TrainU2serve's Stories | xHamster

Slave #2 - Pain Slut Lynn

If you read my first post, you know that I lost my first slave (my dear wife) after less than 4 years of marriage. If you didn't know this - why the hell are you reading this post now? Seriously, who starts a story in the middle?!?! Go back to the first post and get the relevant info before starting this one. Anyway - My wife and I met a wonderful young lady while in college. She was my wife's (then gf) roommate for a year in school and then became my wife's Maid of Honor at our wedding. Her name was Lynn and she was 2 years older than us. When she graduated with her undergrad, she stayed at… Read more

Posted by TrainU2serve 2 years ago

My Experience: Slave #1

Many times over the years, I have chatted with people (typically submissive women) who ask me for advice of the D/s lifestyle. I repeatedly end up writing the same life story over and over and over and probably should have just created this post years ago, but never got around to it. However, I was recently inspired to write this because of a new friend and I hope that this will be instructional as much as it is informative for people. I am always willing to share my knowledge with people, so fee free to ask me anything and if I don't know the answer I will make something up that sounds reaso… Read more

Posted by TrainU2serve 2 years ago