LovesPump's Stories | xHamster

A interesting afternoon

So today was a beautiful day,sun shining, people walking around. The sexy mother's walking around with their strollers, and poppa bear no where to be found. I found myself a nice spot to sit under a tree in the shade, pulled out a beer, a smoke and my notebook. I was in a writing mood, and there's plenty of inspiration around. I sat minding my own business, every now and then I'd see a girl worth a good long gaze at. The thing was that, a very sexy attractive woman walking by slowed and asked, "you a writer? Which I laughed and said"no but I try from time to time " she had sunglasses on and s… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 1 year ago 2

Present moment

I've been watching porn for hours and I can't stop, thing is is that I don't want to stop. I've had this 22 inch pump on for hours and I have one of 3 girls staring at me and playing with herself for 3hours.The longer she stares the bigger it grows,I'm afraid to pull it out. For one I won't be able to get it back on my cock lol, it's soooooo engorged and fat, ridiculously fat. The other reason is it's feeling so good OMFG I love it, should I let this tiny petite girl use it?… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 1 year ago

Question for the ladies

If you didn't know I pumped and you found out, would you like to sit across from me and play with your self as I pump bigger and bigger and bigger?… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 1 year ago 1

Don't brag

You can bench 200 lbs? Nice, can you squat 90 lbs hanging from your cock? Didn't think so,stop bragging!!!… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 1 year ago

Why are YOU here?

I've been nice, empathetic, and encouraging. Yet every time I want to chat, and nothing about sex just get to know someone. YOU just sit there,no response until 2weeks later. Ya keep it to myself, or tell anyone but me. I think I might close this shit down. Seriously, girls, your cute but Jesus, onlyfans is for pornstars not you ya degenerate fuck. Your welcome for some truth… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 1 year ago

Running in to old friends

I had the craziest night… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 1 year ago 1

I gave in :(

My friend with benefits (at least one of them) had me over like usual, her daughter and her friend were down stairs having fun and I was laying watching movies with my, FWB. We watched movies and we obviously fooled around. After we finished I took a shower and we chilled, she was pretty drunk, so was I but after I got up I went down stairs to get a drink and a smoke. As I was just leaning on the counter, I felt this hand grab me from behind,I knew it wasn't the right hand. I didn't flinch, I said " ok you got a feel are you goog" then another hand grabbed me, so I turned around and these 2 li… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 1 year ago 1

Should I??

I've been slowly writing my experience with my close friends, but y'all just want me to get to the dirty good stuff, yup. Well I'll tell some but I think you'll like my weekly schedule it's way better. As always pump be safe and make a woman cum hard. It's the least we can do ? I am impressed by you fresh beautiful girls you make me feel like there's hope out there… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 1 year ago

Continually trying to grow

I recently had to reschedule another doctors appointment for another stem cell therapy session, the reason is because I seem to keep growing. Also, should I finish my "neighbors daughter" story? I know it's long but it's pretty hot, to me that is ?… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 1 year ago 1

My neighbors daughter, more perverted than you....

My neighbors daughter is more perverted than I thought, she came and talked to me about what she use to do when I first moved in to the house I bought. I never thought of this person in any other way than just a neighborhood friend, nothing more. On her 19th b-day she stayed at my house, but it's not what you think. Except for what she confessed, tbh I was pretty shocked by what she told me. Want to hear more??? I'll get back to this soon. So I bought a quaint little house, and I was happy and I had a lot of fun and cool neighbors. Everyone seemed polite and trustworthy, and honestly, I had… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 1 year ago 5

My stories since surgery

Do you want to hear about my life thus far,or, just BS about my day to day.You got until tomorrow to let me know. I thank errrbody opinion… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 1 year ago 2

Pumping for beginners

So your deciding you'd like to try pumping your penis, well good for you it's pretty cool once you get to know how to do it right. First lets talk why, are you small, are you happy or not and do you just curious. If your curious and not that serious, just grab a cheap pump and have at it, just don't pump to hard or you'll fuck your cock up for the GF and you'll just be unhappy, pumping is fun and you should want to do it and not be turned off by it. Happy or not? Well if your not then maybe reading this will help you decide if you should do this or not. It is a lifestyle btw, read more and yo… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 4 years ago 7

Porn bore's me

Porn really bores me, I think I came to a place where I don't need it anymore. Seriously it's just the same shit over and over, suck fuck a hole cum either pussy or face. Same shit. G on G, 2 G's 1 Guy, any of the things you watch, there's just to much.Fake account and people just trying to discover them'selves, all the same shit, so why, what are we doing? What really, do we want? Sex? Sure, but I want good sex, different but familiar. Personally, I believe sex, is gone, much like the C.D. it's done. A past technology.… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 4 years ago 4


So we're in the garage, far as I can remember she was in the kitchen and I walked in to grab a beer and as I opened the fridge door, she whispered "Can I talk too you". Of course you can so I widened my eyes towards a hall way, and as I went to ask 'what do you want' and turned around, she put her finger over my mouth and pulled me in the garage. I grabbed her ass, and it was so soft and so sexy i almost bust a massive load, she grabbed my shorts button and I raised her up flipped her over and just started to pull her skirt off. I spread her legs and ass and started to lick. I started to try… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 4 years ago


So the other night I had a friends over and we all had a pretty good time just playing cards and having a few drinks. One of my lady friends asked if it was alright if her sister came over, which is fine by me, the more the merrier. My friend Samantha is incredibly hot, and I'm blessed to have had some of the best sex of my life with her, which was the plan for the end of my night after everyone leaves. Play cards, have a few laughs and just run out the clock, (sports fans will get that reference) lol. What I didn't know was just how sexy this girls sister was, cause she had showed up with 2… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 4 years ago 2

Who's real, and who's fake?

Okay this is what I hate, which of these profiles are fake? Or, are they both fake. The girl is super hott either way, but Emmy has been here way longer. What is your thoughts on this?… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 5 years ago 2

Please tell me your thoughts

Alot of pics and videos r being posted but are they really sexy? Maybe for the moment but why aren't we going out more and making these fantasies come true? MEN! Go out and seek these woman, being here we know they exist, go out respect but be sexy, its your turn to be sought after, woman are so horny, and so are we. MATCH. So go, make a move if it doesn't work, no worries theres always some one out there that will drop for you just be manly, that is hold your head high and don't be distraught by being denied, you never know, it is sexy to know your not bothered right :)… Read more

Posted by LovesPump 5 years ago 4