Holidays a poem about my loathing of the season

Holidays a poem about my loathing of the season


This is a time
For fam-ily and friends
Together to celebrate
I hope it soon ends

The days have gotten shorter
The nights seem forever
I am more selfish
More so than ever

It is a time to share
To give of ones self
To be like Santa
Well, fuck that fat elf

I am self centered
I'm needy
I am inconsiderate
I'm greedy

Each year it seems worse
My imposed isolation
I don't care who it hurts
Whether friend or relation

My life should be easy
Really no worries at all
I do this to myself
This feeling of pall
Published by epic3min4
9 years ago
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You need to keep these coming because I love them. Your wit and humor come full circle. I love the line 'fuck that fat elf' I know I took my sweet time to read these. I am so glad I did. But, now you have to deal with me saying 'when you writing the next poem' almost every time we chat. I want more. You're awesome
I love it :smile:
I'm more constrained than you. I envy you your forthrightness. But I share your sentiments.