National Service Medal Award

National Service Medal Award

I will start off with a bit about me and what I do.

I am a volunteer with the State Emergency Service here in Australia, I first started in 1993. I have worked on the front line at road accidents with Rescue, done Vertical Rescue, been called out to people who needed assistance after a storm for leaking roofs or partially missing roofs, cyclones, floods and flood rescues and searches for missing people. I am also part of AUSSAR ( Australian Search and Rescue) as an Air Observer for searches from the air over land or sea. I've been one for 10 years.
Today I will be receiving my National Service Medal and award for 15 years and my clasp for 20 years. My name will then go onto the National Medal Honours Board. Where I am now, in November, I will be receiving my 5 year award at Regional Awards
Come January, I will be heading into my 25th year with the SES.
Doing what I do isn't easy at times as we do have bad outcomes on some jobs, but that doesn't mean we didn't give it our best as we always strive to reach a good outcome on every task when there's a life at risk.
I have seen a lot of heart ache and even experienced it myself out on the road. I turned a negative into a positive as what I went through will now be used to educate drivers about their behaviour behind the wheel. I will also be starting up a book soon "Through The Eyes Of A Volunteer" so people can understand how things do affect us at times.
If you do have volunteers in your area in any Emergency Service, please take the time to show your appreciation and thank them for giving up their time to make your community a safer place or in times of need
Published by hornyguy43
6 years ago
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Well done. Volunteers are the reflection of all that’s best inin society. Give so much with often little more than the satisfaction of a job well done as the reward.