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Comments from thelittletown

Date Story title Comment
2011-04-18 23:54:52 Just As He Is - EPILOGUE sorry I'm just reading this now, congrats! A great ending to a great series!!

to bad it's over :(
2011-05-28 12:47:36 A Rainy Day_(1) Anonymous readers are not all bad, and this story was amazing, that reader was a jackass, don't listen to him, I highly doubt he could write a story as good as this
2011-05-28 12:49:58 A Rainy Day_(1) Also Mr. Moderator spelt school wrong, so I think you're winning!! :)
2011-06-03 23:43:14 A Clear Conscience love it!! I'm dying to read your next story! And you were right, the opening does make you sound like a tool lol !!

keep on writing!!
2014-01-11 06:09:26 Night Skies_(1) I loved this story :) keep going with it! A sequel would be wonderful