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Comments from bigdaddyg123

Date Story title Comment
2014-02-11 10:04:14 Jason's Little Family:The Beginning Chapter 8 "Jason's Little Family: The Beginning Chapter 8" - Jason, Karen and Nancy Carter - (Father and Daughters)
2014-02-11 10:26:02 Jason's Little Family:The Beginning Chapter 8 "Jason's Little Family: The Beginning Chapter 8" - Jason, Karen and Nancy Carter - (Father and Daughters)

The Carter family, Jason and thirteen year old Karen and eleven year old Nancy are now without their virginity and VERYwilling to expand and build upon the start of the Carter Family Incestual Dynasty. Both girls, with the intensive training and encouragement of their seven months ago deceased mother Elizabeth, are determined to become pregnant!! Their father is weakingly discouraging them, insisting on using a condom; the girls despise bareback fucking!!

Jason is so damned lucky--he should be thanking The Almighty every night for the blessings bestowed upon him (and his deceased wife) for the gift of Karen and Nancy--and their determination and insistence on being his complete and total incestual lovers, and to bare him many children, loving him totally without any reservations!! Let's get it on!! Go Karen! Go Nancy! GO Girls!! Jason...get with the fucking program!!
2014-02-11 10:48:03 Jason's Little Family: The Beginning Chapter 9 "Jason's Little Family: The Beginning Chapter 9" - Jason, Karen and Nancy Carter - (Father and Daughters)

The story is beginning to get SLUTTY, down in the gutter, and hardcore, deviant pornography!!

The story series appealed to me specificaly for the genre aspects of father and daughter(s) dedicated family-only incest and pregnancy!!
One whole chapter almost totally pertaining to shit fucking is not my bag!! I'll read one more chapter...and it just might be the last one I read--unless I see it veer back to the original intent.
2014-02-11 11:21:17 Jason's Little Family: The Beginning Chapter 10 "Jason's Little Family: The Beginning Chapter 10" - Jason, Karen and Nancy - (Father and Daughters)

Pleasantly surprised...we are now back to a "family oritented incestual and baby-making context"! Jason and the girls are just as pleased as I am--gleefully so--that Jason now is on a quest to impregnate both girls

My fervent hope which would be disgustingly awful, if Jason (through the writer's auspices) even remotely considers having his daughters become "baby factories", and giving up their children--his, Karen's and Nancy's babies--just for the illicit purpose of keeping his girls pregnant. They MUST KEEP EVERY BABY born with Carter blood DNA, cum, cervix and birth canals!!!!!

This is a veyr good chapter of basic love of familial fucking. We now need some family compassion, honor and commitment!!
2014-02-11 11:49:34 Jason's Little Family: The Beginning Chapter 11 "Jason's Little Family: The Beginning Chapter 11" - Jason, Karen and Nancy Carter - (Father and Daughters)

Finally, the culmination and consummation of his two young girl's pussies; maybe--after all the precious, fucking time Jason's has wasted--he can now impregnate one if not both Karen and Nancy!! Lots of valuable time spent, never to recover, because of the stubborness of the father! We wish the girls well, and congratulations!!