CheriAmor's Stories | xHamster

3 old men and a Sissy

I live on an island that is not your typical beach town. Limited development due to preservation provides lots of good hiding spots, one in particular an observation platform that used peer over the tops of trees onto the beach but is now overgrown and there's nothing up there to see but trees. It's my favorite place to go work on my bikini tan if I don't have much time or am trying to avoid laying in the sand. virtually nobody ever comes up here as it's a large flight of stairs for basically a wooden platform with a bench and zero shade. Well I thought nobody goes there...... I had given look… Read more

Posted by CheriAmor 5 years ago 8

SUN on my TITS Quarterly Newsletter

My dear beautiful friends.... Just want to say I'm sorry that my content has been so slow and scarce lately. I have not slowed down one bit, if anything doubled up on how many projects i'm working on at once (which is at least ten and the majority are for you guys). Also I am FINALLY working with a decent camera so I'm sure I'll lose half my followers given the chance to see me in more pornopixels you might realize I'm not all that cute after all...but for those of you that like mediocrity don't worry because If I stopped taking video right now I still have enough content to work with that I'… Read more

Posted by CheriAmor 5 years ago

The way it is..

Metaphorphosis is not porn. Metaphorphosis is not art. My eccentric and metaphorical tones are in essence who I am and what I deliver whether I'm cleaning my house or making videos. For some of you there's just not enough porn out there so you feel like you need to siskel and eibert my shit so I am gonna give you a taste of it. The content I put out isn't meant for idiots....It just isn't. I sell the same shit that I smoke. I don't need to see a penis penetrating a vagina to compliment my feelings of arousal. The reason my content is so tame is because it allows room for the viewer, that would… Read more

Posted by CheriAmor 5 years ago 2

Maybe my opportunity to make a difference

I wrote a very angry email to xhamster after seeing that a video i was very proud of recieved only 50 views after a day of being published when normally with the total number of subscribers I have if made a video about watching paint dry I can count on 1000 views when properly categorized. We are asked to choose from 5 tags when we upload a video and given my options available I choose the ones that I know will not be misleading no matter how you look at it. I am not trying to bother the people that run the site or change the whole world's opinion of transgendered people. I ask that anyone who… Read more

Posted by CheriAmor 6 years ago 3

Dr. Cheri Horny Self Help & Rainy Day Fun

In this vast sea of information we know as the internet I have from time to time managed to have questions that will render a search engine useless. For instance, when searching for information on surfing or KISS, the key words always seem to be geared towards kissing or surfing the web making it hard to rock and roll all nite or buy surfwax online. Well just suppose it's a rainy day and you are bored, single and horny. Try searching for a way to spice things up a bit other than masturbating. Generally you will find most results are directed towards couples (this also ties into my porn addicti… Read more

Posted by CheriAmor 6 years ago 3

Amormoirs, Mammary Lane & Dopplebangers

I have been intending on sharing more of my experiences, fantasies and things that I enjoy with all of you here. Unfortunately my mind won't allow for much simplicity so I have to come up with a way to do things in a poetic fashion or I just won't do them. I found the much needed inspiration at a Bodega store in the form of a magazine. Yes in a vast ocean of free internet porn I paid for a magazine as I still do from time to time. There's just something about having something physically there that gives a certain allure that a file folder just cannot duplicate. I do feel very fortunate to have… Read more

Posted by CheriAmor 6 years ago

She-Man and the Baters of the Universe Intro

Behold...I am Cheri and those of you that were lucky enough to get my christmas card already know Quadralina. Sober we are but mere gooners but twacked out we are She-man and Goonerbelle. We are embarking on a session anointed by Hannah the High Gooness of Boobylon to retrieve our Tittybater which has the power to protect Xhamstria from the corruption of the Pillow Witch and her army of Edgers that reside in Cornnub Castle. I have been dubbed Sir Ma'am Cheri the Porn Wench. I only seek the finest and bravest to join me in my co… Read more

Posted by CheriAmor 6 years ago

Are You a Gooner? Take the Quiz!

It's goo season again so have you had your checkup? I'm Dr. Cheri O.B.G.O.O.N. and my practice is goonocology. Are you aware that 4 out of every three people is at high risk for being a gooner? I bet you aren't. Well I am conducting a simple exam that is covered by most healthcare insurance with no premiums or penalties for nonpayment because, well, I don't get paid for my services. Because you are reading this you are more than likely a gooner which is great because you are at least somewhat open to the truth. Please answer the following questions truthfuly and based on your answers I can dia… Read more

Posted by CheriAmor 6 years ago 6

"Porn Addiction" Propoganda

The word "porn" is no longer just used in reference to content of a sexual nature. Thanks to the internet we now have info porn, fear porn, etc... Reading articles/watching clips exposing the illuminati, do-it-yourself hacks to save money, or just plain gossip can be quite entertaining and educational as long as you don't trust EVERYTHING you see on the internet. I even found myself on an info porn binge reading about addiction to sexual porn and to be honest could not find one tangible fact that it even exists beyond one person's opinion to another. One doctor even claimed that by clicking so… Read more

Posted by CheriAmor 6 years ago 4