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Comments from bigdaddyg123

Date Story title Comment
2014-03-07 16:50:56 COUSIN'S FARMYARD FUN "COUSIN'S FARMYARD FUN" - Barbara, Christina, Partner, Brad, Lightning - (Cousin, Cousin, German Shepherd, Farm Hand, and Stallion)

The story is a good reading "gait" and well written. There's excitement for Barbara's first two weeks on Christina's farm; the 22-year old Barbara had only one prior sexual encounter and is past due to awakening her sexuality!

Two things: 1) The actual fucking climax is a long time developing; and 2) there is no way Partner continually eats Barbara's cunt without fucking her! Barbara, nor later Christina, is never fucked by the dog!!

The cousin's have lots of sexual sating on Christina's farm--Brad's big male 10-inch dick, the dog IF the girls ever decide to be dog-fucked, and the horse's stallion cock!!

A great story in epic style! Brad's near-rape of Barbara is a downer; the rest of the story is almost romantic, with gusto, passion and caring!
2014-12-30 07:31:08 A secret brother and sisters secret romance "A Secret Brother And Sister's Secret Romance"- Twenty-two Year Old Brother Sean and Twenty Year Old Sister Mary.

The good news, the story context and theme is of fairly good quality. There are minimal grammatical errors.

The writing format, structure and construction are lacking in many areas. The story is too short, probably because details and descriptions are lacking in quantity and volume! Paragraphs are necessary, by using about five sentences for EACH paragraph and/or the changing of the thought processes or using more quotes of conversation to break into paragrpahs.

The most valid subject that is missing is no insight into the second pregnancy of sister Mary, and the secrecy leading to or causing her to get pregnant the second time with someone other than her brother Sean!!! Why did she get pregnant the first time with her eight year old daughter Sarina Marie by someone else?? So much information is missing that even the reader's imagination can't overcome!
2014-02-10 20:42:19 Jason's Little Family: The Beginning Chapter 6 "Jason's Little Family: The Beginning Chapter 6" - Jason and Karen Carter - (Father and Daughter)

The great expectations teasingly continue to appear, palying hid-and-seek, and titillating this reader's phyche and fantasies! Young, nubile and very mature-for-her-age Karen continues her cat and muse with her father to get her pregnant, per her deceased mother's wishes to start their Carter Family Incestual Dynasty!! Karen feels sure she's pregnant, or as sure as any woman knowing her body, but her father Jason has no idea that she just might be bearing his first grandchild!!
2014-02-10 18:37:26 Jason's Little Family: The Beginning Chapter 2 "Jason's Little Gamily: The Beginning Chapter 2" - Jason and Karen Carter - (Father and Daughter)

The story is like bees being drawn to honey...I'm affectionally drawn to it!! The story has more thrill and fantasy to me than the first reading of several weeks ago. It's like rooting for one's favorite sports star(s) to be the eventual winner, with the impending results of Karen being now pregnant due to the encouragement ofr her now deceased mother!! Go Karen, GO!!
2014-02-11 10:04:12 Jason's Little Family:The Beginning Chapter 8 "Jason's Little Family: The Beginning Chapter 8" - Jason, Karen and Nancy Carter - (Father and Daughters)