Friends Policy

Friends Policy

There are so many! What can I say? hee hee ;3 My friend policy is to be as inclusive as possible. Sometimes I post a short blurbs to let you know I accepted and sometimes not depending on how much work it is :3~

For right now, since the limit is five thousand, I’m not too overly picky as it stands. However, as I approach the 5000 thousand mark I will become more selective. Once I reach five thousand, I will make amendments to my friends list as necessary.

I hate sending out denial of friends requests, but don't hesitate to subscribe if a friend request is denied! Also my hubbies account is also available for friends requests also.

Friends that will stay will most likely be well developed profiles and people who share the same interests. Profiles without an avatar of some type will most likely be the first to go. I'm trying to give as much advanced notice as I can so that if your profile doesn't match the criteria you'll still be well informed. Please don't take it personally it is just that there is a restriction on the friendship amount.

When it comes to a friend and not just an acquaintance, someone who likes my profile, or some guy just licking for a hole to stick it into, what I'm really looking for is similarly minded females who have found themselves in love with a black man. This category is open to all races, naturally. I'm interested in learning about your experiences in a partnership and how you feel about your relationship.
I realize not all experiences have been as pleasant as mine and trust I don't think my relationship is perfect hee hee ;3 I'm just curious to see how many woman have found themselves eschewing cultural norm for the sake of love. I want to know if there are women out there who feel as I do. That's the purpose of my blog. To find like minded women who feel as I do.

Desiree xoxo

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My Husband’s Profile:
11 years ago
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