Nacmacfeegle's Stories | xHamster

Wild Sunday night my brother came to my bedroom

I had my Sunday night bath and went to bed with a book. It was deep into winter and the skies were dark by 3pm , and somehow in my little room lying there listening to the wind and rain, howling outside, made everything feel safe and secure, and lying naked under my duvet, warm and cosy. My windup clock on the wooden chair, that I had alongside my bed, read 21:25, and my eyes fell upon my cigarettes, lighter and ashtray, should I have a last draw, or try to cut back as I always promised myself? "Fuck it", I thought, "a quick ciggy then sleep", and I sat up and let the duvet slide off my nake… Read more

Posted by Fridagirl 2 years ago 25

Bi sexuality and other things that turn girls on

I knew my husband was bisexual before I married him. To be honest, I thought it kind off sexy at the time, I mean what woman wants to enjoy that kind of spectacle, the reverse scenario for a man with a bi-wife is hot if the wife has a good looking girlfriend, right? One day I arrived home and found a car parked in our driveway, a car I did not recognise and when I went into the house I could hear men's voices upstairs. I froze for a moment, my mind racing, were they lovers and I could feel my heart start to pound in my chest, was I going to walk in and catch two men fucking? I went somewhat… Read more

Posted by Fridagirl 2 years ago 12

My News 11.22.2021

So to keep with the theme of trying to become a Super Ménagère as per Yesterdays post. I have been thinking about something to do with the upcoming Holidays here. Now, They do not celebrate Thanksgiving in Kenya (except Ex-Pats and others from the US or Canada) And I do not mind missing out on having that at all. I do miss the NFL and only see games on the Intermess later, Oh well !! What I have in mind to do is shake up Christmas in this household quite a bit (make it more Fun). I plan on inviting about 20 -25 people for Christmas dinner and do almost all of it Myself. That to Me is quite… Read more

Posted by AmelieRMoreau 2 years ago 5

My News 11.23.2021

So Let's start the Holiday Fun Now !! Advent, 2021 will begin on: Sunday, November 28 and will end on Friday, December 24 Advent, from Latin, "Adventus", which means “Coming”, ("Cumming", HaHaHa...... !!), in the Christian church calendar, the period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas and also of preparation for the Second Coming of Christ. In Western churches, Advent begins on the Sunday nearest to November 30 (St. Andrew’s Day) and is the beginning of the liturgical year. In many Eastern churches, the Nativit… Read more

Posted by AmelieRMoreau 2 years ago 7

My News 11.24.2021

So in the spirit of My last Posts I will continue !! Not Much explanation necessary !! My Pink and Swarovski Crystal Santa Set After the Holidays, Santa comes to stay with Me for a Few Months in Upstate NY (The weather here, as opposed to the North Pole, is like a Beach Vacation) Rolly, Polly, Old Fucker ready to Rock and Roll ( More Cushion for the Pushing !!) Please do not tell Ms. Claus about Our Affair !! Cookies or Me ?? Turn Like This ?? Deco… Read more

Posted by AmelieRMoreau 2 years ago 7

My News 11.14.2021

These are some more Photos of Me, just before I am to do Rehearsals and Stand in work for Vixen Films Limited about 2 Months ago At My home in Upstate NY These were the Next Day after My post of 11.13.2021 I am not in the Video at all Again I did hours of Sex scenes over and over, while They kept changing Camera angles and Lighting to see what worked best All part of My contract with Vixen Films Shot on an Cell phone and this time around the lights were a little brighter, but the Studio lights were not on. So the pictures are still somewhat grainy or not very detailed No stockings thi… Read more

Posted by AmelieRMoreau 2 years ago 13

Another interesting night

He's 16 years my senior, he's sweet, sensative, charming, but vanilla. His idea of kinky/pushing limits is spanking me. He's awkward and often times, is so busy second guessing himself, he can't even enjoy what I want to do for him. He finds comfort in over compensating with his mouth (which is fantastic!) or with a toy. It was time to set him on edge. The first thing I did this Valentine's Day was surprise him while we were out to lunch. He picked me up from work and took me to my favourite chinese place. I sat down next to him in the booth. It was about two o clock, so we were the only o… Read more

Posted by BadSavvy 11 years ago 8