded as a whore." the Mullah shouted angrily then calmly lowering his voice said "witness the woman Aliesha who being a married woman also resisted my demand, was whipped and now serves me as my whore. She just received a 30 lash whipping for no other reason than I like to see her suffer. Her husband will reject her and she will live the life of a whore on the streets of Kabul before it is your turn to serve me and then when I move on you will share her fate."
M looked up as the Mullah stepped aside to allow her to view the unfortunate woman. Tears filled her eyes and clouded her vision at the sight of a lovely naked full bodied middle aged brown skinned woman hanging spread eagled from the heavy beams of the X frame. Crimson stripes from a recent whipping crisscrossed her large saggy breasts and belly with some extending down over a thick triangular bush of black pubic hair and between her spread legs. Aliesha's long mane of black hair hung down over her face as her chin rested on her chest. She was sobbing and tears rolled down over her welt covered breasts.
M lost all fear and erupted in anger at the sight of a woman suffering for the sole pleasure of the Mullah and shouted "Your a sadistic evil bastard and no, I will not serve you!"
With those words spoken the Mullah summoned his two henchmen and M was dragged to her feet and led outside and then across the village square where she was taken to a brown stone walled building that served as the jail and tossed bodily into a cell with one other woman awaiting sentencing or punishment.
For three days M and the other woman awaited the monthly Saturday when both men and women sentenced to be punished by a whipping in the village square would commence. There was only a tiny window set high up near the ceiling in the cell for light and ventilation As dawn broke and light filtered into the dark cell from the tiny the sounds of the ox carts and the chattering of throngs of peasants from outlying communities arrived to witness the whippings the village came to life. Venders were erecting canopies that hung from the fronts of many of the building facing the square as food and refreshments were stacked on tables.
The men were whipped first on these occasions as the men wanted to enjoy the spectacle of naked women in the full light of day when the sun was at the highest in the clear cloudless sky.
The two women huddled together on the floor kneeling on straw mats that served as beds as the sounds of the first man being whipped filled the air. First there was the droning voice of a mullah announcing the name of the man to be whipped, his crime and his sentence. Shortly after the whine of the whip that sounded like a swarm of hornets as it cut through the still air followed by the explosive crack as it landed across bared human flesh. The screams of pain were almost drowned out by the cheering of the villagers as each whip stroke laid a scarlet bars of agony across the men's backs. The women forced to listen held hands to their ears to soften the shrieks of pain that they knew they too would be making before the sun had set.
Fot most of three hours the whippings continued and the sun had almost reached its zenith when the crowd cheering ended and the hum and crack of the whip had ceased.
The door of the cell swung open and a name was called "Suhanna" by a camo clad man who stood in the doorway. A short plump grey haired woman with large saggy breasts stood up and passed slowly and silently through the doorway which was then slammed behind her. A cheer went up from the crowd of onlookers as the womam was led towards the concrete pillar. M could not see from the cell the woman being fastened facing the grey column formed to represent a man's cock. Her wrists were pulled to either side of the phallus shaped shaft and were fastened to iron cuffs connected to short chains imbedded into the concrete.
A mullah dressed in ornate robe of white velvet read from a scroll of parchment announcing that the woman was a beggar who was caught stealing an egg from the chicken house of a local farmer and would receive ten lashes across her bare back as punishment.
A bald head, bared to the waist, giant of a man fully six feet six inches tall and grossly obese stepped towards the small woman and with his right hand gripped the neckline of her brown cotton dress and jerked it down ripping away the fabric and exposing her bare back which bore the raised white scars of a previous whipping twenty six years earlier for fornication outside of marriage. The men crowding in to witness the whipping began to chant "bare her tits...bare her tits."
The massive obese man gripped the cotton dress by the sleeves and tore the fabric from her body exposing her pendulous mammaries and the crowd cheered at the sight of Suhanna's large hanging breasts.
From a burlap bag the giant of a man selected a long, slender single thong leather whip used primarily for women. Snapping the lash in the air to test its suppleness and to send shivers up the spine of it's victim he stood to one side behind the fastened bare torso woman and swung it with the full force of his right arm which held the whip grunting as it instantaneously reached out like a snake and struck her back with a loud snap sound that echoed from the walls of the nearby adobe buildings.The woman's torso slammed into the coarse concrete flattening her breasts from the force of the lash and then fell back once again. Only a faint whimper escaped from her lips.
The whipping was slow and deliberate with long pauses between strokes to allow Suhanna to recover her breath and footing and to allow the fire like agony to penetrate deep into her flesh and physche. Sushanna did not scream or beg during the ordeal of the first six strokes which disappointed the onlookers and angered the brute whipping her. She would moan and grunt when each stroke cut across her flesh and tears flowed from her eyes and rolled over her cheeks but she suppressed the screams rising from her lungs. On the seven stroke the obese giant moved his body closer and swung the whip so that the single thong struck the side of her right breast cutting a slender scarlet gash across the soft fleshy bag and the tip of the whip caught the brown protruding nipple . The firey agony was nearly too much and Suhanna's stubborn will was almost broken. Her head flung back and as her mouth gaped open releasing a fine spray of saliva and she managed with supreme effort to choke back a scream and then her body slumped on the cuffs as her knees buckled. The whip handler stood back momentarily and bowed low expecting the crowd to erupted in cheer as the woman finally would scream but she did not. Suhanna stumbled in a effort to regain her footing and at the moment she did another whip stroke knocked her weakened body hard against the post as a searing stripe of fire blazed across her back and the side of left breast. The pain shattering her breast sent her deeper into a painless blackness and she did not feel the final two whip strokes. Her body hung silent in the shackles binding her wrists to the immovable pillar. She had endured the ten lash whipping without uttering a scream which enraged the mob who booed and cursed as Suhanna was released from the pillar and carried back to the jail cell. They wanted to hear a woman scream and beg while being whipped and blamed the whip handler.
M watchedin horror as the two men laid the moaning Suhanna on a straw mat and tossed a bucket of water across her welted and bloody back.
Then they turned to M and led her from the jail cell into the sun baked square and towards the column of concrete.
Published by Thx1138ham
3 months ago
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well written description of religious hypocrisy and their victims!  