Desireeschwarz4bbc's Stories | xHamster

Dirty Spam Girls from Craig's List

You can find these pictures and more at If you see something you like don't be ashamed to fav or like it! Givin’ Daisy duke some of my General Lawrence View this image and more at for interracial erotica go to Did you notice? View this image and more at… Read more

Posted by Desireeschwarz4bbc 11 years ago 2

The Messy Realities of Bisexuality

Choosing to express my bi-sexuality wasn't an easy choice in and of itself but practicing a bisexual lifestyle is even harder. Only stingy men, gays, and straight women don't like the thought of another woman’s pussy in their face. There were plenty of times I got caught staring at women. Sometimes I would get mad for no reason at my husband because I felt like he was paying attention to another woman and I was interested in her. Some times, not all the time but enough times that when I came out as being bi that it was no big surprise to a few members I told in my family or any of my old fr… Read more

Posted by Desireeschwarz4bbc 11 years ago 7

Save the Drama...

I always wondered what white men who were looking at me askew thought as I walked hand in hand with my loving black husband. When I first began composing my blog I wanted to write about my eschewing of unsubstantiated claims and historical inaccuracies that biased me towards an interracial relationship. I wouldn't say I was completely closed off to it obviously, but I knew my rational thought had been altered by these untruths. One of the things I knew had influenced my decision making was that I was concerned that my husband would feel greasy when we were intimate. When we actually had se… Read more

Posted by Desireeschwarz4bbc 11 years ago 6

Desiree's FAQ

Desiree’s FAQs FAQs not STATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The easiest way to deal with things I don’t really want to deal with hee hee ^.^ 1. You and your husband have the same picture. I'm glad you noticed. That's the way we intended it to be so you know who we are and that we’re together. Of all the pictures on the internet, had we have wanted to use different pictures, I’m positive we could have found two separate pictures to use... 2. Is that your picture? No. It used to say that in my profile but no one read it there either. If you want to know where my hu… Read more

Posted by Desireeschwarz4bbc 11 years ago 2

It's no Easy being Bi

Understanding myself and my nature has been the hardest personal journey I've had to undertake. As I've said in previous posts I love my husband and the patience he's shown as I go through the task of unraveling the layers buried deep inside and my true self. He's been completely supportive and understanding of my needs as a bisexual woman. Of course he reaps the benefits and he deserves it! He puts in the work to be with me. He helps me sow the seeds, harvest and grind the grain, and bake the bread. In return as a show of appreciation I enjoy sharing the fruits of our mutual labor. Before… Read more

Posted by Desireeschwarz4bbc 11 years ago 10

Comment Policy

Ohhhh boy! I'm pleased to say I haven't had to delete too many comments in proportion to the amount of profile views I've received. In fact, the amount of comments I've had to delete are minute to none in relation. In general my policy is not to delete comments as I believe in giving everyone a fair voice. HOWEVER! and its a BIG however, Please do not be scornful! I understand the nature of the things I may blog about may be jaded to some degree but to be dismissive, rude, or hostile given the subject is not only plainly silly it's also paradoxical. I see most of these unnecessary co… Read more

Posted by Desireeschwarz4bbc 11 years ago

Message Policy

I try to, at the very least, read most messages. As I've stated before I enjoy blogging on xhamster and finding people, mostly women, of like minded view. Basically women who are interested in black men as more than just objects of sex, but lovers, and fathers too. However, given the circumstances, I can understand the sex part too! ;3 I generally ignore messages requesting to chat, have sex, or other non desirable actions. While its pleasant that you may have dropped a line, the sentiment is understandable but some things just aren't going to happen fellas ;3 protracted "hi" convers… Read more

Posted by Desireeschwarz4bbc 11 years ago 1

Friends Policy

There are so many! What can I say? hee hee ;3 My friend policy is to be as inclusive as possible. Sometimes I post a short blurbs to let you know I accepted and sometimes not depending on how much work it is :3~ For right now, since the limit is five thousand, I’m not too overly picky as it stands. However, as I approach the 5000 thousand mark I will become more selective. Once I reach five thousand, I will make amendments to my friends list as necessary. I hate sending out denial of friends requests, but don't hesitate to subscribe if a friend request is denied! Also my hubbies acco… Read more

Posted by Desireeschwarz4bbc 11 years ago

About Me

I'm happily married to Richard Schwarz, a self published independent author. While he doesn't discuss himself that much, he is a self admitted pornoholic and sex addict. He continuously surfs porn delving into the seedy underworld of erotic expression with an enthusiasm that can sweep me into doing things I never imagined I'd catch myself doing. Its quite erotic. I have an admiration for his enthusiastic and determined doggedness in pursuing his side career of evolving into an independent author. While his stories border on the surreal I find they expose a side of humanity that is often… Read more

Posted by Desireeschwarz4bbc 11 years ago 3

The White Man's Lies, Propaganda, and Bullshi

When I wrote my first two blogs about my blacksperience I realized how angry I was and that sooner or later I'd have to write something explaining why I believe society is pumped full of the white man's lies and propaganda. I just didn't believe I would feel the need to write it so soon! However, due to the incessant whining of some white men, some not all but enough to thoroughly solidify my position, I decided to post this blog a little earlier than intended. To all the other readers out there who enjoy my blog blame whining white guys for why I'm not telling you hot stories about being b… Read more

Posted by Desireeschwarz4bbc 11 years ago 26

How I got Turn Out by Black Cock

Getting turned out is not something that's easy to talk about. Its not because its such a traumatic event, rather its more the sheer amazement of it happening. My body feels different to me. Its as if I finally reached the goal of doing all that a woman can achieve during an orgasm. The first time I had big black cock, which I talked about on my profile, was incomprehensible and I knew at that time that I had been “sprung” as my Husband describes it. In my words I would call it having my boundaries of sensuality pushed beyond my expectations to the degree that I had an acute sexual inter… Read more

Posted by Desireeschwarz4bbc 11 years ago 8

How I Got Turned Out on Black Cock

Getting turned out is not something that's easy to talk about. Its not because its such a traumatic event, rather its more the sheer amazement of it happening. My body feels different to me. Its as if I finally reached the goal of doing all that a woman can achieve during an orgasm. The first time I had big black cock, which I talked about here: , was incomprehensible and I knew at that time that I had been “sprung” as my Husband describes it. In my words I would call it having my boundaries of sensuality pushed beyond my exp… Read more

Posted by Desireeschwarz4bbc 11 years ago 6

My first black cock

Talk about persistent! My husband chased me for two years before I finally gave in to him. The request was always the same, he wanted to put his hands on my ass. I'd never had anyone pay so much attention to my ass before. He was obsessed. He coined so many terms about me and my ass it was way passed crossing the line. I feared he'd get in trouble for harassing me. That's really jumping right into it, there's so much more to the story. I met my eventual husband in college. When I first saw him, I won't lie, I craved his touch and I thought he wouldn't be interested in me. It wasn't b… Read more

Posted by Desireeschwarz4bbc 11 years ago 9